All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
244 Chapters
Chapter 0181
JEROME "Did that just happen or was I dreaming?" "No, you weren't. I saw it too." "I can't believe he did that just to get her forgiveness." "Isn't that adorable?" What a shame! The servants are busy gossiping about my Master from behind, talking about what occurred in the open hall. They were
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Chapter 0182
She couldn't respond back because she knows I'm telling the truth. Alpha Deron still wanted to make it look like the fault came from my end, but I'm no foolish Beta who'll stand and take someone's blame. "Oh, don't say that Alpha Deron. The moment you and your daughter turned your backs on my Alph
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Chapter 0183
ESTELLE I am not seeing things. That monster is real! All these time I've been thinking I was running mad over an imaginary creature that never existed. It made me scared of myself, to the point of fearing for me unborn baby. But now... I know the truth. I'm still in shock! "But how... How di
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Chapter 0184
Right there, I placed a call through to Jerome, asking for some information on Argon. "Tell me, what time tomorrow?" I asked. . The following morning, I got all dressed for my outing. Daddy had gone to the office to attend to some important work, while his princess was heading out to claim her pl
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Chapter 0185
ESTELLE This is nothing but torture! Throughout that day, Argon didn't even come near me. He stayed with Brielle, even chasing her from behind like a dog. Just like Jerome had said, Brielle didn't have to lift a finger to order Argon to follow her, she allowed her body to do the talking, and he o
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Chapter 0186
"What?!" I uttered in disbelief, staring hard at my manager. Maya was already chuckling at the corner, showing her delight to the news. "What do you mean by that? I'm always the face of every show hosted!" "Yes, we know that, but with your current reputation... Well... They want a change." My he
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Chapter 0187
ESTELLE As promised, my Argon drove me back to my place that evening. I sat in right beside him, leaning against the seat like one who's about to faint. I kept swaying my head left and right, so he'd keep on looking and checking on me. When we arrived at my home, I decided to act like I didn't ca
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Chapter 0188
The hunter took note of this and assured us of a feedback. "No need to be worried. I'll get the beast before it attacks again. I'm sure you won't be seeing him or her anytime soon, " He boasted. And trust me, I was loving this. The man soon left, exiting through the woods, while Jerome and I walke
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Chapter 0189
When it was my turn, meaning Maya would be the last, I cat walked out on the runway, showing off my dress. And the moment my eyes caught sight of Argon and father watching me in the crowds, I executed my plan perfectly. I held my head and faked dizziness, falling into the arms of Maya, who was no
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Chapter 0190
ARGON "She needs to be careful with how she handle things. I'm glad Alpha Deron and I, showed up on time to save her," I shared with Jerome, unable to take the matter out of my mind. I was on an important call with one of my business clients when Alpha Deron appeared at my door, asking for Estelle
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