An affair with my hot professor.

An affair with my hot professor.

By:  Raph Lee   Ongoing
Language: English
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Blurb/Synopsis: Madison Lane's uncomplicated one night stand turns out to be anything but uncomplicated when the man she had been dreaming about since their explosive night together turns out to be her new, mean and ruthless English literature professor. Lucian Buford is out for her, constantly singling her out in the class. Maddie can say goodbye to having any friends in class or having any fun whatsoever. Nobody wants to come close to her and incurr Professor Buford's wrath and he keeps her too busy with assignments to even have time to breathe not to talk of going to get lunch with the cute boy who's interested in her. Maddie thinks Lucian hates her, but what she doesn't know is that he's doing everything in his power to not drag her into his office and kiss her senseless. What happens when the professor with dark secrets and the fiery red hair he's obsessed with clash in a battle of wills? Will they both come out unscathed or be torn apart by forces that are beyond their control?

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24 Chapters
Maddie. "Don't look now, but that guy at the bar is totally checking you out." I immediately turned to look and Gia grabbed hold of my elbow and held me in place. "I said not to look now." She hissed at me. I winced. "Sorry sorry. What guy?" "He's wearing black, at seven o'clock. I can't really see his face, but I can see his watch and it is definitely expensive." She giggled, head bobbing to the beat of the music pulsing from hidden speakers. I rolled my eyes at her. Georgia and I had been best friends long before we were even born. I know you don't think it's possible, but let me paint you a picture of the scenario. Gia's mum and mine had been best friends who had met two best friends, Gia's dad and mine and got married within a month of each other. I was only six days younger than her, and we had practically grown up in the same house. Different houses sharing a single fence. Need I say more? We were attached at the hip and she was my sister in everyway that mattered. It di
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Maddie. I realized I had been staring and had completely snubbed him moments too late. "Uhh." I stammered. "Hey." "Do you want to dance?" He was standing super close to me, his head bent to breathe his words directly into my ear. It was an effective method to avoid having to shout to be heard over the music, but I couldn't help but feel that he also did it for another reason. "Yes." I replied. The words were barely out of my mouth before one of his big hands settled on my hip and pulled me closer till we were just a hairsbreadth away. He smelled like expensive cologne and pinewood. It was earthy and refreshing. Especially as I was constantly surrounded by college boys who thought drowning themselves and choking everybody around them in cheap, cloying perfume was appealing. The man staring down at me with singular focus was entirely too much man for me. Nothing about him was boy. He looked like he could eat me for breakfast and I wondered what madness had possessed me to say yes
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Maddie. It was Monday morning, more than twenty four hours since my amazing night with Luc. True to the dark promise in his eyes, he had blown my mind. I had screamed till I had lost my voice. The only roadblock we had encountered during the night was when he found out I had been a virgin, but luckily, I was able to reassure him that I hadn't been keeping my virginity for any mysterious special person and I was more than ready to lose it to him. And boy had I lost it. I had also lost my mind and my senses that night, both burned to ashes with the heat of our passion. Gia had once tried to describe what an explosive orgasm felt like to me and I had thought she had been exaggerating for my benefit. With Luc, it had been more than explosive. The best word I could use to describe it was combustive. I had passed out afterwards. Gia had snuck into the room by past two and we had both snuck out. I had been sad to leave Luc alone in bed, but I knew it was just a one night stand and I'd p
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Lucian. I had assumed she was an adult. So, it was nobody's fault but mine. Her and her friend hadn't looked like freaking college newbies. I didn't make it a habit to take strangers to my bed. It never happened in fact. Ever since the drama with my ex fiancee, I had lost all interest in women. Until her. There had been something electrifying about her. Something that kept my eyes glued to her all through the night. The air around her seemed to shimmer, that was the only way I could explain it. As soon as she had walked into that club Saturday night, I had taken notice. Gage never let anyone below twenty one in and he had a sharp eye for fake IDs so I had felt secure that she was an adult, old enough to drink and all. The club was also quite a distance from the college campus and much tamer too so it was a safe haven where I didn't have to worry about running into coeds. But not only had I run into one, I had approached her, felt her up in a public area and fallen into bed with
