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모두진행 중완성
정렬 기준
Cold Feet
Cold Feet
VIOLA I'm a wedding planner and I'm in love with love and couples who are in love. They are my bread and butter after all but that's not why I love them. I haven't got there yet myself but arranging weddings keeps my dream of finding Mr. Right alive. But life doesn't always see things the way we dream of them turning out. It sure didn't see it my way when he crossed my path. RICK I don't believe in love. If it really exists why are there so many broken relationships and people in the world? Not that I care… about the broken relationships I mean. After all, they are my bread and butter. People lay the foundation for the demise of their marriage before they're married with prenups. Anyone who thinks it starts with a wedding is wrong. It starts with a lawyer. And if it ends… well, it ends with a lawyer too. Funny that. Often the people I work for before their wedding, come back to me when they divorce. So, love is great and it is for me but just not the way you might think if you get what I mean. When I met the wedding planner she was incensed at the thought that we might collaborate. Normally I would just walk away but the universe seems to have other plans…
9.35.7K 조회수Completed
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Zero Feet Apart
Zero Feet Apart
Two teenagers from two different social classes discover their feelings for one another when a strange viral disease outbreak forced them to mingle in quarantine.
2.2K 조회수Ongoing
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Gay Sugar Daddy
Gay Sugar Daddy
"I'm gay." My eyes grow so big as I stop breathing, but two seconds later I'm bursting with laughter. "Okay funny," I finally tone down my laugh as I bring myself to look at him again. But he is still staring at me like he had been when he told me that joke. "Wait," uhh, "Really?" He nods, "Really." "You like... guys?" "I fuck guys." Oh wow, you really can't have it all can you. When he checks all the boxes, suddenly there's this big box he doesn't. The most important box, the top on the list. "You're gay or bi?" Because there's a big difference between those two. "I'm gay." "You never fuck a woman?" "I've never fucked a woman." "Then why the hell would you want me to be your sugar baby? To watch you fuck another man's butthole?" He smirks despite my little mockery. "Oh now it's funny?" "It is," he is still smirking, "But no. It's the opposite of what I wanna do." I bring my arms across my chest as I reply in my all-business tone, "Enlighten me." *** 22 year old Estelle is one of the best sugar babies the agency has ever had. She has the whole package, no dick ever gone soft seeing how perfect she is, both her body and personality. But can she sway Owen into the heterosexual group? After being in that homo-pool all this while?
9.6193.6K 조회수Completed
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Suamiku Gay?!
Suamiku Gay?!
Arga Gala Anata digosipkan seorang Gay?! Itu semua terjadi setelah masalalunya yang menimbulkan trauma mendalam dan membuat Arga sangat membenci wanita. Untuk berdekatan dan bersentuhan saja membuatnya mual dan berkeringat dingin. Gosip buruk mengenai dirinya perlahan kian membesar hingga berhembus di perbincangan rekan bisnis Ayahnya. Ayah Romi Anata yang tak mau nama putra tersayangnya menjadi lebih buruk pun menikahkan Arga dengan seorang wanita yang pernah ditolongnya dulu. Seorang wanita kasar dan barbar yang Ayah Romi syukuri tak membuat Arga mual serta takut jika di dekatnya. Sebaliknya, Arga justru selalu terlihat kesal namun tak mau jauh dari Teresia.
1028.2K 조회수Completed
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He's Gay
He's Gay
Unfortunately, Lucas Villareal, the undoubtedly attractive son of a well-known businessman, is gay. He was obligated to find a woman to be his temporary wife in order to get his inheritance; unexpectedly, he met Rhea. Rhea was the beloved daughter of a well-known chef, but due to a tragedy, she loses everything. After a little bit of contemplating,  Lucas asks for Rhea's hand in marriage in exchange for supporting her financially.  What will be Rhea's response to Lucas' proposal? Will She agree? What will happen if there are feelings involved?
106.2K 조회수Completed
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Sassy Gay
Sassy Gay
Marko Peralta was only 20 years old when his mother died. After his father went missing, Marko felt angrier--until his uncle told him about his next mission. Curious to seek out his new destiny, Marko try his best to act like an innocent man. And does indeed meet a man with his own hidden and mysterious past. And as he pieces together the information about his past, shocking surprises about his mom, his dad, come to light.
105.0K 조회수Completed
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Seducing the Gay CEO
Seducing the Gay CEO
BOOK 1: Seducing The Gay CEO BOOK 2: Akitin Ang Fiance Kong Tomboy (Zachary's Son Story) "As a breadwinner of the family, I will do everything." -Gillian Guzman Bilang isang mahirap, pera ang laging katapat. Gillian Guzman, the woman who was paid to seduce and turn the well -known Gay CEO of a large company into a real man. What could Gillian be able to do for the sake of money? Zachary Villanueva, the firstborn of the Villanueva family and the Gay CEO of Villa Company. He have a secret and Gillian will discover it while seducing him. What will Gillian do after knowing the secret of the Gay CEO?
9.8114.1K 조회수Completed
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Suami gay saya
Suami gay saya
Di SMA, Trixie sudah naksir Ken meski dia tahu rahasianya, bahwa Ken itu gay. Banyak wanita menyukainya tapi yang tidak mereka ketahui adalah seperti mereka, Ken juga menyukai pria. Ketika mereka lulus kuliah, Ken dipaksa menikah dengan Trixie karena orang tua mereka, bahkan bertentangan dengan keinginannya, dia setuju meskipun dia sudah punya pacar. Apakah ada harapan bagi seorang gay seperti Ken untuk mencintai gadis yang paling dibencinya? Berapa tahun akan berlalu sebelum Ken menyadari betapa Trixie mencintainya? Apakah mereka selalu seperti anjing dan kucing yang selalu bertengkar?
104.2K 조회수Completed
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My Gay Husband
My Gay Husband
In high school, Trixie already had a crush on Ken even though she knew his secret, that Ken was gay. Many women like him but what they don't know is that like them, Ken also likes men. When they graduated from college, Ken was forced to marry Trixie because of their parents, even against his will, he agreed even though he already had a boyfriend. Is there any hope for a gay like Ken to love the girl he hates the most? How many years will pass before Ken realizes how much Trixie loves him? Are they always like dogs and cats that always fight?
3.1K 조회수Completed
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She hates her dad hiring her bodyguards. But what if her next bodyguard is gay? Will she learn to accept him? Will she like him? Or will she fall for him?
7.114.5K 조회수Completed
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