
Is This your first Kiss


Milla was a beautiful middle-aged woman. She had her minions too. They gave me a thorough bath and pampered my body with different odorous skin care products. They were preparing me for their master.

She was a good masseuse too. Her fingers eased off my tension and worries and in no time I began to doze off. 

"Do whatever he wants, baby. That's when you can be safe," her voice sounded angelic, it felt like I was in a trance, but it was her, Milla. She whispered before leaving the room with the other maids.

I did not know how long I had slept but when I woke up it was dawn. A short snapping sound had broken into my sleep.

I sat up on the bed, fully awake. I looked around, trying to decipher where the snapping sound was coming from.

I saw him emerge from the bathroom. He was almost naked. He only had a pair of boxers on and the latter stuck to his wet body hiding nothing. 

Quickly, I looked away from his loins. Avoiding his eyes, my gaze settled on his hair. It was wet, unstyled and ruffled. A few strands fell over his face making him look brutally handsome. My gaze dropped to his broad shoulders and I gasped. His muscles were massive, he must have been training all his life!

He was hairy. The hair on his chest seemed to be more than normal.

He looked my way and caught me staring at him. "Good morning…sire." I looked away quickly. He didn't respond. He glared at me coldly, sending shivers down my body.

Slowly he began to walk towards the bed. I shrunk and gripped the edges of the comforter tightly. I was only in g-string panties and lingerie that hid nothing. Millia must have provided the clothes for him to have the best of me.

Without saying a word, he pounced on the bed and with a single swipe, he tore the comforter away from my grip. He pulled my legs apart and closer until I slid on the bed, moving towards him.

"You won't give me any issues, will you? We are doing this unfailingly for 365 days. It's the ransom to free your father. You are the price for all my troubles," he said more to himself than to me.

I couldn't say a word. Tears fell off my eyes and I grinded my teeth. I remembered Tyler, the one who I loved. Instead of this beast, I should have let me have me. Would he have loved me if I had given myself to him? The answer was 'No' but it felt like a better option, at least I loved him and he wasn't a stranger.

Santiago lowered himself against my body, I could feel his throbbing length in between my thighs. He ripped off my lingerie and my panties followed. His eyes glittered, full of desire and fire. But it was lust, not love. 

"...Get it straight, no man will ever love you, Bianca," Tyler's words sounded in my head and I shut my eyes as Santiago captured my lips in his. 

He kissed me so hard and it hurt but he didn't seem to care. I couldn't even say a word, I just laid there waiting for him to finish up what he had started. 


As I laid on her, her heart throbbed crazily and I felt her fear. She didn't respond as expected to my touches and I needed no one to tell me that she was new to this. Not like I cared, I was going to have her, she was the price for my troubles and she was worth the price. 

My wolf pranced happily in my head, disgusting me. I hated him. I had never gratified his desire. I hurt him to make him miserable and make him keep a low profile. I didn't want him out. He was the only part of me that tied me to my fading origin. I was a werewolf. It was the part of me that I hated with passion.

Earlier, when I bit her neck. It was because my wolf wanted it. He was out of my control, it took all the restraint in me to stop myself from marking her. That was why I wanted to give her out to Richo. My wolf liked her and she would be my weakness! She would bring the part of me that I wanted dead alive.

Roughly, I began to kiss my captive. I bit her succulent lips, almost chewing them up. She was in pain but I didn't care. My wolf was in pain too and that's what I cared about. I don't know what he felt towards her, but seeing her in pain made him in pain too. Good.

An image suddenly popped up in my head, it was Bianca's pleading eyes back at the casino. I had wanted to hand her out to Richo, but something about her pleading eyes had stopped me. 

I lifted my head and gleaned at her face and again I saw her tears, this time I couldn't ignore them. It cut through my heart in a way that I didn't expect.

"Aha…" the word escaped my lips and the fire in my loins vanished. I felt my hardness give way and I sighed.

"Is this your first kiss?" I rasped, as I figured her out. Her eyes opened up and she responded, "No." I smirked. If she isn't what I thought her to be, then there is nothing holding me back from taking her.

"Have you ever had sex?" I threw the last question holding me down on the plane of morality that I never had. She shook her head and responded in a whisper, "No."

I shut my eyes wishing it was a yes. I am Santiago, I can decide to let her go or feast on her innocence till she forgets it ever existed. But I chose the former, she had a way in my heart that no one ever did, the only barrier was that my wolf liked her.

Slowly, I rolled off her and let her go. I was a ball of emotions, irritated, angry, nostalgic, just mention it, it was a complicated emotion.

I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up. I jerked her chin up and made her look at me. I had one of my fierce glares on and she looked away but I almost cracked her jaw. 

She winced and looked back at me nervously. 

"You should remain just like that. When I'm ready to have you and you ain't the same, I will kill you," I said and I meant it. 

She seemed to get the message and nodded her head in compliance. 

"Good! You will get the document that you need to sign later in the day. Sign it and study it. It's the rules that bind you to me for a year. Follow the rule strictly, or else you might lose your father and I won't be able to guarantee your safety either," I added without looking back. 

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