
You're Mine For A Year


She was Fire. She had a wit about her and I was right. Watching her walk into my chamber affirmed my assertions. No one ever walked into my chambers without my invitation. Not even my men and now, it's the daughter of a thief who looted my warehouse! Interesting! Let's see if she's got the guts or if she is just stupid and clueless. 

She jumped when the door suddenly closed behind her and I saw her tremble. Without saying a word, I took a keen look at her and there it was; behind her bold facade was a great fear, she was trembling and falling apart. 

What a show! Nice try! A half smile formed on my lips and I suddenly became interested in her game. 

Her beauty radiated into my eyes. Her eyes, pouty lips and sexy figure. She looked salacious and all I could think of ravishing every inch of her body. I felt my dick pulsating.

Let's see what she'd got. I wanted to taunt her, get under her skin and see how far she could hold up. I looked at her with my deadliest glare, inflicting fear in her.

I saw her shudder and when her eyes darted to the side, she flinched. My gun was sitting on one of the bed sofas and I smirked.

"Where is it?" I asked and I saw her wince. 

"What do you want?" She asked recklessly. Is that an invitation?

"Whatever your consignment is… He doesn't have it," she added hurriedly but fearlessly.

"What?" I drew back my fist, wanting to hit her but she remained unfazed. She stood rigid like she was blind and didn't see what was coming. But again it was all a fake resolve. Her eyes glittered and behind them were tears.

I closed the distance between us and grabbed her shoulders. I yelled, but I said nothing. Cry! Scream! Beg! Fall! Kneel! I wanted to say them all but I only shook her. I shook her so hard, she breathed heavily but she pretended to be unmoved. Slowly I let her go and turned my back towards her.


When he drew his fists, my heart stopped, and I almost fell to my knees. All I heard in my head was 'Bianca! Run!' But there was no escape from this. If I must save my father, if I must save us, there is no other way around this.

With his massive back turned against me, I staggered a little and let out a deep breath. I needed the break but it didn't last long. I watched in horror as the massive muscles of his shoulders extended. He began to turn back towards me and I almost screamed, I was barely holding up, I was freaking out.

Just as expected, his expression was cold and unreadable. Trembling inside, I steeled my body as I waited for my fate.

"Be my plaything for a year and after that, you and your father will be free." The devil whispered coldly. His eyes full of desire as his lustful gaze trailed my body and lingered on my surplus bust.

I was going insane! It was obvious that if I agreed to this, it would be my undoing but I had no choice here. "I… mm…" I stammered.

He began to walk towards me, his heavy footsteps made my heart skip. As he walked closer, he grabbed my chin and nudged my face upward. Our gazes met but I shifted my gaze immediately, I couldn't look into his cold flirting eyes.

"I lack patience," he warned and rammed my back against the wall. Surprisingly, the crash didn't hurt like I had expected.

He brought up his free hand, trailed the side of my face and stopped on my lips. His gaze was still cold and grime, but I saw the fire, the desire and…

"You are mine for a year," he muttered without waiting for my answer. 

Swoosh! He picked me up like I was a paper. "Too light…" he muttered and threw me on the bed sofa that had his gun.

He landed on me and began to kiss me roughly. I grabbed the gun and the only thing on my mind was to take him down.

"Shoot!" I screamed in my head. "Don't! You don't even know how to use a gun." Conflicting thoughts raged in my head but I succumbed to my fears and with trembling fingers, I pulled what I thought to be the trigger.

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