All Chapters of Dark and Divine!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
95 Chapters
51. Cold!
Author's POV"Dr. Veronica... Meet Josh, he will be interning with us and you will be his mentor..."Mrs. Larson informed her and Vera looked up.She finished bandaging the patient and stood up."Welcome Josh!"She grabbed Mrs. Larson by arm and dragged her away from Josh. "Mrs. Larson, why are you being so heartless to me... I can't handle interns, you know and I don't have time..."Mrs. Larson shook her head. "Everyone is getting one intern, you can't run away from your responsibilities... See you later Dr. Veronica."She gave her smile and walked away. Vera sighed and walked back to Josh. He was an adult, brown hair and blue eyes with good height and pale skin. "So Josh, tell me about yourself..."Vera said while attending another patient in general ward. "I am completing my studies in VVC collage. As you can see, I started late so I am the oldest among all interns... I have heard about you..."He said."I hope all good things."She chuckled. "How old are you?""25.. and yes,
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52. Tipsy!
Author's POV"Why did you invite Josh?"Vera asked while fixing her hair."He is hot!"Mila chuckled while applying her lipstick."Why?""I wanted to spend some girl time.."Vera sighed."But it's fine, he is a nice guy...""Ohh, nice guy..."Mila teased."Shut up, Mila..."She rolled her eyes."Is it too revealing?""Babe, you are looking hot..."Mila assured."And since when did you start to worry about your clothes?""Not like that but I want to be comfortable while dancing..."She looked at her dress. The dress was really short, just covering her ass. It was backless and only a thin strap was holding it around her neck, it has deep neck which was showing her cleavage. But she was looking really sexy in it. "Ready?"Mila picked up her bag. "Ready! I'll call the cab."Vera picked up her mobile."No need! Josh is coming to pick us..."Mila said."He has a car?"Vera raised her eyebrows amused. "Dude, this Josh guy is super rich... He just doesn't show it off..."Mila chuckled."Ho
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53. Until!
Author's POVVera woke up with a throbbing head and groaned. She found herself Tangled in bedsheets, her eyes snapped open when she realised that she is naked. "What the hell?"She quickly covered her body with bedsheets and looked around thinking if she slept with someone because she couldn't remember anything.Her racing heart calmed down a bit when she realised it's Vlad's bedroom. And then she again realised that she shouldn't be here either. She found Vlad standing in front of the window, shirtless. He was holding a coffee mug in one hand while placing another in his pocket. "What did you do?"She asked looking at her clothes which were laying on the floor. Vlad turned towards her."Ask yourself!"He placed the mug away and walked towards the couch."You didn't take advantage of me while I was drunk."Vera glared at him. Vlad sat on the couch and crossed his legs."You think so highly of me... Don't you, Wife?"He asked with an unbothered face while looking at his MacBook.
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54. Want her dead!
Author's POVVera gulped when she looked at the Dominick Marino."Where are we?"She asked Dr. Martin with a worried face. "Marino Mansion, one of the royal families in Italy..."He replied and ground beneath her feet slipped away. "Dr. Martin..."They all turned around when they heard Anamika."Mrs. Marino..."He greeted. "He woke up with a strong headache, and he has been a little restless since then..."She informed.It was Vera's first time seeing Anamika, she has only heard about her. The woman who is the mafia of the corporate world, she can turn anyone into dust with the snap of her finger. Vera's eyes roamed on her, she has tattoos all over her body and it definitely makes her look bold and confident. "Who's this new Doctor?... Where is Dr. Karl?"She asked and Vera gulped."Dr. Karl is on his way... Meet Dr. Veronica, she is an excellent doctor and has more experience than Dr. Karl... I thought we should get her consultation on Mr. Dominick's health... We will be benefit
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55. Broken!
Author's POV"Then what are you waiting for... Take her to the basement!"Massimo ordered and her stomach churned."Veronica!"They all looked at Bella who exclaimed."Oh my god! What are you doing here?"She smiled and engulfed Veronica in a tight hug.Veronica hugged her back."You are pregnant!"She smiled at Bella's baby bump and was glad that she looked happy. "You are looking beautiful!"Anamika frowned at them."Bella, stay away from her."She pulled her back thinking she would hurt Bella. "Maa!"Bella looked at her confused."Veronica is really nice... She took care of me when her asshole husband kidnapped me..."She looked at Vera."No offence but your husband is a bastard.""None taken!"Vera mumbled. "She really helped me a lot and didn't let him hurt me."Bella said.Alexander pulled Bella away from Veronica."She is our enemy and she broke into our mansion... You know the consequences.""But she is innocent and she won't hurt anyone..."Bella looked at him."You can't
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56. Notice!
