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Love You Mr. Arrogant
Love You Mr. Arrogant
Fanya yang merupakan gadis berumur 25 tahun, harus merelakan kehidupannya saat Atmaja mengirimnya sebagai tumbal. Hidup di tengah-tengah pria mengerikan, yang akan siap mengunyahnya hidup-hidup. Hingga kata kabur, terasa begitu indah saat itu terucap dari mulutnya. Tapi ternyata tidak, takdir membawanya masuk lebih dalam lagi. Lagi, dan lagi. Ternoda dengan sebuah ikatan suci. Membutakan matanya, saat orang yang berstatus sebagai suami, menjeratnya dengan rantai tak kasat mata. Hidup dengan segala tekanan yang membuatnya kebal dengan semua itu. Sampai Fanya menemukan titik lelah, dan melepaskan segalanya. Dan seorang Regan Erlando, tidak akan mengerti arti kata pertemuan, sebelum menyadari kata perpisahan.
1062.4K DibacaCompleted
Meet Lucy Vega a twenty four years old beautiful lady. Her parent died when she was five years old, she struggled to send herself to school, coming out with first degree in business. She applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (GLITTER COMPANY). A company that produces exotic wine. He is twenty seven years old and every lady dream guy. He became cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happens when he meets Lucy? And she discovered that he has a sweet side behind the cruel attitude. she was determined to know the cause of it and change his cruel attitude and Change him to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission
9.85.7K DibacaOngoing
Taming Mr. Arrogant
Taming Mr. Arrogant
“You think you can tame an old daddy like me?” Mr. Domenico Lombardi’s stone-like voice makes me nervous, but I’m not backing down; I know what I want. “Yes,” I added a nod to confirm it but cursed internally at my luck. I’ve never had a boyfriend, and here I am trying to tame a man old enough to be my father. It is said that the apple does not fall far from the tree. I guess I am truly Kate’s daughter. I had an internal laugh at my stupidity. He scoffed, and I responded by nodding once more while watching the darkening of the silvery gray pupils in his eyes. How come? I brush it off as his cold eyes wash over me. Domenico Lombardi’s presence makes me squirm. When I’m around him, I get the impression that I’m being judged and ignored at every turn. “How old are you?” “18” “How old is your father?” “38,” I replied truthfully. “Well, I’m 37 years old.” He stared at me; his eyes darkened again, and I became terrified. I fiddle with my nails, clipping them together as I lean back on my heels to help relieve some of the anxiety he’s causing me. “You see, I’m like a father to you, or maybe a grandfather or a great-great-grandfather. How many boyfriends have you had in your life?” “None.” He chuckled as I responded. “You see, I’ve lost count of how many ladies I’ve fucked, thousands or millions, over the centuries. You are just a little girl to me with nothing to offer; now, get lost!” “My panties made you hard!” “You think so?” “Yes,” I responded confidently. “Well, I wasn’t hard; I just have a donkey-like cock.”
103.1K DibacaOngoing
Marrying Mr. Arrogant
Marrying Mr. Arrogant
“I only married you for revenge. You are not my wife nor will I ever consider you one.” *** When the cold-hearted billionaire, Dariel Cannedy, got cheated by his ex-wife, he decided to marry Saafia Blooms as revenge. To him, it was- ‘My employee married my wife and I will marry his girlfriend. Simple as that.’- just to hurt the cheaters, to break them, to make them suffer. Saafia was against all of it, she believed in forgiveness, in kindness but Dariel’s heart was tainted black. Two people. Different thoughts, emotions, lives, demeanor. They were like light and dark. Still got married. Working this mismatched marriage was impossible; an incomplete tale- can they make the impossible possible?
102.1K DibacaCompleted
Hello, Mr. Arrogant!
Hello, Mr. Arrogant!
Quitta Jofany, gadis cantik dengan kepribadian ajaib yang mendadak dijodohkan dengan pimpinan tertinggi di perusahaan ekspedisi merasa dunianya jungkir balik. Sebab, Alo Pratama yang dipilih sebagai calon suami merupakan lelaki paling songong sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia. Namun, satu-satunya pilihan yang ada mengharuskan sang perempuan muda menerima tantangan ayah sambungnya, menjadi kekasih dua semester sang Presdir. Siapa sangka masa lalu Alo yang menjadikan dirinya begitu brengsek di mata Quitta justru memiliki kekuatan magis dalam mengundang empati sang gadis, kesamaan luka di hati masing-masing memaksa mereka menjadi saling melindungi tanpa disadari. Bahkan, rentang usia yang terpaut 10 tahun memaksa Alo harus mengakui keunggulan calon istrinya yang jauh lebih angkuh ketika sudah berada di level maksimum. Sanggupkah keduanya menentang perjodohan klasik demi kepentingan bisnis atau justru terjebak pada kisah klise tentang benci menjadi cinta? Quitta bukan hanya sedang berjuang untuk mendapatkan kebebasan dalam kehidupan, dia pun dalam masa pemulihan hati ketika dihadapkan pada situasi buruk tersebut. Lantas, bagaimana dengan Alo yang ternyata pernah menikah di masa muda? Temukan semua keseruan kisah manis keduanya hingga akhir, jangan skip dan terus tuntaskan membaca.
