

Kael’s P.O.V

I sat in my apartment and stared at the empty walls while trying to come up with a strategy to win back Naya, the love of my life. I had been racking my brain for the past three weeks to come up with the ideal scheme to win her back. I knew it was time to make things right because I had done things wrong in the past.

I took my car keys and stepped outside of my apartment. I was feeling affected by the night light because I had been cooped up inside for so long. I needed to leave and get some fresh air. I took a cab to a bar in the hopes of getting some ideas.

I noticed a few businessmen as I entered the bar and realized that was my chance to put my plan into action. I walked up to the group of businessmen at the bar, smiling charmingly and projecting a sense of assurance.

"Good evening, gentlemen," I said, extending my hand. "My name is Kael. Mind if I join you?"

The men looked up at me, sizing me up for a moment before one of them spoke up. "Sure, pull up a chair."

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