


My heart tumbled as the sound of gunfire ricocheted through the room. I had taken the shot but I misfired. 

My hands and body trembled. The shock, the recoil and the vibrations absorbed by my body made the gun fall off my grip.

As the gun crashed into the floor, a loud howl tore out of Santiago's lips. He sounded like the cry of a wounded animal. What the hell? The sound seemed wolfish and I almost ran out of my skin. 

I screamed and wanted to bolt away, but I couldn't. I couldn't push him away, his face was buried in my neck, and he was crashing me down with his weight.

Suddenly, I felt his teeth on me. He grazed my neck and bit me hard, so hard that raw pain sizzled down my body.

"I'm sorry," I screamed, thinking I could get through to him. I had committed an unforgivable offence and I was paying for it.

Slowly, he raised his head. I couldn't look into his face but from the corners of my eyes, I saw it. His eyes were red like burning embers of coals. And in his mouth… What are those? Fangs!? Oh my God! My heart flew to my mouth as I saw a pair of fang-like teeth in his mouth. They were long and sharp.

I shut my eyes in trepidation and blotted the image out of my head. I opened my eyes almost immediately, but the fangs were gone and I thought I was seeing things. 

There was blood on his lips, he had cut into my neck. He licked up the blood and I felt irritated but before I could recover, he pulled me by my collar. This time I couldn't hide it, no playing hide and seek, I was scared to the bones.

He picked up the gun, pulled me to my feet and aimed the gun at my heart. He placed my trembling hand on the gun and leaned in closer. "Next time, do not miss your target! It could be the end of you," he gritted and flipped me around.

I crashed on his leg. His leg was on the small of my back, holding my torso. My head dangled backwards while my hips and legs were on the other side. On my forehead was the cold nuzzle of the gun. This time he said nothing. He corked the gun and his hand was on the trigger. 

It is over, I thought and shut my eyes. His leg that was holding me gave way and I crashed on the ground. 

I lay there breathlessly. I thought I heard a shot. I thought he had shot me and I fell because I was dead, until his deadly tone broke into my head again 

"Get up, we are going out."

What? I shook and staggered up from the ground where I had fallen. I'm alive, I thought as I straightened my clothes.

I saw him walk out through a hidden door and I remembered his orders. 

Not knowing what to do, I followed from behind with trepidation, tripping, falling and rising.

We soon burst outside. It had stopped raining. The whole place was well-lit and buzzing like it was daytime. 

We walked through an array of guards and into an already waiting van. Fierce-looking men bowed as they opened the door for us.

All through the ride, I was preoccupied with my thoughts. Who the hell is this man? Who the hell am I messing with? What did I walk into? The wolfish cry and the fangs? Are they real or did I make them up? I didn't know what to think. I had never seen such a horrendous appearance in my life. It's not real, you were delusional because of your fear. I told myself.

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