All Chapters of Revenge On My Husband After Reborn : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
Chapter 0021
Chapter 18"Half of my properties? She must be crazy," It has been two days since that incident, still Dante could not stop reminiscing on those ridiculous words while asking himself repeatedly what made her think he would ever do that."Fuck that! I'm going to find my way around it," He scoffed lou
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Chapter 0022
Chapter 19Olivia Cruz"Yo! Are you going out on a date?" Claire threw herself on the bed tiredly as soon as she walked inside the room from the bathroom, all wrapped in a blanket."Maybe. What's up with the blanket? Are you cold? And why are you not dressed yet? Aren't you going to work today?" I l
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Chapter 0023
"About?""What are you up to? Why are you doing this? You could've asked for a ransom for this, right? Why didn't you demand that I pay you but chose to do this instead?" "Just because," I just shrugged sarcastically, and he huffed, ruffling his hair slowly yet aggressively."That's not a reason, O
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Chapter 0024
Chapter 20Olivia Cruz"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs Wellington. Your new home is blessed," The old lady who helped us with our marriage procedures smiled heartily as she handed our marriage to us each, and I took it from her with a warm smile."Thank you," I looked at Dante who had a deep frown on
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Chapter 0025
"Can you say something, please?" The look in his eyes proved his level of frustration yet he was trying to hard to hold it all in which of course I knew won't be long before he would lose it because I'll make sure he does."Fine! Let's just go to the hospital, and you can ask the doctor when we get
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Chapter 0026
Chapter21Olivia CruzClaire's eyes were all over me as I got dressed, but I didn't spare her a glance, knowing exactly what was going on in her mind at the moment. It was a Saturday morning, and I had plans with Knox. We were going out for a hangout. I couldn't call it a date because it wasn't real
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Chapter 0027
Dante's POV'I don't want to live like this anymore, son. Please do something' Dante's heart felt like it was being ripped off as his mom's voice replayed in his head. She was the last person he ever wanted to see being in pain, but this was really difficult. He could've swim an ocean to get the cur
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Chapter 0028
Chapter 23Olivia Cruz POV"Do you want to hang out?" Knox handed me a bottle of water once I finished my practice. It was on Monday today, and I've been here for hours. "Thank you," I gulped down some then looked at him and shook my head."I have something to take care of, so I have to leave early
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Chapter 0029
"There is eighty to twenty percent chance of the donors having their sight normal after the transplant," He further explained to me.We spent another fifteen minutes in his office, making inquiries, and what matters is that everything was in my favour. "Did you believe the gibberish that old man wa
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Chapter 0030
Chapter 24Olivia Cruz POV"You must be hungry after a long day outside. Come here... I already made something for you," Claire led me to the couch in the living room once I stepped inside the house. I thought she went to work, so how come she was still here?"How did the practice go? Are you coping
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