Semua Bab Ex-Luna's Revenge: Bab 191 - Bab 200
244 Bab
Chapter 0191
"Estelle, there's no need to..." I paused on seeing some eyes on us. The customers at the store were secretly looking at Estelle and I in a weird manner, leaving me disturbed. And that's because we're at the kiddies section. "What are they doing here?" "But they don't have any kids." "Didn't you
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Chapter 0192
ARGON Ever since Estelle brought up the topic of our wedding, I've not been myself. What carried her mind to that matter in the first place? I dropped Estelle back at her home, fulfilling my promise. It was already evening and there was no chance of doing anything special for Brielle. "Maybe I'l
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Chapter 0193
"It's been long we saw you two together. Have you finally made plans for your wedding date?" One of them asked. "Well we... Estelle and I..." "You do know you two are wasting our Brielle's precious time with your matter, right? You are already in the third month. When are you getting married?" I
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Chapter 0194
ARGON A day after that incident, I found myself at Estelle's home, apologizing to her for getting mad at her action. She was in her father's hold, acting like a little girl who doesn't know her way around. I was expecting her to start a drama like she always does, but Estelle calmly apologized t
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Chapter 0195
"Since it's the third month now, they wanted to know my plans once you and Estelle are married," She shared. On hearing that, my heart skipped a bit, remembering the promise she made that day I demanded for the divorce papers. I'm surprised that it's already three months. So fast. "So, what wa
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Chapter 0196
"What's all these?! What do you want?!" I raised my voice, shielding Brielle from this hungry wolves. Luckily for us, my guards, who had escorted us to the date, and the securities of the restaurant, blocked the press from nearing Brielle and I. That's when their questions began to ring in my ea
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Chapter 0197
ARGON I stared at Brielle as she kept hammering on our relationship to the press. Has she really accepted this divorce wholeheartedly? Is she just saying this to get rid of the press? Her confidence no longer pleased me like it always does. Now, I found it displeasing. "Your Alpha is here. You c
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Chapter 0198
ARGON The date was fixed. I decided to accept the same date Estelle had planned for us to wed, taking it to the public immediately. Jerome assisted me with this task. He took the message to the internet and uploaded it for everyone to see. And it didn't take too long for the media to see and tak
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Chapter 0199
"Is that why she always smiles when I yell at her? I feel that's the reason." I suspected, feeling uncomfortable. That evening, I called Alpha Deron and Estelle over to my mansion, and even invited one of the best designers in the pack, to help Estelle plan her dress. Both father and daughter wer
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Chapter 0200
ESTELLE "Cheers! " Father and I rejoiced after arriving back at our place. We have been laughing and jubilating since we left Argon's mansion. And it's all because of the successful plan we made and the sweet gist Jerome had shared. Yes, you heard me right. Our successful plan. After seeing Ar
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