All Chapters of Dark and Divine!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
95 Chapters
11. Wedding bells!
Author's POV"No!"Veronica smashed the vase on the floor not letting anyone come near her. She was furious.The girl looked at her friend."We have to call him."Her friend nodded and walked out of the room.She went to the Vladimir who was talking on the. She hesitated before calling him."Sir"Vladimir glanced at her and disconnected his call."Yes?"He turned towards her."She is not letting us touch her... We tried but she is too angry and she destroyed everything... She is not ready to listen."She informed.Vladimir nodded and walked towards the room.He knew that she won't co-operate easily and he was ready for that. He entered inside and saw everything on the floor. Pillows, broken vass, makeup everything was destroyed. He looked at her, she was scared, her face wash red with all crying but still there was anger. "Wait outside"He ordered the girl and she walked out. Veronica limped back after seeing him, she woke up in different room in the morning and realised that she
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12. Welcome to the family!
Author's POV"You are looking beautiful..."Vladimir said looking at her beautiful face. Vera didn't react, her head was heavy after crying and screaming. She shouldn't be surprised that Zen risked her brother's life again to blackmail Her.He sat in front of her on the chair. "I know these arrangements are not as per your liking..."He said and she closed her eyes to control her anger. "But you will get along... I promise, you will not regret this...""I want my brother back..."She mumbled."You will meet him once you marry me..."He answered and she shook her head."Vera, I promise you will meet him..."He tried to make her understand."But you have control yourself... I don't want any drama out there... You will smile like you are happy... Am I clear?"She didn't answer, she was looking at the perfume bottle on the vanity table. She was breaking from inside because of controlling men in her life.It was a sudden reaction but she grabbed the perfume bottle and raised it to smash
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13. Red wedding!
Veronica's POVHe really likes me or its something else. Because I have lost the confidence on myself that someone can like me, thanks to Zen. He made sure that I doubt myself that I am Lovable enough. How can the man like Vladimir like me when he can get any woman he wants, men like him likes stylish and bold women not a nerd like me. But may be I ignored the hint. The way he used to look at me in the hospital, I was attending him almost for a month. He never let anyone else touch him other than me."Eat..."He said and I opened my mouth. Everyone at the table are looking at us in awe thinking we are in love, Vladimir has made sure that they think like that. He is carrying me here and there in his arms because I can't walk. He is enjoying the wedding but I just want to get out of here and sleep. I am tired. "I am full..."I said wiping my lips with tissue. I am avoiding eye contact with him because the way he looks at me makes me feel weird, Something happens in my stomach."Go
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14. Orders!
Author's POVTheir car stopped in front of the villa. Veronica looked at the tight security around the place. Vladimir opened the car door and picked her up. He looked at her face, red nose, puffy eyes and ruined dress. He never wanted it to end up like this but everything went wrong. He was aware that they will do something to ruin his wedding but wasn't expecting this massacre. His guards looked at him as he carried his bride inside the house. She was frozen in his hands. He can imagine how everything has affected her. She isn't used to all this. He reached his bedroom and took her to the washroom. Veronica stepped back from him when he placed her down. "Take it off..."He said. He wanted to see if she is injured somewhere."No!"She stepped back from him with fear, thinking he will touch her. She has slept with him before but that time she wanted too, this time she is forced. Vladimir closed his eyes and sighed."Now!"He ordered keeping his voice calm.Veronica shook her he
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15. Need to earn it!
Author's POVSun rouse and chased the darkness away. Weather was quite warm as they are still at his Island. Veronica was sleeping peacefully and Vlad was admiring her. She is sleeping closer to his chest and he was resting his head on his hand. His eyes roamed on her beautiful face, parted lips, Her long eyelashes and blushy cheeks. "Beautiful"He mumbled, not able to take his eyes off her. He couldn't believe that he has managed to get her. It wasn't easy when she was already married and his enemies was watching his every move closely, they did messed up at the end, But finally she is in his arms. He did married her but he knows that things won't be easy with her. Veronica doesn't trust him and he have to work on that. He had no choice but to threaten her with her brother's life because she was very hard to control. He thought she will be easy to handle because Zen was controlling her but he was wrong. May be Zen could manipulate her because she loved him. Vladimir's heart ch
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16. I can do it myself!
