All Chapters of Dark and Divine!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
95 Chapters
21. Fiery cat!
Veronica's POVThis fucking zipper. It's so hard to wear and carry these fancy dresses, people has found creative ways to torture themselves. Not to mention these heels, I can literally cut open a man with these. A low frustrated groan escaped my throat when I couldn't close the zipper. "Just ask for help, it's not that hard..."I glared at him through a mirror when he came behind me and his warm fingers touched my back.I wonder how he manages to keep his hands warm in bone chilling winter. It's freezing outside.His touch works like a fire on my body, heat spreads everywhere whenever he touches me and I always try to hide it. He doesn't need to know that he has an effect on me. His amused eyes met mine through the mirror as he closed the zipper. "You are looking beautiful, Wife!"He mumbled close to my ear. His spicy and leathery scent is alluring as always.Wife! I can't believe it, within a span of time I am a wife of a different man. Before I was dealing with a man who didn'
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22. Dark thoughts!
Veronica's POVHe settled beside me and leaned on the counter. I frowned at his smirk. Is he not mad?"You were like a wife of a Mafia back there... I am so proud of you."Amusement danced in his eyes. "I thought you have all good thoughts..."His lips brushed my ear."Glad to know that you have dark thoughts too.""I didn't mean it... I was just angry..."I took a gulpgulp from my drink. "Yes, you do... You want him dead for hurting you..."He wrapped his hand around my waist again."Just say a word and he will be dead..."I looked at Zen. He is smiling and talking to Mila. It's true that he destroyed my life but do I really want him dead?.I don't want this, I want the worst for him. He will cry like I did. "I want to ruin him. It should be Worse than death."Vlad Chuckled."Then use your brains... You can have the world at your feet, Wife... You know what to do..."I looked at his mischievous eyes and sighed. I know what is he talking about. "I need to use washroom, excuse me!
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23. Fooled!
Author's POV"Get up..."He grabbed my arm and pulled me up harshly.Tears slipped from my eyes when he placed his gun on my temple. "No matter how tempting you are... I would prefer to kill you rather than fucking you..."He looked at me like a psychopath."I want to see his face..."He acted to thought for a second."Or maybe I should fuck you... What will anger him more?"I shouldn't have trusted him. "Kill me!"I will happily die rather than letting him touch me. "Leave her!"Both of us looked at the source of voice. I thought Vlad would be the one saying it but no!It was woman. She was aiming her gun at Ivan. And the woman was none other than Mila. My eyes widened. What is she doing here? Why does she have gun? Isn't she pregnant with my ex husband's child? And why is she risking her life to save me?"Vlad and his bitches..."Ivan mumbled.What does it mean? Does Mila know Vlad?"Leave her or I'll shoot..."She threatened. She was looking cold and dangerous. Ivan was quick
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24. Dark path!
Vladimir's POVAm I being too soft? Can't she understand that I am trying to protect her? Why is it so hard for her to accept the situation? I want to punish her. She risked everything again. I can't explain how angry I am right now. I was right when I asked Mila to keep an eye on her but I didn't know that Ivan will step out of his limits. I am going to cut his hands off for that handprint on her cheek. Enough is enough, I am going to tie her down until she realises whom she belongs to.I looked at the door when I heard whimpers from the washroom. Is she badly hurt?I walked towards the door which she didn't bother to lock."For fuck sake!"I closed my eyes when I noticed her in handcuffs. I had no idea that Mila could go this hard on her. "Stop struggling... You have mouth you can just tell me that you are handcuffed..."I unlocked her hands and she hissed while rubbing her wrists. "And you have eyes to see!"She replied back and I grabbed the back of her neck. She is so smal
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25. Emotional!
Author's POVVera woke up and grabbed her head with a defeated sigh. She couldn't believe that she gave in. She ran fingers through her hair to soothe the effect of wild night. Her eyes stared at the wooden floor as she gulped back the lumb in her throat. She can't step back now, last night she decided to give in so she can turn the situation in her favour. And she has seen it working, Vlad told her about Layla. She looked beside her, Vlad wasn't in the bed. She looked around but she couldn't see him. She grabbed his shirt from the floor and wore it as she has nothing to wear except the staff uniform which is covered in blood. She splashed warm water on her face and looked at the mirror. Her neck was completely covered in hickeys. She can't help but remember how Vlad's lips never left her neck alone. "Never thought I would do this to save myself..."She mumbled. She walked out and saw Vlad in the kitchen. He was cooking. "You can cook!?"She asked while walking towards the tab
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26. Tricked!
