
New Friends

Evrah finally crawled from her hiding place once the sounds of departing dragons, heavy wagons moving out, and the trampling footfalls fell to silence. She had sat there at first, waiting to hear the robed figure speak, or the shouts of the soldiers, or even the screeching of dragons, yet for a long period, none of that sounded around her.

Her eyes and face burned from the smoke, and she was glad she could no longer taste or smell the things around her. The air was thick, making it hard to draw breath, and for a brief second, Evrah thought it might take her. This Hell might pull her into the dark void that had taken her village and end the agony it left behind.

It didn't.

She stayed until she felt it was safe. With blade in hand, she had finally emerged from the confines of her hiding place. As she stood, her gaze went around the area, and she thanked The Almighty it was dark and hid the gruesomeness of what she knew was there. With her heart and head hanging, she limped her way through the carnage, not knowing where she would go or what would happen next. She just wanted it all to end, but fate had other plans.

Evarh had made her way to a small clearing and sat with her back to the village, she could no longer stare at the emptiness left there. She felt as if she were drowning, the weight of this sorrow fighting to drag her under. Her lungs were tight and burning, making the slightest breath feel like glass shredding her from the inside out.

The once strong beating heart full of joy, dulled, slowed, and ached. Her flesh fashioned scorch marks laid over the tired and weary muscles inflamed from excursion and dehydration.

She didn't know how long she sat there, staring through blurred watery vision, gazing into nothing. The stars hung brightly in the darkened sky, while the moon seemed to spotlight the devastation behind her. As if it were showing off a prized possession it wanted to be sure all could see.

A beacon of light highlighting the darkness that consumed so much.

The breeze had begun to chill, awakening the creatures of the night that frolicked and foraged within the shadows. Trees swayed in the gentle autumn breeze, waving to the moon and the stars, as they did every night.

Caught up in turmoil and agony, Evrah never knew she had company until it reached out and touched her. Consumed by despair, she sighed and spoke softly.

“I have nothing to give unless it's my life you that case, I have nothing to live for so if you're going to kill me, please do so or leave me alone.”

She had no desire to turn to see who had touched her. Defeated and numb, she half hoped that maybe they would knife her in the back and at last end the immense mind-numbing pain she was trying to shake. Much to her dismay, the mystery behind her was insistent.

The grip on her shoulder tightened a bit, followed by words she didn't want to hear.

“Evrah, you must get up. There is much to do.”

She turned her gaze, and half her frame to see the outline of a paunchy old man.

“Go aw- how did you know my name?”

The old man had stepped into the light. He had bright blue captivating eyes despite the disaster of gray hair atop his head. He looked as if someone had trapped a young man in the frame of an aging one. His stance gave away a bowed back and hurt knees, the way he fidgeted as he stood before her.

“I know many things, Evarh, none of which I can explain just this moment. As I have said, we need to go.”

She narrowed her gaze, “You hit your head, old man? I am going nowhere with you. I'm...”

“Going to die if you don't listen to me,” he said flatly.

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