102.1K DibacaOn-hold
Stuck With Mr Arrogant
Stuck With Mr Arrogant
Bad girl Olivia Henderson is stuck living with her worst nightmare Alexander Williams who happens to be the son of her parents good friends and business partners.Their parents go on a one month business trip leaving Olivia in the care of her worst nightmare,but what happens when what was supposed to be one horrible month of living with her worst nightmare turns out to be a turn around in Olivia's life as they slowly become attracted to one another.In this story we're talking about two crazy people who despise each other, crazy girlfriends, drama and a whole lot of craziness
6.317.4K DibacaCompleted
Luna, and her journey of self-discovery and finding her place in the world. Despite initial difficulties, she realizes that she needs to adapt to her new situation for her own growth and development. Her mother wants Luna to pursue higher education and convinces her to study in Manila. She agrees, understanding that education is a powerful tool for personal progress. She prepares for enrollment and plans to leave for Manila soon. However, her encounter with Ryker Gregory, who seems to have negative feelings toward her, shakes her confidence. “I find myself swept away by the profound emotions that linger in the air. It is a realm where authenticity becomes fleeting, leaving behind nothing but remnants of my once vibrant feelings. Thoughts echo within me, whispering their secrets and leaving me yearning for more. Within the depths of my heart, I discover a peculiar contradiction—a longing for simplicity entangled in the complexities of love. Despite the dangers that lie in exposing my soul, it slowly emerges from its hiding place, craving connection and intimacy. Words wield an intriguing power in this realm, embracing both poverty and richness. Love becomes the enigmatic pursuit we strive for, seeking to be seen and appreciated amidst the captivating beauty of the world. Yet, I encounter individuals who weave intricate webs of lies, whether out of habit or with deliberate intent. In the face of such encounters, I am confronted with a choice—one that encompasses the essence of great and true love. As I traverse this labyrinthine journey, I embark on a quest to unravel the enigma of love. It is a search that takes me to the depths of my soul, forcing introspection and contemplation,” – Luna.
9.0K DibacaOngoing
Mr arrogant Mrs simple
Mr arrogant Mrs simple
Rania adalah seorang wanita yang kaya-raya, putri tunggal dari Pak Marcel dan Bu Aulia. Dia adalah pewaris tunggal dari group bisnis terbesar urutan ke dua se-Asia, CNN IT. Perusahaan ini berdiri di bidang technology terkemuka di Asia. Marcel sendiri merupakan CEO dari group CNN IT. Selain itu, Bu Aulia juga punya perusahaan sendiri yang berdiri di bidang fashion. Aulia sendiri merupakan CEO dari perusahaan yang ia dirikan sejak masih gadis. Dengan melihat latar belakang dari kedua orang tuanya, tentu Rania bukanlah orang sembarangan. Namun begitu, Rania lebih nyaman tampil sederhana dan apa adanya. Raka adalah putra tunggal dari Pak Hendra dan Bu Denisa. Ia adalah pemilik perusahaan yang berdiri di bidang property terkemuka se-Asia. Selain itu, ada beberapa perusahaan milik keluarga mereka yang berdiri di bidang otomotif. Mereka menjual mobil-mobil mewah yang harganya cukup funtastis. Dengan kekayaan orang tuanya, Raka menjadi pria yang arogan. Ia suka mencela dan memecat karyawan sesuka hati. Tampilannya yang terlihat perfect, membuat para gadis klepek-klepek ketika melihat wajah tampan dari sang direktur. Ia sangat cerdas dan bisa dengan cepat mengolah bisnis mereka berkembang pesat. Sejak Raka menjadi direktur, keuntungan perusahaan mereka jadi lebih besar dua kali lipat dari sebelumnya. Benar-benar perfect dan idaman bagi semua para kaum hawa. Tinggi ideal dan tubuh yang kekar membuat para gadis mendambakan sosok Raka untuk jadi kekasih mereka. Tak dipungkiri jika Raka adalah pria yang paling sensitif dengan masalah tubuhnya. Ia tak ingin terlihat ada cela. Namun sikap cuek dan arogannya yang membuat ia terlihat angkuh. Bagaimana awal pertemuan Raka dan Rania? Kapan benih-benih cinta itu mulai ada? Bagaimana menyatukan kedua karakter yang berbeda ini? Apakah cinta mereka akan bertahan atau malah sebaliknya? Penasaran?!! Baca kisahnya hanya di GOOD NOVEL
9.99.6K DibacaOngoing
Married To Mr Arrogant
Married To Mr Arrogant
Alexa Banks was always haunted by those memories... That night, that image of her dad's murdered corpse in front of her house. That memory lived with her, and pushed her down. That night was why her mom died, leaving behind her younger brother to fend for alone. Her father was a poor man who had went through a lot in life to fend for his small family of four. Everything was going smoothly and manageable for them until the night their door bell was rung, and in front of them was him in his pool of blood, murdered. Everything changes when incidentally, Alexa meets Anderson Green. Known as an every girls' man. He is handsome, sexy, intelligent, smart and to crown it all, he is the heir to a business mogul, and oh... He was a man whore too. What happens when their two worlds get intertwined and clashes with each other, several dark secrets between?
8.87.1K DibacaCompleted
Falling For Mr. Arrogant
Falling For Mr. Arrogant
After Amaya found out her fiance was cheating on her two days to their wedding. She ended the relationship and decided to move to New York to meet her Aunt who was an India woman. At the airport she encountered a man, a man she didn't took note of. But when fate brought her to India, little did she know that a beautiful love story was about to be unfold. And the man she thought would be her prince charming became the stumbling block in her fairytale romance.
9.410.7K DibacaOngoing
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