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Maddie."Oh my God. What did he say? That looked so intense and uncomfortable to watch." Gia asked as soon as I walked out of the door. "That he'd destroy our lives if we said anything about Saturday night." I gave her the brief summary. Gia made a face. "Is that all?" I began to head to our next class and she fell into step with me. "What do you mean by is that all? Should there be more? Maybe pictures of the people's lives he has destroyed as evidence?" She rolled her eyes at me. "I expected more." "More what? More threats?""Okay okay." She stopped walking and faced me. "Don't shoot the messenger, but from where I was standing it looked like both of you were about to start ripping each other's clothes off." I spluttered. "Excuse me?""I swear." "You're seeing things." "I am not just seeing things. I was afraid that someone was going to walk in and see you both because trust me, it'd have looked the opposite of what was actually going on. I don't know how to tell you, Mads,
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Maddie. Gia and I made our way into the fancy and tastefully decorated restaurant. Once in a while, we broke the bank to take ourselves out to somewhere nice and after the horrible week I had had, I felt I really deserved a relaxed lunch, not the five minute affairs that were slowly becoming my regular. And who could blame me, Professor Buford was out for a pound of my flesh and he didn't seem to be letting up any time soon. I could kiss goodbye to a chill year, that was obviously nowhere in my nearest future. I slid into the chair with a sigh. Gia picked up her menu hurriedly. "I'm starving." She said for the millionth time that afternoon. "Oh God, their portions are going to be ridiculously small and we'll need to order pizza afterwards." I winced. This lunch was already eating deep into our pockets. Could we afford to shell out a single extra cent for pizza today? The semester had barely begun and we were already counting pocket change. "We're wiped aren't we?" She asked readin
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Maddie. "Why are you dressed like that?" I eyed Gia as she stepped out of the room. Our apartment was a one bedroom with a single bathroom and a kitchen. We had been lucky to get it for the price that we had. It beat living in the dorms though. The best part about it was the verandah that overlooked the campus. I had been making breakfast while Gia got ready for school. I was shocked to see her in a black jersey dress and a sweater shrug. Our normal school fit were comfortable clothes. Loose bottoms, T-shirts for me and crop tops for her. "I'm meeting Ethan for lunch. I can't be dressed like a coed. I'll sell myself out faster than you can say Jack." I rolled my eyes at her. "We're supposed to go job hunting after class. Don't forget." "I haven't. Did you turn in your assignment yesterday?" I slid her a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs. "Of course. There's no way I'm doing anything to incurr more of professor Buford's wrath." She dug into the food. "isn't it weird that you know
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Lucian.I had asked myself that question about a million times since I had set out on this crazy mission to fuck with Madison Lane. I was too old to be doing this shit I was doing. What I should have been doing Instead was keeping my head down and trying to figure out how to get my mother and the entire board off my back. They were relentless in their pursuit. It didn't matter how many of them I blocked, or how many times I told them I wanted nothing to do with the company. Of course, my mother's approach was different. She would call to update me everytime they got a new CEO and tell me how incompetent the old one was. I didn't understand why they thought I'd be any better than the men they had been putting in charge. I knew nothing about running a multi billion dollar empire. But even if I did, I had zero interest in fortified. My only interest at the moment was Maddie. In fact my interest in her was becoming a problem. A huge one. It didn't help that I had to see her everyday an
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Maddie. At the moment, Gia and I were currently in tiny dresses, ankle breaking heels and make up. After redoing my assignment and sending it in to Professor Asshole, I had had some extra time on my hands. Gia had been surprised when I had told her that I was down for hitting the club. She had after all been trying to convince me for days without any success. "What changed your mind?" She had asked, eyes wide with shock. "Today was emotionally draining because of you know who. Coupled with the fact that after hours of walking around, we couldn't get a single job. What a bummer. It's my birthday and I'm over here feeling blue. I need a pick me up." I had told her. "Liquor and margaritas coming right up." She had whooped. I had laughed. "Chill, party animal. We're not going to overdo it. We have school tomorrow. This isn't the weekend." "Okay, okay. Buzz kill." She huffed. "Wear that gorgeous lilac dress. You'll turn so many heads tonight." I didn't want to turn heads and attrac
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Maddie. The day after my birthday was a Friday, my new favorite day of the week and not just because it was the beginning of the weekend. It was my new favorite because Friday was the only day we didn't learn English literature, which meant that I wouldn't have to see Buford's face for the rest of the day. Gia and I celebrated the good news of the day by buying overpriced caramel macchiatos that morning. "We're going job hunting again today." She told me as we made our way out of the coffee shop. "Ugh." I groaned. I knew that logically we needed these jobs if we had any plans of feeding ourselves on food that wasn't instant ramen, but I had also never worked in my life. Call me spoiled, I didn't care. Even when Gia had gotten a summer job back in high school, I had signed up for a drama class. "Fine. I didn't think getting a job would be this difficult though." One of the owners of the restaurants we'd walked into the other day had been ready to employ Gia at the spot because she
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