
Secret Place

Evrah was in awe of the place. She didn't catch the name of the place as the beauty drowned everything else out. It was a mix of majestic creatures and a wonderous landscape. One fused with the other, as if the two were a pair of lovers twisted around one another dancing to the sweet melody of nature. Soft light split through the canopy above, splashing the dark green plush grass, lighting each blade as if to showcase how individual each was and how they worked in harmony to cover the canvas, making an extraordinary picture. Small fluffy-tailed creatures darted from one branch to another, gathering nuts, berries, and twigs. Birds of every size, looking as if they flew through a painted rainbow, gathering varying colors, squawked and flew from here and there, dodging the other wildlife or perching for rest. Out in the expanse of land, ran herds of animals, none hunting the other, all gathered in peace- roaming, playing, or lying in the sun, enjoying the bliss of the sun's warmth upon their skin. One species in particular caught her attention. It had the shape of a lioness, but the pattern of a peacock. Dark blue slick fur coated the head until you reached the shoulders, then ovals of color in a perfect pattern, all the way to the tail. She had always loved watching the lion packs when she went on hunting trips with her father. She respected them enough to fear them, so she always kept her distance and watched. Now, before her, in this place of wonder and imagination, lay a pack of them, shaded with the most majestic bird she had ever encountered.

Evrah thought if she could ever imagine what the peaceful realm beyond the clouds looked like, this was most certainly it.


That is what this was. A place of peace. A place of rest for the soul and mind to find peace. A place where a broken heart could heal, and a fitful body could find honest rest. Between the calm of the sky, the softness of the ground below, and the sweet light noises of the creatures, she felt sleepy already. She knew if she slept here, the morbid visions that plagued her nightmares, could not exist here.

It wasn't a fact that she knew, but a confirmation in the soul, that it was the truth. Nothing negative could thrive here. Only peace and happiness existed in the place. Despite all that she had endured in the last two days, she carried none of the burden it left behind. She felt lighthearted and happy. The weight of the world was not pressing in on her, threatening to crush her and dispel her very existence. The darkness her eyes witnessed was locked away and could not surface. Those emotions, of despair, sadness and failure were but long-distance memories that could never haunt her again.

She never wanted to leave. But she knew she would have to. As peaceful as this place was, and all the things it kept away, knowledge was not one of them. Albian had come to her for a reason. She still had work to do. There was a task at hand, and she knew, deep down, it was her task to finish.

Something inside stirred when Albian first encountered her. His words awoke something she knew not, but awake it was and what it had in store was still a mystery. Resigning herself to her fate, she walked to Albian and inquired of things she needed to know.

“What is this place?”

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