
Run! Bianca!!


The cab came to a screeching halt right in front of the strange address. I was lucky to have found a driver who agreed to come this far in the middle of nowhere and in the rain. And the fare? I had to pay double to compel him.

It was a few minutes before midnight already. I couldn't take chances, I shot out of the cab like an arrow and ran into the rain, it was still drizzling.

I stood in front of the extensive property. The length and breadth extended as far as I could see. Confused, I ran towards what I perceived to be a gate. I banged it hard and screamed like a lunatic.

Suddenly, the gate opened up and I bumped in.

There were street lights and even in the rain, the whole place bubbled. It was like a sort of estate... Like a different world entirely. But I didn't have time for sightseeing.

Two men were walking towards me and I yelled at them, "I'm here… Where the hell is my father?" No one responded and I thundered again, "Someone should answer me! Where is…" One of the men charged at me, he draped a piece of kerchief over my nose and I went limp instantaneously. I was conscious but I could not move a muscle. They hauled me into a stand-by sedan and drove deeper into the estate.

After what seemed like an endless drive, the car suddenly came to a halt. They carried me out and one of the men flipped me over his shoulders.

He rounded corners and entered a partially dark area. I couldn't see anymore. After a few minutes, we broke into a well-illuminated room. A strong smell of cologne filled the room, making me sneeze. Whatever was used on me had begun to wear off.

The man who had me on his shoulders threw me down and I groaned in pain. In my wake, my muscles twitched and hurt like hell.

"Where… is my father?" I asked incoherently, shaking my head repeatedly to gain control.

"Name!" A cold baritone voice from nowhere echoed through the room and I almost jumped off my feet.

"Bianca Forbes " I responded timidly and impulsively, still looking around in fear.

"Where is the consignment?" The voice came again.

"What? What Consignment? Who are you and what has that got to do with…" While I was still rambling, the sound of a gunshot went off and I jumped to my feet.

"No!!! Father!!!" I screamed but I was interrupted by another sound. This time it wasn't a gunshot. A body was kicked through a slightly opened door that I didn't even know was there.

It was the body of a man, he was a bloody mess and he was dead. Blood pumped out of the bullet hole on his forehead and I trembled, falling back on my knees. Thankfully, it wasn't my father. 

Right there, two men walked in and took the body away.

"I hope that serves the right purpose," the ominous voice resumed and I trembled. 

"Your father stole what was mine and I want it back, it's as simple as that." 

Before I could respond, a gust of wind blew in my direction. A door in front of me burst open to reveal the back of a man. He was sitting on a swivel chair with his back turned against me. A stronger smell of cologne filled the air and I almost barfed, it was too strong for me.

Slowly, the man sitting on the chair began to swivel, he was turning towards me. I could not bear to look at him, I couched to the ground and pleaded. "Please, let me see my father… Let me talk to him."

Silence ensued and I became agitated. I was about to speak again when I heard the tapping of fingers. I knew it was a form of signal. My heart rocked as I tried to figure out the meaning. Is he going to kill my father too?

Muffled groans sounded not too far away. Before I could think, my father was thrown in front of me. 

His eyes widened when he saw me. He shook his head in dismay but he was too shocked to breathe out a word. Rather, he looked more terrified and tried to move toward me but he couldn't. The restraint stopped him. His arms and legs were tied and he was gagged.

I crawled on my knees until I was in front of him. I pulled the gag in his mouth, but the two men guarding me rushed towards me.

They stopped abruptly as the man sitting on the swivel chair raised a hand to stop them.

"Run!!! Run, Bianca, he is Santiago Castillo!!! Run!" My father screamed in fear.

"Father, do you have it? The consignment? I mean...Whatever you stole from him, give it back, that's all he wanted," I beseech him in panic.

Cold shivers ran down my spine as my father shook his head. "Bianca, I am sorry, I don't have it. It's gone! And that's why I want you to run! You shouldn't be here! It's Santiago! Run! He will kill us," my father trembled.

Nervously and with shaking fingers, I cleaned the blood dripping from the gash on his head and shushed him. "You shouldn't have stolen from him when you knew what he could do!" I gritted and rose to my feet.

With dread and trepidation. I cleaned my tears and began to walk across the room. I was walking towards Santiago who was in another room. He had stood up from his chair. He had his hands in the pockets of his polished tuxedo and a short pipe was stuck in between his lips, brewing smoke.

His eyes darkened as he saw me coming. Like a predator that just seized its prey, a dangerous smirk painted his lips and he raised a finger to stop his men who were coming to hold me back. His gaze dazzled down my whole length and I swallowed hard.

As I walked closer, I felt my head becoming bigger and lighter, my heart pounded and I thought it would extrude from my chest. I was walking into a lion's den with a perceived boldness that was non-existent.

As I walked in, the door shut behind me and I flinched whilst my father let out a panicked cry.

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