Veronica's POVI grabbed the bag which maid handed me and went to the closet to change. He is still in the bathroom. I opened the bag and took out the dress. It's floral gown which is suitable to wear in this weather as we are still on the island. I tried to take off its price tag. "Fuck!"I ripped it frustrated. Whatever he did in the morning is making me feel stupid and frustrated. I should hate that man and I fucking moaned. I should be ashamed of myself. I have to get out of here at any cost but before that I need to find out where is Ryan. Where has he kept him? I have to save Ryan and myself. I have wasted my years for Zen not again. I got ready and thought about ditching sandals but I can't walk around bare feet. But also this leg is hurting like a bitch and wearing sandles will make it worse. But again there is sand everywhere, it will get infected if it comes in contact with wound. Oh God! "I told you not to touch bandage..."I flinched when he he took me off guard.
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17. Mother in law!
Author's POVVera grabbed on his shoulders tightly when he carried her out, scared that he might drop her. Vlad smirked at her reaction. He placed her down on the chair. She quickly fixed her dress and looked at the buffet in front of her. "I am not hungry"She said. Her appetite was gone. "Why?"He asked casually while sitting on the chair in front of her.She clenched her jaw, irritated that he is seriously asking this to her. "Because I was kidnapped and forced to marry."She snapped."How long are you going to whine for that?"He asked."Whine?"She furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.He sighed and fixed his coat while leaning back in his chair. "Women are dying to take your place... You are thinking too much... Take it as an opportunity instead of seeing it as a problem."He said looking at her.Vera frowned."Opportunity?"She couldn't understand him. "You are smart, Doc."He smirked. "I know you will find out the meaning behind my words."She looked at him confused whil
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18. Forcing into obedience!
Veronica's POVHe has something in his mind and he is working on it with proper planning. he knows how to take advantage of the situation and how to manipulate things. I asked for my cellphone and he again said the same thing. I can't give anything to him. I won't let him win. "If you are done glaring at me then enjoy yourself!"I hate that smirk. He is swimming in the pool and I am glaring at him while sitting on the edge. His body flexed with each move, he has an eagle tattoo on his back, that's the only tattoo on his body. I flinched back when water splashed on my face."I don't want to..."I said when he stopped in front of me and placed his wet hands on my thighs. "I am not asking you.."He pulled me into the pool and I clutched on his shoulders before I loose my balance."I am your wife, Not a dog. Whom you will order around..."I shouldn't open my mouth so carelessly. I really shouldn't. He smirked and I hate whenever he smirks, it feels like he is mocking me in whatever
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19. Little games!
Author's POVHer hands trembled as she told everything to the police officer. He was paying attention to her."I am scared... They both blackmailed me!"She told him about everything. Right from Zen to her current husband. "Calm down, Ma'am... You are shaking..."He replied."Genna... Give her some water...""No! I don't want water... Please file F.I.R against him... You don't understand, he is dangerous..."She sobbed."He has my brother...""What's his name again?"He asked."Vladimir Volkov!"She answered."Why are you not filing my complaint?"He sighed and started typing on his computer."How did you get involved with him?... I am filing your complaint but you need to wait until we complete all procedures... He is a famous personality..."Veronica sat there while he kept asking her questions. "Have some water!"The lady constable placed the glass in front of her. Veronica looked at her and mumbled thank you."And come with me... I need to ask some personal questions..."Veronic
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20. Dark secret!
Author's POVVera was sitting on the bed. She rested her head on her knees and sighed. She was feeling stupid to fall in his trap, it was too obvious that it's a trap when the gate was unguarded.She couldn't believe that he just did it to make her realise that there is no escape. He wants her to give in, surrender herself completely to him. He claims to love her but is it really a love or just stubborness. He kisses her forehead every time, looks at her like she is the only person he wants to see in this world, he doesn't ignore her presence like Zen used to do. He tries to make her talk. Veronica was irritated by everything, how could he act like they are normal couple when they aren't.She rubbed her face and decided to leave that depressing room for a bit. She walked downstairs, the mansion is huge and she doesn't know anything about it.She looked at the huge pillars and paintings, reminding her of a museum. She wondered in the hallway, there was no trace of Vlad. She stopped
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