All Chapters of Rejecting the Prince's Mate: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 Chapters
Chapter 1 - On Our Way
Julia POV We had been through some rigid training in preparation for tonight’s event. Our uniforms had been provided by the palace. Not the sleezy type you might expect. Everyone wore black pants and black blouses buttoned to the top button. We had name badges in a variety of colors indicating what you were responsible for. Cami, my best friend, was leading the waiter staff, so she was bronze. I was leading the dessert chefs, so mine was red. We had finished getting ready. Everyone with longer hair had to have it up. We both looked one another over to ensure a hair was not out of place. We had been advised if we did not adhere to the rules, we would not be permitted entrance. And we wanted to be inside that palace. To see all those beautiful people dressed in beautiful gowns and tuxedos, would be overwhelming in a good way. We had never seen such glamour before and may never get the opportunity again. Smiling at one an
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Chapter 2 - The Gala
Eric POV It had been a long ten months. I had been searching for my fated mate for almost a year and not even a hint of them. At twenty, many would think I was too young to be so desperate to find my mate; however, I had been waiting and wanting to start my life now that Elizabeth had returned home. Elizabeth was my sister and the new Queen of our Kingdom. She had been kidnapped at a young age and I was born shortly after she had disappeared. Believed dead for so long, I had been being groomed to take over as the future King. However, secretly I had hated the idea. I was an artist at heart. I loved abstract painting and could get lost in my work for days without stopping for food or sleep. Well, if it was not for my mother continuously sending refreshments to me during my creative times. She knew in her heart I wanted to focus on being an artist; however, my father would not hear of it. When I spoke passionately about art,
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Chapter 3 - Mate!
Julia POV I could feel my blood pressure rising. The man who was supposed to be helping create the dessert masterpieces had begged off for a break and had not returned. That was an hour ago. He had been dragging his ass the entire time, and I knew it was because he felt he should be head dessert chef. I would not let him ruin this evening or the desserts, so I jumped in to help my team, while also trying to check everything that left the kitchen. Ensuring consistency was key to an event this size. It had also been instilled in us that this evening had to be perfect. And that meant all aspects from serving to food and beverages. “Oh my,” Cami says as she comes up to me for a moment. “What?” I ask concerned something had happened. “There are so many beautiful people out there. It is all I can do not to spill the drinks as I trip over one magnificent creature to the next!” she declares as I laugh at her candidness.
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Chapter 4 - Rejection
Julia POV “I, Alpha Eric Montgomery, reject you, Julia Kent,” he says softly. I see his face crumble as he bends over grabbing his chest. I take a moment to pause before I burst out laughing. “What the hell does that even mean? You reject me?” I reply as I am now doubled over laughing. “If you do not want to go out with me, a simple not interested would suffice,” I say as the humour starts to leave my body and anger takes over. “For that matter, you did not need to drag me out here, to simply “reject me”,” I say using air quotes. Men. Just when you think you have found a decent man, he shows you his crazy in the first five minutes of meeting him. “Accept it,” he says angrily. I look at him incredulously. “Absolutely not; I will not entertain your crazy,” I say turning away from him. He grabs my arm, and my body betrays me with that bizarre warm feeling when he touches my skin. I shrug his arm off, “I do not know what gam
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Chapter 5 - Shame
Eric POV As I thrust one last time into Louisa, I roar my release. The roar was not for an amazing experience but for the pain I felt at losing my fated mate. “That was incredible,” Louisa says as I slip out of her body. I quickly move to the side of my bed and move towards the washroom. I jump into the shower to wash off Louisa’s scent. It sickens me, after scenting my fated. I lean my head against the shower stall and consider all that has happened this evening. All that should have been. It should have been Julia in my bed tonight. That beauty would consume me for years to come, regardless of who I take as a chosen mate. Before I can process anything else, I hear a frantic call through my mind-link from Elizabeth. “What is it?” I reply. “Please come to the Pack hospital at once. We have a situation and I do not know what to do,” she says urgently. For Elizabeth to call out to me at this point in the evening, I knew t
