All Chapters of Lunar's Lust: Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 Chapters
Chapter 1
"You know what? Get the fuck out of my house," Teagan let out in anger. I couldn't understand what exactly his point was, but he seemed far different than the mate I had fallen in love with. His eyes were glowing with anger as he stood his ground. "Trust me, I did nothing of the sort." I tried explaining myself to him, but he just didn't listen. His hands were grabbing and tossing my luggage out of the house. "Please, Teagan, listen to me." I go on my knees, pleading for his forgiveness, even though I have done nothing wrong. "If you don't get out of this house in a matter of seconds, the ground will be yours to live in," he threatens, smashing the wall behind her and watching as they crumbled to the ground."I'll go if that's what will make you happy." I take my stand while hurling my luggage onto my arms in tears. I leave his presence, gazing back for the very last time, to see the door slam shut.My pain knew no bounds. I had been accused of sleeping with his father, the Alp
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Chapter 2
I place my hands on my face, blocking the penetrating sunlight. My body felt heavy as i rolled over, trying to get a good sleeping posture. After several twists and turns, I give up, rolling off the bed and falling onto the ground. I felt a surge of restlessness; maybe it was the after effects of the alcohol I had taken last night. I open my eyes slowly, lifting myself up from the floor.I took a look around, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with joy. From the fluorescent lamp to the marble-tiled floor, I knew it was the house of the mighty Alpha Kai. Though it felt good to be in the house of my father-in-law, I still struggled to believe it. "What am I doing here? Was I kidnapped? What does he want me for? Did Teagan lie to him?" I kept on asking questions I had zero answer to. With a low growl, I move towards the door, opening it slowly. A huge passage crossed my sight, making me mumble. With no idea where I was, frustration took over. I couldn't let myself get kidnapped by the ev
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Chapter 3
I couldn't believe it had worked. Alpha Kai had made love to me with open arms. From the rump I had, I knew the difference between an Alpha and a Beta. The strength gap was far too wide.Kai felt guilty for his actions. Taking his son's mate under him was something to be ashamed of. He couldn't believe it himself, but he had been seduced. It wasn't the first time he'd been seduced, but it was the only time he leaned in for it. I had something special that made him attracted and wanting. He felt vulnerable and tried to keep away from me."Good morning, father,” I bent to greet him, pretending nothing happened the night before. Kai looks at her from head to toe, remembering what he had done. It was pretty hard to forget it. He ruminates around the corners, pretending to be looking for something."Father?" I pestered him, trying to get a word out of his mouth."Good morning to you, Lorenzo," he replies, avoiding eye contact. I could sense something fishy in his eye movements and decided
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Chapter 4
Something was restraining my arm from landing the finishing blow on Bridget. Glancing from an angle, I could see another arm holding me down. “Alpha Kai,” I stuttered. I yelped, looking at the fierce-looking figure holding my hand. This isn’t what I thought was going to happen. Apart from killing my younger sister, I expected nothing else.“Get your filthy hands off my girl. Who the hell do you think you are?” Teagan enters the room, throwing me to the ground and helping Bridget up. “Your girl?.” My breathing spiked as I was losing control at a rapid rate. If I continued with a spiked breath, I was sure to wolf out. Kai suddenly held my hands, pulling me up with a smile on his lips. Everyone in the room was stunned. The ruthless Alpha was smiling. What was happening? “Don’t wolf out just yet, Lorenzo. You still have plenty of days left to do that,” Kai urged as he took me in for a hug. Teagan’s jaw dropped as his father’s hands moved towards my waist, hugging me like he was in his
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Chapter 5
