All Chapters of Revenge On My Husband After Reborn : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
55 Chapters
Chapter 0041
Chapter 30 Olivia Cruz POV I peeked out of the elevator minutes later, and breathed out when I didn't catch a glimpse of him. "That was close. Thankfully, he didn't see me," I felt a bit relieved as I proceeded to the hall, but my heart sank when I walked inside and saw Knox along with the other
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Chapter 0042
'Is he going to pretend nothing happened? Has he given up just like that?' Somehow, I was disappointed even though I knew I shouldn't be. I was the one who turned him down, right? "Let's focus on work for now, ok?" Slowly, I nodded my head. "You should stop avoiding me. Let's stay like we used to
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Chapter 0043
Chapter 31 Olivia Cruz POV "Are you sure about this, Ollie? I don't have a good feeling about this," Claire held my hand and looked at me worriedly after I told her I'll be moving in with Dante soon. This was what she told me back then when I told her I wanted to move in with him even before our m
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Chapter 0044
"Don't worry, darling. I will sort myself out," I forced a smile at her and headed upstairs. My jaw dropped when I arrived at his master's bedroom. It was three times as wide as our room back in our apartment, with only a few properties inside. It was a typical man's room. Just his king-sized bed,
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Chapter 0045
Chapter 32 'I'm not ready for this yet' Slowly, Dante clenched his fingers around the steering wheel as he pulled over at the side of the road. 'We are not sure yet if I'll be fine after the transplant. You wouldn't want your wife to be blind later, right?' he slammed his hand on the steering whee
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Chapter 0046
His hand shook slightly as he reached for the doorknob then twisted it and pushed the door open. "Who is there?" The pieces of his heart was stomped on when his Mom looked in his direction and could not tell who he was. "It's me, Mom," After a long silence, his weak voice finally came on as a drop
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Chapter 0047
Chapter 33 Olivia Cruz POV 'Hey! Don't forget our hangout tomorrow. I'll come pick you up' I woke up to Knox's text this morning. He must've sent it last night after I went to bed. The sound of running water in the bathroom drew my attention, and for a second, I freaked out, but recalling that I
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Chapter 0048
Chapter 34 Olivia Cruz POV "Did you move out of your apartment?" Knox glanced at me as he drove us down the road minutes after I arrived at the bus stop, and I nodded. "Yes. I moved out briefly," "Oh," He just mouthed and nodded. "So, where should we go? I've not had breakfast yet. Do you mind
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Chapter 0049
Chapter 35 Olivia Cruz POV Taking a walk around the school with Knox brought back the memories of years ago, bringing a smile to my face. "Do you still remember this place?" He asked once we arrived at the rooftop, and I scoffed as I glanced at him. "How can I forget here?" The rooftop was the f
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Chapter 0050
The way Knox fought him that day left everyone, including myself, shocked as I didn't think he could pull that off since Noah was quite a big deal. "Can you still fight?" I looked at him and teased him. "Is there anyone messing with you?" He leaned forward, his eyes gazing into mine seriously, and
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