All Chapters of Dark and Divine!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
95 Chapters
41. Separated!
Author's POVGrace looked at Dominick who was sleeping peacefully. His hold was strong around her like she would disappear. She couldn't even move in his hold, he was literally holding her captive. She couldn't sleep all night thinking about the possibilities. After the death of Vladimir's man, he sent another one to allure Grace. The only motive was, get her out of the guarded mansion so they can take her. She glanced at the clock, half an hour was remaining to meet that man, who's going to tell her about her family. She wants to meet him but she is also scared, what if he hurts her. But he was right, Dominick knows about her family and she knows that if he doesn't want to tell her about it then there is a big reason behind it. She needs to know the truth but the way Dominick is holding her, it's impossible for her to even move. She tried to remove his hand from her waist and His eyes snapped open. "What happened?"He asked in his morning voice.She gulped knowing that she has
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42. Saved or separated!
Author's POV"Grace!"Vlad rushed towards the Grace who was battered in her own blood. He knelt down and held her in his arms. "I fucking told you not to shoot, she was in the car..."He growled at his men angrily."If anything happens to her, I'll skin you alive...""We are extremely sorry boss... We were just trying to stop the car..."One of them apologised. They were shaking in fear after his warning. Michelle looked at the girl who was literally wet from head to toe in her own blood. She was looking lifeless and he was scared about it. He knelt down beside Vlad and grabbed her wrist. "We need to take her to the hospital... She is critical..."Michelle checked her pulse.Vlad nodded and hurriedly picked her up in his arms and carried her towards the helicopter. He ordered his men to kill Dominick before leaving. His men searched Dominick's car for any important documents. They placed some random girl's dead body in his car who was already dead and set Dominick's car on fire.
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43. Challenges!
Veronica's POV"Vlad!"I tried to push him away while laughing. He is such a monster."Stop, please...""I love it when you laugh..."He tickled me again. "Stop!"I grabbed his hands and sucked for a breath. He smile."Okay, get ready I'll drop you...""Okay!"I kissed his cheek. I was about to turn around when he grabbed me by the waist."You do all these sweet things still you don't want to accept that you are in love with me."He asked amused. I can feel my cheeks heating up."We are getting late..."I blushed.He sighed. "No woman has ever treated me like this..."He let me go."Treated like what?"I asked."Treated like she don't care but cares about me... Like she doesn't want me but she does want me ..."He smirked."Like she doesn't love me but she does...""I'll get ready..."I chuckled and I heard him groaning. I love to tease him. It's been months, Grace has recovered from the Coma but as expected she has lost her memory. I can bring her memory back with medications
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44. Confessed!
Veronica's POV"He really loves you!"Grace said while stabbing in her meal. No matter how much she resists, she has to finish her food. "Says the woman who doesn't know her own brother..."I rolled my eyes."Dude, it's so obvious... Even I can tell... And you love him too."She forcefully stuffed her mouth."Why don't you confess?""Because... Because it's little___"I sighed."What do I say?""Just go and tell him that you love him... Simple!"She shook her head. "It's not that simple... You don't know in what situation we got married..."She doesn't know the whole thing but It's safe to say this much."Whatever the situation was... Now you two are together... Fuck it and get him."She shrugged."He is hot! At least you will get a good meal every night"She winked naughtily."Who is teaching you all this.."I looked at Bobo, who just winked at me while blowing on his fresh painted nails. He is here to take care of her and he is teaching her all this? "Just go and confess!"Grace
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45. Go and watch!
Author's POVVera jumped in happiness when she saw all the necessary machines in the hospital. She was trying so hard to get it and it took just a night for Vlad to bring it all. "Ohh, Wow!"Mila said amused."Men in love... I must say...""Mila, do you have any idea how happy I am... Ryaan can walk now!"She engulfed her in a tight hug. "Then you should thank him.."Mila said."But where is he? I haven't seen him since morning..."Vera said."He must be in his office..."Mila drove her to his office.Vlad was busy at work, he was in a meeting room. Vera hesitated before entering and everyone looked at her. "Dismissed!"Vlad said keeping his eyes on her. Everyone walked out of the room leaving them alone. "What happened? Are you okay?"Vlad stood up with a concerned face.Vera ran towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug."Thank you, Thank you, Thank you sooooo much...."She kissed his cheek with a huge smile.Vlad chuckled."Wow! But why?""Because of whatever you did for R
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46. Lucky Charm!