The room felt less ventilated. No one was settled; everyone had gloomy looks on their faces. Fear spelled itself out clearly in our eyes as we watched Teagan groan in pain. Wolfsbane is also known as a toxic plant that spells death for werewolves. It has the power to prevent them from transforming into their wolf form, weaken them, or, in the extreme, eliminate them. It was the best-known poison that all werewolves ran from. It's power most graciously gave a surprise toxin; none stood before it."What should we do? Should I call the doctor? Kai trembled, looking at his only son, pleading for his life. He couldn't watch his son gasp for air. It wasn't pleasing to the eye. He couldn't watch his son die."Calling the doctor is impossible at a time like this. After a few more minutes of watching, he'll be on the brink of death," I spat out, running towards my room. "What should we do?" Bridget asks in fear. She couldn't lose him, either. "Fuck, I forgot my scalpel at the inn." I stutter
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Chapter 6
"What? love me”? I stuttered.You love me? This was quickly spiralling out of control, but the pain and betrayal I felt for Teagan and my sister wouldn't let me see straight. I didn't have an opportunity to overthink this, I had to think of myself too? This was in my favour I thought. If Alpha Kai loves me, then it makes it easy for me, right? God, I was so confused. This was so unexpectedhearing his voice pulled me out from my reverie.“Lorenzo”?he called to meYes, Father? I answered him. It came out like a question, and I didn't even care less.“Lorenzo, the name is Kai, you already know that you can stop with the Father now” he said as calmly as he could but his expression was anything but that.“I understand how you feel about this, so I don't feel bad that you don't feel the same yet” he continued.“With everything that has happened between you and Teagan, I know this is a difficult place for you right now but this is how I feel, I haven't felt this way for a lo
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chapter 7
Teagan's POV I was shocked for a moment. I just broke up with her sister that I claimed few months ago and she wanted me to claim her again. Some girls could be reckless.At the moment, I couldn't go against her order. I accepted like an obedient dog and put my hand under her dress to lift them off her legs. She held my hand again, her power wasn't enough to deter me but due to some things that was not even clear to me, I stopped immediately."You have to make it public. In fact, you must take me to Alpha Kai, he must endorse our union," she gave another condition but it didn't feel like something that I couldn't provide."Of course, who will be the first to know about it? We are going to him right away." I caressed her cheek to put her in mood. "Once we have finished this great task in front of us!" I added seductively.She hesitated for a while before crawling out from underneath me. I became weak, I thought she was going away. I was sad but I wasn't going to force her.She walked
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Chapter 8
Bridget's POV My stomach grumbled as Lorenzo walked into the yard in her flowing gown. I felt like exploding. It was Lorenzo's claiming ceremony. She was mated to Teagan, the future Alpha. She was also the destroyer with the strange power.It was always her. She always got everything. She was a cheat, backstabber and a wicked sister. I was going to stop her. I wanted to become the Luna and when I had achieved that, I would make her bow in front of me and lick my foot. And then, I, Luna Bridget, would make her life nothing but hell.I was jolted back into consciousness by the sudden uproar of the crowd. They were cheering as Lorenzo lifted her veil, an act that she should be condemned for. Instead they were commending her.Lorenzo bowed before Alpha Kai."I greet you, Father," she said with humility and Alpha Kai sprang up from his throne seat to give her a hug. I knew I had no chance in dragging Alpha Kai's favor with Lorenzo. Alpha Kai was so proud of her. He already took her as a
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chapter 9
Alpha Kai's POV In the Crescent Moon Pack which I lorded over as the Alpha, Lorenzo Nolan was my most beloved member of the pack. She had everything in the right proportion. She was powerful, beautiful and humble. She commanded fair share of fear and affection in the mind of the people.She deserved more from this pack as she had done a lot for us. Despite how she was not appreciated enough, she didn't react poorly. As luck would have it, she was the mate to my only son and future Alpha, Teagan Finn.I should be happy that my son got a great woman as her mate but I wasn't. Instead, I felt bad for Lorenzo. Teagan was not enough for her. She deserved better.My son was the unappreciative kind. I always feared that his reign might be short-lived as many might decide to dethrone him due to his careless and reckless behavior. He was the man of the girls. Almost all the young girls in the pack want a taste and he took that opportunity, using most of them beyond redemption. He had hurt a lo
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