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Chapter 6 - Awakening
Julia POV Groaning I lifted my hand to my head. I cannot remember what happened. Just that I felt like I had been hit by a truck. My hand moves slowly to my stomach, still tender after whatever had happened. I felt movement beside me and I opened my eyes to see my best friend, Cami, standing there looking worried. “What happened?” I whisper hearing my scratchy voice. My eyes close from exhaustion when I feel the tip of a straw at my lips. I slowly open my eyes once again and take a sip of the water. The cool feeling of water trickling down my throat gave me a reprieve from the dryness. “I do not know,” Cami whispers. “Why are you whispering?” I ask her confused as to what is happening. “Where am I?” I ask out loud. I recognize I am in a hospital, but Cami almost seemed scared. Looking around to make sure nobody was around, Cami leans down to me, “You are in a hospital. The Palace hospital,” she says shoc
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Chapter 7 - Robbed
Julia POV “What the hell is that?” I murmured to Cami as we left the Palace property. She followed my gaze off to the right in the distance. “It looks like wolves. How is that possible?” she asked quietly, as we continued driving towards the city. “I have never heard of wolves around here before,” I said softly as I considered the beauty of the animals that seemed closer than they were. Cami did not slow down and got us home forty minutes later. “How are you feeling?” she asked me. “I am still sore, but much better than I was last night,” I promised her as she pulled the car to a stop in front of my apartment building. “Are you sure? Maybe I should take you to the local hospital,” she suggested as I looked at her. I smiled, “I am fine; I think it would be a slap in the face if we did not trust the Palace’s doctor,” I stated to her laughing at how silly it sounded. She joined me before I turned and looked towards my apartm
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Chapter 8 - Closer
Eric POV What the hell was that? I looked up and realized my mate was screaming in fear. I looked around and saw nobody else standing here and realized she was screaming at me! I took a step forward as she took a step backwards. With my wolf hearing, I could hear someone on the other end of the line. Realizing she had called the police, I stepped forward taking the phone from her hand. “Hello? This is Prince Eric, please send the police to this address for further investigation,” I say before handing the phone back to Julia so she could try to give them the address. After she hung up, she simply stared at me. “Why are you here?” she asked me as she tried to stop her shaking hands. “I wanted to ensure you arrived home safely,” I replied as I looked around her bedroom recognizing it was as messy as the living area. “I assume you do not always live like this?” I inquired as she glared at me. “No, I do not alway
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Chapter 9 - Shock
Julia POVStartled by the sudden noise, I paused as I realized I had wanted Eric’s lips on mine. The man was clearly crazy so what did it say about me wanting him to kiss me? He rested his forehead on mine, and I enjoyed the warmth his skin brought to my body. I knew I was starting to go into shock. Realizing I had stumbled upon someone who had still been in the apartment when I arrived home was starting to set in.What were they looking for? And how did they get out of the fire escape door? Before I could think about it any longer, Eric stepped away from me and walked towards the sitting room in my small apartment. I was embarrassed that he had seen my sparsely furnished space while he came from luxury. Silly, giving my head a shake, he was simply being polite following up on me to make sure I arrived home safely. Likely worried they might be sued, for the food poisoning I had suffered, I think with a chuckle.Following Eric, I see him already in a conversation with the polic
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Chapter 10 - Danger
Julia POV I looked at him and burst out laughing, “Like hell I am going anywhere with you,” I responded as he looked wounded at my reply. “Why not?” he asked quietly. I looked at him realizing he was serious, “I do not know you. And our interactions to date have not been memorable,” I replied as I started to look around for my phone. Spotting it, I grabbed it and moved off to the side, putting a call through to Cami. Damn it! It goes directly to voice mail. Where could she be? I texted her asking her to call me as soon as possible. I tossed my phone down, and turned around startled that he was still staring at me. “What?” I asked snidely deciding to call my boss and let him know I would not be in tonight. After promising to be in tomorrow for my shift, I hung up and moved to my bedroom to grab a few things. “Miss, we have already asked you not to touch anything,” the officer reminded me. “I need a few th
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