
Questions & Answers

Again, he waved her off, “That is why I told you my name, Evrah. We have many things to discuss but first and foremost, if we are going to work together to fix what has been done, there must be respect between us. You will not like the things I need to tell you, you will not like the things that will have to be done and you will not like me by the time we have finished, but I will always speak to you and treat you with respect and I demand the same from you. Is that understood?”

Evrah stood for a long moment staring at the man in front of her. This all seemed like a very bad dream she couldn't shake loose but his tone and the lesson he was teaching sounded much like her father and mother. She remembered how much, above many other things, they hammered that lesson home to her. Respect. You have it and you give it, even when the person in front of you doesn't deserve it. You do. Therefore, you always keep it at hand, like the wind among trees. This small collection of memories struck a small blow to her heart, reminding her how much she had lost. As a small tear ran down her cheek, she answered Albian.

“I will not dishonor my family lessons or my parents. I sincerely apologize for letting my devastation cause me to forgo my childhood lessons and be disrespectful to you.”

“It is understandable, my child. I have not been chasted by your words. I just want you to remember how to control your emotions and your anger before we begin what will test everything you've ever been taught and everything you know. My dear, Evrah, your life has been a lie...” he raised his hand to signal to let him finish before she spoke. “...The life with your parents and sister, has been true. They are your family, but your inherited history has been a lie. You are known as Evrah Evergreen but you are so much more..”

She sighed, confused, “What does that mean?”

She watched Albian sigh as well, he seemed just as frustrated. “Evrah, we have much to discuss, and I will tell you everything I know but right now, we must go. This little safe haven will not hide us now that we are awake and talking.

She took stock of the cubby hole Albian had created and had to agree. Within the moments they did not speak she could hear the rustling of forest life beyond. Which meant, a passerby could most assuredly hear the two of them.

Her gaze went back to Albian, “Can we at least go somewhere I can get some more clothes? They don't need to be fancy, but I would like to have clothes that are not...” She shook the tattered shredded shirt and pulled at the holes in her britches, “battle worn.”

“I think we can find something along the way, but I can't guarantee they are womanly”

She shot him a smile, “Well if I don't get something else soon, all the parts that make me womanly will be out for all to see.”

“Ah! I see. As I said, we will see what we can muster up.”

Albian motioned for her, “If you will climb onto Foxfire, we will be off.”

Evrah threw up her hands, “What? We are riding on her back?”

It was then she had noticed the large furry copper wings. She had to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. She wasn't. They were there. Foxfire, to show it wasn't a ruse, slowly waved her wings a bit.

Evrah scratched her head, “Were those always there?”


She nodded in the direction of Foxfire's wings, “Her wings? Did she have those last night?”

Given the half answers Albian had given so far, his answer to this question did not surprise her.

“Yes, and no. That I will explain later as well. She did have them last night, but she has not always had them. That is the best I can do for now. I am sorry but we don't have the time. We must go.”

Well, at least he offered that much.

Evarh walked over and with Foxfire’s help, climbed on and tried to get as comfortable as possible but maintain a safe grip on the beast. Evrah had never been on horseback much throughout her life, so she wasn't sure how going airborne on the back of this wolf was going to end.

Let's hope I am still breathing when this is over.

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