

Albian replied, “This is Pax. A peaceful realm very few have ever witnessed. You are the only reason we are here. It was the power in you that led us here, and the power in you that allowed us entry.”

“I don't understand. If you could never get here, how do you know it was me and some kind of power I possess.”

He pointed a finger in the air, “Books, my dear. Books. There is much legend that is written about the existence of this place.”

“That doesn't sound right., Evrah replied. "If it is such a secret, and hard to find, how would someone know it existed enough to write about it?”

“There are many things you do not yet know, but I will say this, your lineage is why we are here. It is the ancients that gained us entry. It is that tie to the past, that you must embrace in order to save the future.”

Evrah shook her head, “More cryptic talk. Can you tell me what that means, 'my tie to the past'?”

A soft almost musical voice spoke from behind her.

“Evrah, wisdom comes with age and experience, therefore the knowledge you seek will not be given freely. Each day a new lesson brings experience and with it knowledge.”

Evrah turned and stumbled backward, landing on her butt in the grass. Her gaze never left the creature in front of her. She had expected to see a woman, speaking to her. There, in front of her, was a wall of amazing white fur, covering a very toned and built frame. Silver mane and tail that almost outshone the golden twisted horn at the top of the head.

“Can't be...” she whispered in astonishment.

The creature nudged her knee, “As Albian said, there are many things you do not know.”

Evrah sputtered, “But...But...Unicorns were...I mean, I've always been told...there were none of you left.”

She stared in wide-eyed wonder at the beast before watching every move she made. It was as if the creature smiled before she tilted her head, telling Evrah to look behind her. When she followed, she was more surprised than ever. Still sitting on the ground, she turned her head to see behind her and there they were.

What this unicorn wanted her to see.

As if to emphasize her point on how much she didn't actually know. Stupid Human. A sea of gold and silver painted across white in the forefront of a dark green and colorful backdrop. The beauty of this place dimmed when they emerged, casting into a softer shade of hues. Everything around them was a blur of color and smudges against the angelic glow of the beasts. They stood tall with pride and elegance. As if they knew how beautiful they were and what a blessing their presence gave to others yet exuding a peace that calmed the most chaotic soul.

A tear ran down Evrah's cheek as she muffled a cry and closed her eyes. This beauty was not meant for the eyes of the human. This was something only to be felt by the soul. She was glad she was seated, for she knew that she would not have been able to stand before them. The spiritual presence reverberating off them was too much for her body to endure. It was then she realized, something was amiss.

She couldn't feel her body.

All she felt was the innermost part of herself. Her essence of what resided within her had exploded, leaving only her soul to maneuver through the place.

There were no words to describe it.

She could feel herself changing but she couldn't get down the shape of it. It was large and strong, yet light as air. Evrah ascended. She could almost feel the wind in her face. Could almost feel the warmth of the sun upon her. Evrah was almost there.

The dark blue fading into light blue to white. So much white, almost burning. She kept going. It was so close she could feel it. It got brighter still, too bright. She pushed forward, just a little left. She burst through the brightness of white until she collided with every color of the rainbow into an explosion of light and dark until it was gone.

Evrah opened her eyes and glanced around.

Above her hung the majestic mix of blues and white, cascading downward into darker hues of greens and browns, slowly fading into the softer colors she laid upon. She blinked a few moments taking in the feel of her skin upon her bones and the twitching muscles surrounding them.

She was back in her own body, whole and unhurt, cleansed of things that ailed her before. No more pain, more soreness and no more sadness. The memories remained but the agony they caused has ceased. She felt born anew in this old frame.

Without looking for them, she asked “Am I dead?”

She heard that musical tone and realized the unicorn who had spoken before lay in the grass next to her and answered her question.

“No, my dear, you are not.”

She turned her head toward the magnificent beast, “Then what happened?”

“The power within has been awakened, that is all.”

Evrah scoffed, “That is all?”, she laughed a bit. “You say that as if, It was a small insignificant matter.”

She rolled onto her side and took up a sitting position, glancing around. Albian and Foxfire sat a few feet away, and the herd was gone. In fact, all the animals she had spotted before were gone. It was just the four of them.

Her gaze went back to the unicorn.

“I am confused yet I am at peace. Can someone please feel me in?”

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