
Dragons of Chaos
Dragons of Chaos
Author: Kathryn Warbloom

Dragons & Keys

Vhalos, lost in his magic, watched as the spell swam into focus within his crystal ball. Images of his aspirations coming to life before him. The smokey pictures of what was to come flashed and filled with color as they blurred into existence. His hands gripped the crystal ball tighter, leaning closer for a better look.

“Where is she? I must find her.”

The possibilities of his greatest triumph were within reach and he could already taste the sweetness of victory. If only he could find her...the key...She was the final ingredient missing from the universe bending to his will.

He watched as the magic revealed the out-linings of the continent, closing in on a more prominent place. Lands passed by like time, getting ever closer to the final destination. Finally, his vision burst through a hazy sky, acreage, and landscapes pouring into view. Splotches of color took on more definite shapes, as it moved closer still. Forrest animals, big and small, taking shape, giving clues of location. There it was, an eagle eye view from Karlear Mountain, the place he sought--Forrest Keep.

“Ah-ha!” he yelled. “The key to my future.”

His dreams about to become reality, he rubbed his hands together, never pulling his gaze from the vision ball. He watched, with bated breath, waiting for her to come into view. He knew some of the area, but he needed to see her face

They were linked, he knew, and she couldn't escape him. Even still, knowing her identity would make hunting for her much easier for him, and even harder for her to hide. Forrest Keep was an unfamiliar place to him, but many of his loyalist soldiers had been recruited from there.

They would know the layout.

He paced, his hands folded within his robes, watching the ball. With the taste of victory on his lips, he trembled with anticipation.

This will be glorious! Soon, all that I have worked for...sacrificed for, will finally be within my grasp.

His arms flung in the air when he jumped at the sudden commotion as General Tate came bursting through the door. His clenched fist waved in the air.

"Master, we have found her!"

Vhalos rushed forward, "Where?" he asked, his gaze sliding behind the General, "Do you have her here? Now?"

"No, Master..."

Vhalos' heart sank deeper into his chest. He knew it couldn't have been that easy. He flanced back to his General, taking up a tall stance, and staring down at the man before him.

"Well?" he demanded, "Let's have it, what have you barged into my chambers for?"

He watched as the grown man before him fidgeted like a frightened child, his words falling in a stutter.

"Speak up! Where is she?" he yelled as if he hadn't already had the answer.

"Forrest Keep!" the man blurted out, "She's in Forrest Keep."

Vhalos turned his back, "I know, but how did you find out?"

"Amythyst, Master."

Vhalos slowly turned, giving his full attention to his General. "Amythyst, you say?"

The soldier banged his fist against his breastplate, "Yes, Master. It was Amystyst?"

This had been quite a surprise and very interesting. Amythyst had forbidden to speak years ago and until now, she never broke that vow. For years he had tried many...sinister means to get her to obey and none had ever worked.

He paced, once more, his mind reeling from the implications that would and could come to pass. The possibilities and opportunities, she would lead him to. Yes, this day was shaping up quite nicely. Better than he imagined it ever would.

Yes, victory would be his, this day.

First, he needed to have all the information. He took a spot, facing his General, as his tirade of questions began. "What else did she say?" he asked in hushed tones, his voice gaining pitch with each question asked, "How did you get her to talk? Why today? What else does she know?"

Vhalos would have it all, and his General was quick with the answers as he knew failure meant his breath would cease, as would his life.

"Forrest Keep, was all she said. It was not I, Master who got her to talk. I went into her cave, as directed by you, to prepare her for flight. She nudged me off my feet, her large purple eye right above me, and whispered, Forrest Keep. That was the entire affair, Master. I know not, why she chose today of all days. Afterward, she went back to pretending I didn't exist, as usual."

Vhalos thought about the knowledge she kept from him. The time was now, he wouldn't put it off any longer. This was too important. He was too close. She wanted to talk, he wanted to know it all. He had let her stay quiet long enough. She would talk or she would die. He stormed out the door, toward the Cave of Amethyst, preparing to war with the dragon.

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