
Chapter 3


I got up from my bed, if I call it one, it was a mere mattress that we set on the floor where our ‘dorm’ was. The white sheets were smudged with my tears, I knew not to expect otherwise, and I knew that this was a nightmare that wouldn’t end.

It was one that I couldn’t just wake up and find myself back in my own peace. One that stripped me away of my freedom to be a slave of the Alpha. An Alpha who I would be more than willing to kill if I were to be given a chance.

The idea of belonging to a monster, one who we didn’t even know, was not something that I wanted for myself. And though I knew not to say it out loud, I knew that I was going to have to get out of here. There was no other way that things were going to be going my way as causally.

“Each one of you get ready. I want these beds made and these mattresses removed before I am back for your lessons. Starting today, you are going to start your classes. Breakfast would be arriving shortly, and those who think of defying…” she said, looking at me. “Should consider otherwise. I am not going to be as lenient.”

“Come on, Lia, let’s fix our beds before we find ourselves in more trouble than we can afford.” Cecilia said, catching my attention. I nodded in response, knowing to stop fighting, for now.

 I didn’t have it in me to object. It wasn’t like I was going to be able to do anything at this point. The idea of them hurting me us was not something that we wanted. And last night’s threat played in my head. The idea of me being thrown with the rats played in my head.

“This dark hell is just as bad as they described that it would be.” I said, and Cecilia’s eyes widened in surprise. She shook her head at me and took my hands I hers, knowing not to attract too much attention. I didn’t care, though.

“Liana, stop, they are going to hear you.” She whispered, making me scoff. “You have gotten into enough trouble. Please, Liana. You don’t need to keep harming yourself, please.”

“Let them hear me. They might kill me and end my misery if they do.” I said, making sure to raise my voice loud enough for them to hear me. The woman, who I learned was Elena, approached me. She nodded at Cecilia and wrapped her hand around my arm, pulling me away from the girls.

She raised her index finger at me, and I watched as she forced me to look down at it. The anger alone was enough to make my stomach ache.

“I am going to say this once, and I am not going to repeat myself…”

“You don’t need to keep threatening me…”

“Then I suggest that you start listening to me.” She said, stopping me. “Go and fix that bed of yours and take the bruise that’s on your shoulder as a warning. It is going to be my last one; otherwise, trust me, you are not going to like how I’m going to be treating you from there.”

The woman pushed me away, making me stumble on my steps. I kept my eyes on her as she clapped her hands, motioning for the girls to step forward. I stayed back and though my tears fell from my eyes, I was sure not to look up at her as I fixed my bed, knowing not to test my luck more than I have until now.

“Each one of you is going to listen,” she said, keeping her tone loud enough for all of us to hear. “You are now the property of the Alpha. That means that everything that you do is going to be calculated from now on. Your words, the way you sit, stand, even the way you breathe. You are going to be trained, taught, and educated.”

She watched as I rose to my feet to stand beside the girls in line, looking at her as she crossed her arms over her chest. She walked in front of us, looking both calm and confident.

“And if you are smart, polite, beautiful, cute, and are chosen to be the Alpha’s favorite.” She said, making my heart clench. I held my breath for a moment, allowing myself to digest her words, but she paid no attention to me as she kept her eyes on the girls. “You might get a chance to be one of his Lunas. That is, of course, if you can give him an heir…”

“His excellency…” A man’s voice spoke so loud that I was forced not to flinch.

“All of you, look down at your feet, and I want neither one of you to look directly at the Alpha.” A strong feeling crept into my chest, and I couldn’t help but find myself frowning as I tried to catch a breath.

My legs felt as if they were not only giving up on me, my lungs were too.

“Alpha Aguilar Ivanov.” The man said, and I watched as everyone looked down at their feet before forcing myself to do the same. The Alpha passed us, but I couldn’t help but frown when I noticed that he stopped in front of me. I kept my head down, knowing not to say a word, and it wasn’t until he put his finger under my chin, raising my face, that my vision blurred.

“What’s your name?” He asked, and though I opened my mouth to speak, my world started spinning as my vision blurred, making it harder for me to stand. A hand wrapped around my waist, holding me upright and that was when everything went black. But the last word that I heard, I think I heard, though above a whisper; it seemed to be one inside my head, even. “Mate…”

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