All Chapters of The Tainted Wolf : Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
7 Chapters
Chapter 1
Levana’s POVI slowly opened my eyes, the warm embrace of sleep gradually releasing its hold on me. As my vision adjusted to the soft morning light, I noticed streams of sunlight delicately dancing through the room. The sunbeams, like mischievous fairies, filtered and fluttered across the walls, casting a golden glow that brought the room to life.But somehow, the unfamiliarity of my surroundings sent a flicker of confusion through my mind. And I blinked, trying to make sense of it all. The realization hit me like a distant echo, slowly reverberating through my thoughts. This wasn't my room. I wasn't in familiar territory. The memories from the previous night were still hazy, like fragments of a dream I couldn't quite grasp. I struggled to piece together the events that led me to this unfamiliar place.I could make out his eyes — they were watching me like they were looking straight into my soul. But other things like — who he was and where the hell I had met him before then were an
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Chapter 2
Alessandro POVI sat down in my room with my laptop, going through the reports of the pack, checking things out. This was my routine at the end of the month. I made it a duty to glimpse through all the files of my pack members so that I would know how we have been improving, and any slack, I'd correct it immediately. A knock sounded at my door when my eyes stopped at the file of the motherless babies, and I quickly noted to myself to get them full supplies of all they'd be needing all through this week before I turned towards the door, and asked whoever it was to come in. They knew it to be important before disturbing me from work. The door flew open and Carlos, who was both my Beta and best friend, walked in like he owned the place. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, and I instantly knew that he was up to no good. “Spill it out. Now.” I ordered with a frown. If he was affected by the tone of my voice, he didn't let it show. Instead, a smirk graced the sides of his lips,
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Chapter 3
Levana POVTears brimmed in my eyes as I stared at the two lines on the pregnant test slip. My period had always come in on time but when it didn't, I decided to know what was wrong, so I bought this pregnancy test slip. I was pregnant. That was what it meant but how will I deliver this news to the Alpha now? It's been two weeks since that night of wild passion between us, and within those two weeks, he had not spoken a word concerning it. I had thought he was shy, that maybe he would come around so that gave me hope. And that day he had rescued me from Dante, I wanted to let him know that we were mates but could I? He knew I had no wolf and would think I was planning to stick to him like a clove. So I had pushed the thought to the back of my mind, pretending that everything was fine. I sniffed my nose and picked my phone from where it sat on the bed. I dialed the number of the one person who could cheer me up right now. “How're you? It's been so long since you called me like thi
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Chapter 4
Levana's POV We walked to my room and she helped me select a dress that I had never won before. It was the dress she had gotten me on my birthday. I never wore it that day because I knew it was not the occasion for it. It was just too perfect. It was a short green gown with gold at the top. I quickly put it on and she gushed at the sight of me. I smiled at her and moved to stand in front of my oval shaped mirror. The green dress brought out my eye color—which was emerald. Sarah decided letting my hair fall on my shoulders was best so when I looked at the mirror, I couldn't agree more. I looked like an angel. A soft smile made its way to my lips, seeing her shocked expression. “Girl, you are gorgeous! See how you pulled this dress off like a goddess. Woah, I can't wait to see heads turn in your direction tonight.”I chuckled softly, “ You are exaggerating right now and you know it. I don't look as beautiful as you.”“You know that's the truth, Levana .”I shook my head and wore a
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chapter 5
Levana's POV I ran to my room, tears filling my eyes as I remembered what just happened. Alessandro has just rejected me in front of everyone. What do I do? The pregnancy? How do I cope? "Hey Lev, stop crying baby. Wild your tears. That mother fucker don't deserve your tears at all. Don't shed any tears for him." She pulled me into her warm embrace as I sobbed. "What about my baby, Sarah? I can't bear it. How could he embarrass me in front of everyone like that?" I sobbed further. "It's okay. We'll tell him about the pregnancy so he would take his resp-"I jerked out from her embrace, "I can't do that. He rejected me, meaning he rejects everything I have and everything that has to do with me. I'm not ready to do anything with him or have anything to do with him again."Sarah strolled towards me, "I know how it feels but you can't cope all by yourself Levy. Please just tell him, he will help in taking care of the baby in any way he can. Besides you know it's a taboo to stay pregnan
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Chapter 6
Levana's POV "Come here darling." My aunt pulled me into her embrace. I had come to find some peace and solitude and I knew I would definitely get it. I would soon forget Alessandro. It was only a matter of time. My Aunt would help me raise my child and it was definitely Alessandro's loss for losing someone like me. She pressed me into her warmth and I breathed an air of relief. "It's okay. Stop crying about him, you'll definitely find someone better and besides I'm here for you. Anything you need just say darling." She took the box from the chair and moved into the house. I also needed to tell her about my pregnancy but the fear of her judging me held me back. That has always been my biggest obstacle, I always feel like people would judge and blame whenever they hear my story. I mean, I was just judged and blamed for not having my wolf yet as if it was my fault. But I needed to come out pure and clean if I wanted help from anyone again. "Aunt, there's one more thing. I- I'm preg
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Chapter 7
Levana POV "Wait! You mean I'm expecting twins?" My heart jumped in jubilation as the Nurse showed me to the ultrasound scan. It was already 5 months of consistently visiting the clinic for my antenatal check up and other treatments. I had been praying silently for a girl only for the Nurse to show me that I wasn't expecting a singleton like I had thought all along, it was two bouncing and healthy twins. "Congratulations Miss Levana. I know your husband will be so happy to hear this good news." My mood changed at the mention of the latter. If only she knows that I'm all alone in this freaking journey of life and motherhood. Thanks to my Aunt, she had been my backbone. I was able to phase through because she still exists and it wouldn't have been easy without her."Thank you Nurse." I faked a smile.I suddenly felt like a piece of shit running away from where I had ever called home because of a rejection from my mate. But I needed to do it, I was humiliated and rejected in front of
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