Author's POVVera glared at Mila when opened the car door for her."Good morning, Mrs. Volkov..."Mila greeted."Please take a seat, Mr. Volkov will join you soon."They were heading back to the mansion and Mila was back on duty. She was wearing black suit just like other men who surround Vlad. Michelle was in the driver's seat, Mila took a seat beside him while Vera was sitting on the back seat. "Are you okay, Doctor?"Michelle asked looking at her through the mirror."Alive!"Vera answered."Please don't lecture me now, I have heard enough."She rolled her eyes. Michelle shook his head and stayed silent. "Am I missing something?"Vlad took a seat beside Vera and closed the door. "Nothing much, your minions and I are having small talks..."Vera replied. "They are doing their work, Wife!... Don't go so hard on them..."Vlad chuckled."I know you have met Mila before but let me introduce you two again... Mila is one of my trusted assistants and assassins.""So you hired her to t
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27. Options!
Vera's POVI clutched on the edges of the counter but couldn't stop the moan which shamelessly escaped my lips. His hardness is touching every inch of my inside. I felt his hand snaking on my back until it tangled in my wet hair. His other hand grabbed my waist and held me firmly while he slammed inside me mercilessly from behind. I can still hear the shower running, but it's faint between my moans and his groans. I don't know how much time has passed since he is fucking me in the bathroom. I felt his cum dripping down on my thighs. He fisted my hair and made me arch my back and I gasped loudly when he hit the unknown spot which sent trembles in my whole body. I looked at him through mirror. His torso is slapping my skin with every powerful thrust. Water droplets are running down from his hair to his chest and torso. With every thrust his muscles are flexing and as much I hate to admit it, it's making me wet and turn on even more. He is so good in sex, I don't know how many times
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28. Agreements!
Veronica's POVI have never been this much happy in the last few years, I finally met Ryan. It felt like decades. He has grown up. I smiled when I remembered how shy he was when I talked about his newly growing beard and girlfriends. When he is around, It feels like my family is complete."Are you happy now?"Vlad asked typing something on his phone."Yes, Thank you so much..."First time I smiled at him. I noticed him looking at me through corners of his eyes and small smile played on his lips. Vlad let me see him as he promised, maybe I didn't make the wrong decision. Mila was right, At least the situation is in my control. "Hmm..."Was his only response. "Vlad I__"I tried but he interrupted me saying. "Take a break, Doc... We will think later about your next wish..."My heart sank. "You tricked me last time. But Ryan was Important to me so I didn't mind It. But my job is important to me..."Maybe I can convince him. He have to understand. "Vlad you have no idea how much I
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29. Breaking heart!
Author's POVVera looked at Zen while Mila just Ignored his presence. His face was swollen, Michelle has given him good bruises and cuts. Zen stopped when he looked at them, his face was guilty."Good to see you back on duty, take your patients back from Dr. Carson and we have Important surgery tomorrow, study that case..."He said in monotone and walked away. "What does he think about himself... He thinks, he can order me around after whatever happened?"Vera glared at him as he disappeared in hallways. "Let him be... The poor man is in shock..."Mila rolled her eyes. Vera sighed. "Umm, Mila If you don't mind can I ask you something?"She was hesitant."Of course... You are my boss now..."Mila walked in a room and Vera gestured to lay on the bed."I would like to be a friend with you rather than Boss and your boss is Vlad not me."Vera chuckled. "Fair enough!"Mila lifted her shirt up so Vera can perform sonography on her. She twisted her face in disgust when Vera applied sl
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30. I know you won't!
Author's POVVera looked at him shocked."Who's that girl and why is he carrying her like that?"She looked at Mila confused. "God! What happened here?"Vera frowned when she saw Vomit on the floor. "Gross!"Mila scowled. "Is she sick?"Vera mumbled."Who is she?""Fiancee of the Italian Mafia or maybe girlfriend or both..."They both looked at Michelle who was standing there with a cool look plastered on his face."Ohh, you guys finally kidnapped her."Mila asked impressed."How did you get her, it's so hard to get a Marino.""She is not a Marino and they are not that big, don't hype them please..."Michelle rolled his eyes."She is Alexander's soon to be wife... What do you think?"Mila shrugged. "Can someone tell me what the fuck is happening here? Why did you guys kidnapped her?'Vera scolded."Okay so basically..."Michelle cleared his throat. "She is a girlfriend of Italian Mafia who is fucking with us for too long so we need to teach him a good lesson...""By kidnapping th
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