
The Girl With Green Eyes

Bianca's POV

I sobbed quietly, my body shaking with mixed emotions. Part of me was relieved that Santiago had walked away instead of taking advantage of me in that moment of vulnerability.

Another part of me ached with the realisation that he wanted nothing to do with me. I couldn't understand why he had reacted that way - his eyes had burned with such intensity, yet he had resisted. What was going on inside his head?

"No one will ever love you." Tyler's voice came back to me and I sobbed louder. After all, he was right about me.

“Stop that shit or I will tear you apart! " Santiago's voice boomed from the bathroom. Fear gripped my heart and I stopped sobbing the same seconds sucking In my breath as I heard him leave the bathroom through another door.

I doubt if anyone could figure out how many doors were in this building, I thought, looking around stealthily. It's not that I could try to escape, I entertained the thought briefly. I wasn't taken against my will… this was a contract,
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