Author's POVVera let her angry tears slip as she drove back to the hospital. Zen was right, she doesn't use her brain when it comes to feelings and that's why people use her. Zen did it and Vlad did the same. It broke her when she heard the truth. Her heart is broken. All dots are connected now and she understood why Vlad was so nice to her, why he didn't hurt her when she was trying to escape, why he made her fall for him, why he was faking all those things. Everything was crystal clear. She almost crashed her car with her rough driving and banged her head. "What are you doing, woman!... Go die somewhere else..."One man yelled at her. She ignored him, her head was throbbing but still the pain inside her heart was intense. She ignored everyone and drove back to the hospital. As soon as she entered her cabin she locked the door and screamed in frustration. "Why?"She cried out loud."Why it has to be me all the fucking time.... Why?"She broke all the things kept on her desk.
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47. Silence before the storm!
Author's POV"Wear this one..."Vlad took the gown from her hands which she was going to wear and handed her another one, which was red and has a royal look. "I want you to look like a queen..."Vera didn't say anything, she just took the dress and got ready.Vlad got ready too and looked at her stunned when she came out of the closet. She was really looking like a queen.He walked towards her with adoration in his eyes and pecked her lips."You are stunning, my love..."Vera gave him a fake smile and he led her out. She was silent the whole ride and Vlad noticed it. "What happened, Wife"She has started hating this word. "How much does it matter to you to become a king?"She asked."A lot... Those people have destroyed my life, my mother... They humiliated my father his whole life and they need to pay for it..."He answered and gently pulled her on his lap. "What's bothering you?... Is it about Ryaan?"She nodded not wanting to confront him yet. He gently kissed her cheeks."H
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48. Truth of her life!
Author's POVVera refused to let her tears fall. She recalled the day when she heard Vlad's conversation with Igor. She was anxious after whatever Zen told her. She wanted to trust Vlad but her past experience wasn't good. When she reached Vlad's study room she saw him with Igor, she didn't even want to know how Zen knew that they would be there. Only two of them were there so no one stopped her."Why did you call me here?..."Igor asked while looking at Vlad's collection of books. "The thing is you came!"Vlad crossed his legs with a mischievous smirk. "You are that man whom I can't underestimate... What is it, Volkov?"Igor sat in front of him. "You know what I want."Vlad poured a drink for him.Igor accepted the drink and leaned back."You know it's impossible... I can't make you the King when you are an illegitimate child. Liliana being my first born and biological child deserves the throne...""What if I have a valid claim?"Vlad smirked."You don't!"Igor clenched his jaw
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49. New beginning!
Author's POV Vlad stood in front of Vera silently when she grabbed his collar. "I loved you, Vlad... Forgetting everything."She spat hatefully."After how you purchased me, how you locked me inside the house like an animal, how you dragged me to the aisle... I forgot everything and loved you... What did I get in return?"She released him with a jerk. "I was a fool to even believe in you... To believe that something good can happen in my life, it was an illusion... You had a selfish motive, that's why you didn't hurt me physically, you didn't punish me for trying to escape because you wanted to make me fall for you...""Still you didn't ruin it?"He asked. She had all the chance to say no when Igor asked her about Vlad. She had all cards in her hands still she decided to go with Vlad's claim. She smiled bitterly."Take it as a return of the favour, It was for your own reasons but still you helped me to complete Ryaan's surgery... I don't want any favour from you..."She gritted."
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50. Entangled mind!
Veronica's POV "This is so cool..."Ryaan exclaimed. He looked around happily. "It has a balcony too""Isn't it beautiful"I closed the door of an apartment. Thankfully I got a beautiful apartment within reasonable rent. It has two bedrooms, a cute small kitchen and spacious living room and awesome balcony which is much needed. It's been a week, I was staying with Mrs. Larson until I find an apartment where I can take good care of Ryaan. This apartment is near the hospital so it's convenient. Ryaan is showing positive progress, He can stand on his own now. I hope he soon starts walking. I opened the windows and looked outside, I am happy that finally I am out of all the toxic relationships but that feeling of being used is too heavy to let go so easily. I can't deny that I am hurt. I haven't seen Vlad since that day. And I don't know if I should be glad or angry that he didn't even care to apologise. Not like I want him to apologise, it's not going to fix anything. It's just
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