
Wicked Deeds

Albian had arrived just in time to see the smoke, hear the cries of the people, and taste the Dragon Fear. He watched as the daylight was slowly blotted out by huge wings, balls of fire, and a dark fog. It was almost dark as night, though sunset was still a few hours off.

As he stood atop that hill, he cried at the scene before him knowing any aid he might have offered would never be enough.

“I've come too late...” He cried.

A wicked deep voice echoed from behind him.

“Nonsense, Albian...”

Albian turned, the wicked voice alive with laughter and glee. A hooded figure stood before him, completely covered. His skeletal hands and burning balls of hatred from beneath his hood were all that could be seen. He advanced like smoke upon a lake; slowly and effortlessly, coming to devour you. His voice, low and purposeful, triggered chills up your spine.

“You're just in time. The festivities are just beginning.”

Albian hated this voice.

It was the one sound in all the world that made his blood boil and ignited his rage. He swallowed, trying to gain control of his temper and the thoughts of action he knew would get him nowhere.

“Vhalos...” he spoke through gritted teeth.

The evil eyes glowed a bit brighter as if he were smiling, “Yes...”

Albian wanted to lunge at the mage, but he knew better. “You...” His voice broke, “How could you?” He wiped the tears from his face, “All those people...”

He took a step back as Vhalos took a step forward and spoke.

“Albian...come now, you knew this day would come...”

Albian squared his shoulders and furrowed his brow, his eyes no more than slits, “I knew you dreamed of this plan, but I never knew you would follow through....” He pointed toward Forrest Keep, “Those people...they didn't deserve this...those poor's pure evil.”

Albian kept his gaze on Vhalos, while he paced back and forth, watching the mayhem and watching the scene he was currently in. Finally, Vhalos spoke.

“You may not have known today would be the day, but deep down, although you deny it, you knew this day was coming. You knew I would not give up...I will find her. I will have her, and I will rule her and the world that she spawns. This, deep down, you know too. You fear it, but that doesn't change what you know.”

Albian swallowed his fear, giving him time to speak carefully. Vhalos was dangerous, always, but more so when he was about to gain something he coveted.

“You will not have her, Vhalos!” Albian spoke softly, “Of that, I am sure. You may have conjured up those wicked deeds within the smoke of your spell, but she is off limits, and you will not have her. That part of your plan will not succeed.”

He watched as Vhalos' eyes took on a darker shade of crimson, “I will! It is only a matter of time before I have her. She's just within reach. So close...”

“What makes you so sure?” Albian questioned, already knowing the answer, “I can see this part of the plan has been taken by you, but she is yet to be found. Her identity is still a mystery to you. I can see the truth of that in your eyes and by the fact you’re skulking here, on this hilltop, watching from afar. If you knew where she was to be found, you would be there, not here, enjoying the carnage you're taking such delight in.”

Albian jumped and stumbled back a bit when Vhalos' eyes flashed, and he rushed forward.

“Ah...but she is here, Albian. In Forest Keep! I know not of her name, but I can feel her presence even from this distance. We are linked, she and I, it is only a matter of time before I have her.”

Albian swallowed back his tears. Vhalos was a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them. If he said he would accomplish something, it might not be as soon as he plans but it will happen. Albian moved out of Vhalos' way as he charged forward.

“Anytime now...the soldiers have taken the village...She will be in my grasp before too long.”

Albian knew Vhalos would not gain her this day and slipped away while he had his back turned. With Vhalos so consumed with what was happening in the village, Albian hoped he wouldn't be followed.

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