
I Don't Share


The car halted in front of a casino. I couldn't tell if we were still within the estate or not but just like the estate, it was all noisy outside.

We walked through a file of guards and when we were gone, the guards fell into their position behind us and guarded from the rear. I walked right behind my captor, trembling in fear.

"Mamamia! What a curvy queen! San, you brought us a golden fish," a fat and rounded man said as soon as we walked in. His eyes roved over me as he licked his lips. Slowly, he rose up and made his way towards me with a stupid smile hanging on his face.

Santiago looked unconcerned. He walked ahead with a straight face and strides. Well, what did I expect? I was just a plaything. I pulled my knuckles together, getting ready to defend myself.

The man had not walked past the first guard when the guard seized him up. He twisted his arm and punched him hard on the nose. Blood spilt and the room thundered. My eyes widened but I kept my cool.

Almost all the men in the Casino were staring at me now, but no one dared to come near me.

We walked into a large room and only two guards followed us in. The door shut behind us and I flinched. For all I know, this man could be selling me off or something.

"The Don himself is here." A man's voice boomed through the air and I saw him walk in. He looked like a small fry compared to Santiago but he had a powerful aura about him, one that wasn't less than Santiago's.

"Don San himself is here. I thought you would send one of your minions… this must be important to you," he said sarcastically and took his seat. His eyes were fastened on me, he was staring at me in sheer ecstasy.

"Is she an exchange? If yes, she is a good payment," the man said, biting his lips lustfully. I shifted on my seat and I swallowed hard.

"Richo!" Santiago shot.

"Is she not? Oh! My bad! The man raised his hands in surrender and I sighed in relief.

"So, are you here with my consignment?" The man asked, suddenly looking formal and serious.

“Look here, Richo, you can't get it. My warehouse got fucking busted." Santiago responded in a lacklustre manner.

The man burst into derisive laughter. "What a sabotage! Who the hell looted your warehouse? Do you want me to believe that? The mighty Don Santiago Castillo's warehouse was looted! C'mon, cut the crap." The man responded and lit up a cigar.

The discussion from this point became heated. They spoke in Russian and I didn't hear a thing.

"I will refund your money!" Santiago blurted in English.

"No!" The man yelled.

"I will pay double, Richo."


"I will pay three times more for your loss," 

"I said no! I want my consignment or her!" The man mouthed, pouting at me. 

My eyes widened. Santiago stared down at me. It was a demeaning look. One that suggested that I was nothing to him. This time I couldn't hide my fear. I was afraid and it was written all over me. I looked back at Santiago, my eyes screaming and pleading that he shouldn't let the man have me.

Silence ensued and I continued to plead with my eyes as I waited for Santiago to pronounce my fate.

"Richo, I don't share," Santiago finally said and I breathed out in relief.

"Why did you bring her to me?" 

"None of your business. My offer still stands, I wait to hear from you," Santiago said and rose to his feet. I rose immediately like a robot and this got the other man laughing.

"Think about my demand too. It's my consignment or her," he said amidst laughter and Santiago walked out, cussing under his breath.

"Richo, don't touch my stuff. Remember, I don't share," Santiago resounded and the man continued laughing as we walked away.

The drive back wasn't quiet like before. Santiago glared and screamed down at his guards, he was obviously burning with anger and as for me, I wished that the ground would swallow me.

I realised that I was walking in murky waters. Whatever my father stole from him was what the man we visited wanted. I understood as much as that. But my father… Can he break into a Mafia warehouse? Well I am not taking sides and I don't know what he is capable of doing, but it was sure that he definitely had accomplices.

Soon we were back at a seemingly familiar part of the estate. My body felt weak and numb and I felt drowsy. But the enormity of the issue at hand kept me awake.

The car decelerated in front of a massive mansion. It was different from all the structures that I had seen earlier. 

The gate propped open on its accord and the driver drove in. When it halted, Santiago strutted out and I followed suit.

"Massimo! Where…" A tall-looking man rushed to meet us, but Santiago glared at him. The man went cold and gave way immediately. His eyes roved over me but there was nothing flirtatious, just curiosity and questions. I didn't know who he was. So, I just bowed and rushed after Santiago.

We walked into a dimly lit hallway and he grabbed the receiver of an intercom along the way. "Milla, I have a guest, come prepare her for my ravishing," he hung up and walked away while one of the guards showed me to a different room.

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