All Chapters of Revenge On My Husband After Reborn : Chapter 51 - Chapter 55
55 Chapters
Chapter 0051
Chapter 36 Olivia Cruz POV "About earlier... I'm sorry, Ollie," Knox apologised to me once we arrived at the bus stop where he was supposed to drop me off. "I'll see you on Monday," I pushed the door open and alighted from the car. Even after hours of the kiss, my heart didn't stop racing. I hate
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Chapter 0052
"I told you I was going out earlier," I shrugged sarcastically, and he scoffed. He stood up from the couch and turned to me, his raging eyes glaring at me. "And that is why I'm fucking asking you where the hell you are coming from, Olivia! Where the hell did you go?" He yelled at the top of his lu
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Chapter 0053
Chapter 37 Dante Russell POV Olivia was getting on my last nerve, but sadly, I had to keep tolerating her. If not for this transplant, I would never have asked to be with her in the first place. Once I was done making noodles, I carefully took out the grounded sleeping pill to add to her food, bu
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Chapter 0054
Chapter 38 Olivia Cruz POV Being under the same roof as Dante and having to hear his lies was irking me, but sadly, I had to keep up with it. I was sitting on the bed inside the room and scrolling through my phone for nothing when I heard the door opening, so I raised my gaze and found Dante walk
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Chapter 0055
Chapter 39 Dante held his phone to his ear while glaring hard at Emily who was standing in front of him in her living room. He had rushed down here earlier, thinking she was hurt, only to find out that she only lied to him. "Dante... Why are you glaring at me like that? Are you not happy to see me
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