All Chapters of Moon Kissed Mates: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
784 Chapters
Chapter 0031
I pressed my forehead to the door and the palm of my hand. I heard Hunter walk over to the door and I can now hear how hard he was breathing, and I wondered if he could hear how hard I was breathing. We both stood there in silence with a door in between us. All you could hear is the sound of the bot
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Chapter 0032
Finally, Hunter pulled the last bobby pin out and began to run his fingers through hair to make sure he didn’t miss any bobby pins. As I watched him through the mirror, he pulled my hair back and off to the side. His fingers slightly grazed my mate spot, and a warm sensation went deep inside of me.
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Chapter 0033
Ella’s POV When we were miles away from the packhouse I finally started to relax with my arms wrapped around Hunter’s waist. The scent of worn leather from Hunter’s jacket mixed with his scent of sandalwood and lavender intertwined calmed me from within with every breath I took. My heartbeat start
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Chapter 0034
My legs were feeling better now that they were stretch out and I was in a standing position. “Yeah, I think I’m good to walk.” I said as I tried to push him away to stand on my own. “Are you sure? I can carry you.” Hunter now said with a grin. I knew he would carry me because he did last night. Bu
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Chapter 0035
“Hunter?” I asked in my mind. “Ella, you can hear me?” He asked back right away. I started to shake my head yes as he left out a howl. Hunter seemed to be excited about the connection we were sharing. “I thought only mated wolves could do this?” I asked him. “Normally yes but there’s something
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Chapter 0036
Ella’s POV A loud boom made me jump closer into Hunters arms. “We have to get back to the cabin.” Hunter said before he let go of me and started to strip to shift. Hunter lowered himself once again for me to climb onto his back. I quickly got on his back with no hesitation this time. I grabbed aho
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Chapter 0037
With the flashlight in hand, I looked around the room. A huge four post log bed sat in the middle of the room accompanied by two matching dressers and a nightstand. I wondered if this was Hunter’s room or his parents but by the clothes, he had given me I’m going to say it was his. I had to draw the
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Chapter 0038
Hunter’s POV The sight of Ella in the dripping wet clothes drove me nuts, but the sound of her teeth chattering brought me back to reality. I had to get her a change of clothes quickly. I knew I had a stash of clothes in the dresser in my bedroom. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bedroom,
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Chapter 0039
As I was walking back to the living room Ella appeared from the bedroom wearing the sweats I gave her, and a blanket wrapped around her. This girl could make anything look good on her. I loved the way my sweatshirt slid off her shoulder exposing her neck, shoulder, and the spot where hopefully my ma
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Chapter 0040
“I mean I went to a party once with Samantha but realized it wasn’t my scene. I mean everyone just goes to those parties to hook up with random guys. So, I went once and that was enough for me.” She said and I could tell that the wine was making her feel relaxed and chattier. I got up and grabbed
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