Author's POVVeronica landed in Russia and frowned when a few men in black approached her. "Mrs. Volkov, Please get inside..."She recognised them. "Get out of my way!"She glared at them. They blocked her way and she saw Vlad coming out of his car. He didn't give her a chance to say anything and shoved her inside the car. "What the fuck are you doing?"She yelled when he closed the door. "What the fuck you are doing!."He growled at her and she flinched back. She has never seen him this much angry, not when she slapped him. He grabbed her arm and jerked her forward. "What the fuck were you thinking, Veronica?..."He gritted."Are you fucking out of your mind?... How can you be so stupid to go to Italy..."She looked at his bloodshot red eyes like he hadn't slept for a night. "Do you have any idea what they could have done to you?... I have killed their daughter in law and almost killed their son... Do you realise the seriousness of the situation?"Vera pushed his hands away.
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57. Going to be difficult!
Author's POVVera frowned at Vlad who was standing in front of them. Josh got up and looked at Vlad. "She doesn't have to be my wife to feel sorry for her, Mr. Volkov.... There is a thing called empathy..."Vlad clenched his jaw and stepped towards him."Then show your fucking empathy to someone else... She is mine..."Vera stepped between them. "Stop! Josh please leave."She doesn't want Vlad to hurt him. And she doesn't understand from where Josh got so much courage to talk to Vlad like this. Josh looked at Vera's pleading face and walked away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"Vera glared at him. "We need to talk"He said and sat down on the bench.Vera rolled her eyes and was about to walk away but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her on his lap. "Leave me!"She struggled."Behave... Kids are playing around."He said while holding her back."I should be the one saying that..."She spat. "Vera, Can you please calm down and listen to me once?"He requested and she looked at
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58. Fire!
Author's POV"Ryaan, can you please open the door... I am changing."Vera yelled while wearing her top. Ryaan didn't answer."What is he doing?"She Huffed and walked out. "Ryaan!"She slapped his head when she saw him wearing headphones."Ouch, what's wrong with you?"He took off his headphones."Stop acting like a typical teenager, You are getting spoiled..."Vera scolded and walked towards the door. She frowned when she saw a huge bouquet at the door. It has red roses and a letter. "Which girls are you trying to impress?"She looked at Ryaan who was coming to her."What?... No! I am not going to waste money on flowers... And this is too big to be my bouquet. I am sure this is for you."He picked the letter."Are you blind, Vera?.."He asked rolling his eyes and she scowled."Can't you see these big initials... It's from Vlad.""Why is he sending me flowers?."She rolled her eyes."Send these back, I don't want it.""I am reading the letter..."Ryaan grinned ignoring her warning
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59. Point of view!
Vladimir's POVI looked at her as she poured antiseptic liquid on a cotton pad. I know that pain is coming, I hissed when she cleaned the wound with more than necessary pressure.My eyes roamed on her mad face, call me crazy but she looks too hot when she is angry. Her free strand teased her cheek and those sweet lips, I feel jealous realising how lucky it is. I leaned back on the bed so she could lean closer to me, it's been so many days that I haven't held her in my arms. I miss it. I miss my little fierce wife. She glared at me when she realised what I was trying to do. You can't win against me baby, I am an old player."It's hurting!"I said. This is my second time giving myself a wound so I can make her touch me. First that bullet wound and now this cut. "Good!"She replied focusing on my wound."Why?"I asked amused. She is giving savage replies now a days and I love it. I really felt bad when she burnt my bouquet but then I realised that she is burning just like that. I
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60. Ignored!
Vladimir's POV"What's the time?"I asked while shaking my legs impatiently. It's been hours since she has gone for surgery. I want her near me and why the hell my head is getting heavy.Someone knocked on the door and I eagerly looked at it thinking Vera is here but no."Mr. Volkov, your dinner and medicines..."She placed the tray on counter beside my bed."Please take your medicines, we don't want your wound to get infected..."The fuck this small cut will infect me. "My hand is injured how am I supposed to eat?"I don't know why my tone comes out rude when I talk to someone else other than Vera. She is just so sweet to talk to her rudely. She looked at me tensely. "I'll send someone to help you.""Not someone... I want my wife only."I ordered."Dr. Veronica is busy attending other patients... It will take time."She stuttered."I'll wait!"I replied and she hurriedly walked out. I know Vera is avoiding me but I am stubborn too. Today I am going to eat from her hands only.
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