
The Broken Heart Survivor

Albian, stood scratching his head a moment, staring at the girl face down in the debris. He didn't have to see the matted hair, the tear streaks on her face, or the ripped and tattered wet clothes clinging to her slender frame to know just how much she had been through.

Mud and ash smeared all over, let him know she had indeed been in Forrest Keep during the chaos. He knew by looking at her, she must have been on Karlear Mountian when it began because the only way she would have been soaked to the bone was if she crossed the Keepers River.

His heart broke for the pain and suffering she had to endure watching death devour her village, but he was immensely proud that she had somehow survived it. Also, It showed she had what she needed to survive and what was in store for her going forward.

This was going to be a very hard journey...for all of them. 

It would be the hardest for her, but none would escape the trials this war would bring. The chaos so far was only the beginning. It would get much worse. Vhaols was not a man who accepted defeat, and Albian knew in order to survive they would need to stay one step ahead.  Life or death were truly the only options left to them. One missed step was game over for everyone, and the realm would plunge into darkness forever. 

All would be lost.

As he watched her body tremble and jump, he could only imagine the horrors she was reliving within the confines of subconsciousness. Her state was most disturbing, yet he could not find it within himself to pity her. He knew the day he met her, she would be the force to save them all. Over the years, as he watched her grow, she always made him proud. She struggled and stumbled, but she found the strength to get back up and do what was necessary to accomplish what needed.

No, Evrah Ayrini, was not something of pity, she was much much more. She was the key. The element that would decide the future.  One lived in the Light or one consumed by the Void. Before she could get there, she needed to survive her current situation. 

Albian stepped aside and gestured to Foxfire.

“We cannot risk detection by building a fire. Would you be so kind as to curl up around her and keep her warm? She needs to dry out and she needs some rest...”

He watched as Foxfire did as he asked, “She does not know it yet, Foxfire, but tomorrow will be much worse for her. For tomorrow, I will only bring her more questions and very few answers.”

Foxfire blinked as if to say she understood and felt for him. It was really all anyone could do now. Sighing, he curled up next to Foxfire and Evrah and fell into a fitful sleep of his own.

Chaos was coming, and so were the hunters of death.

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