
Strong Woman



"Tell me everything that had happened dear." Mom cajoled me. I was seated on the side of her hospital bed. Her hands were firmly held in mine and judging by how strong they were, I could tell that she was okay and getting better. Even her pale skin had added a little bit of color and she looked more alive than ever. I loved that she was okay. I loved that I got to see her like this. It means so much to me. "I've missed out so much that I think that I've been jetlagged." She laughed but I could see the pain through her eyes. She was hurt that she had been admitted here all her life.

Mom was the type of person who loved fun. She loved to hang out and she was a sucker for romance and everything that would put a smile on her face. She loved being adventurous. She loved to travel and take the world under her feet. That's why when the news of her being diagnosed with cancer came into light, she couldn't bear it at all. It was like a piece of her had been removed and buried. Not to
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