All Chapters of Moon Kissed Mates: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
784 Chapters
Chapter 0041
Ella stopped and became completely still as she stared deep into my eyes. It was like she was looking for something in them. Without warning Ella had her lips on mine. The sensation of our lips touching sent fireworks off in my head as my body started to feel like it was on fire and the only person
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Chapter 0042
“You’re beautiful” she said as she raised her body up and I leaned in to kiss her. I laid her body back down gently as we kissed passionately. I didn’t want to break the kiss, but I was dying to taste her. I slid my body slowly down hers placing kisses here and there until my head was between her le
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Chapter 0043
Ella’s POV What Hunter had just done to my body was orgasmic. Never had I ever imagined that it would feel this good. I mean yes, I was innocent, but I had sex education and read countless romance novels. The mate bond was also intensifying the sensations between us. The pull from the bond to let
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Chapter 0044
As I continued to stroke and take him in my mouth, I decided to move my other hand to his balls and start to gently massage them in my other hand. Hunter started to buck his hip into me, and I knew he was liking the new sensation I was giving him. Within a minute Hunter started to tense up, “I’m goi
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Chapter 0045
“First off yes mother saw us last night and she said you probably passed out from all the excitement. Second I myself didn’t talk to my father.” He paused now getting a look of jealousy on his face. “My father told Chance he approves of you.” Just when I was going to question Hunter why Chance had
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Chapter 0046
Chance’s POV I woke up this morning worried about Ella. My wolf was telling me something wasn’t right. Samantha told me that Ella texted she wasn’t feeling well last night and that she went to lie down. I figured she would be in one of the guestrooms, so I got up and started looking for her. All t
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Chapter 0047
The bastard looked up at me and smiled as he pulled Ella out the front door. I started taking the steps two at a time trying to catch up to them but by the time I made it outside they had already gotten on Hunter’s Harley and were riding down the lane. I saw Ella turn back and take one last look at
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Chapter 0048
“One down and one to go.” I said out loud. I had a plan, and the plan was working out better than I had expected. My father would have been proud of me taking down his twin brother. My father had always been in his brother’s shadows but today his brother was no more and soon Hunter will share the
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Chapter 0049
Ella’s POV Umm… I curled in closer to something warm. I could feel heat radiate from whatever it was. Then I felt the tingles radiate through my half awaken body. Realization hit me that I was wrapped up in Hunter’s arms like a cocoon. This was going to take some getting used to but I’m not going
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Chapter 0050
Hunter immediately stopped and sat up. ‘I’m sorry Love. I didn’t mean to hurt you or push you to do something you don’t want.” “No Hunter that’s not it. I just don’t want to start something we can’t finish.” I said pulling him back to me and giving him a gentle kiss. “I want you, but I want all of
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