
Seeking Secrets

The unicorn spoke, “I can tell you what I can.”

“Can you start with who you are? Do you have a name?”

The unicorn laughed but it sounded like a small song playing, “All creatures have a name, child. I can tell you my lower realm name, which is Sylvrmane, but I cannot tell you my spiritual name.”

She scratched her head, “Spiritual name?”

“Yes, every creature ever created has a spiritual name and a lower realm name. Your lower realm name is, Evrah. That is what you are known by in the lower realms.”

“And what is my spiritual name?”

“I cannot tell you that...But you already know.”

She looked at every face around her, searching for answers or at least further comment but nothing. Everyone was quiet.

“I think you are mistaken. I am Evrah Evergreen. That is the only name I have. That is who I am.”

Sylvrmane shook her head, “It is not. Your spiritual name is there, inside you. It is the essence of who you are and when the time is right, it will reveal itself to you. Beware Evrah, it is a name that only you and the creator must know. For if that name crosses the wrong lips, it could be disastrous for is you.

There is one who walks among the land, darkness rules his reason and his soul. He ripped the power from the world and made it his own. This abomination searched, bartered, and betrayed until he found the true name of the soul, he wished to gain power from.

Now, he is in control and darkness runs amok across the land. He has full control of the dark one, his minions and those who have lost their way or their master. They all do his bidding. Yet, he wants more. He seeks full dominion over the lower realms. He and only he, will have that power.

This is his will and his purpose. This dark one is missing the key component before his formula can be put in motion. Just one thing he lacks. One thing that keeps him from gaining full control and yet he does not know what it is. He does have a general idea, but the identity of such a key is unknown to him. Not even the one he stole his power from knows the key. That part of the equation has been stripped from them, many years ago. To prevent what this dark one seeks. “

She swallowed hard, “Why do I feel like you are about to tell me, I am the key.”

“Because you are. You are not yet, but you will be.”

“Ummm...”, Evrah shook her head. “What does that mean?”

“That means that you are in quite a pickle dear one. For the darkness to be defeated, the key must unlock and harness its full power, but if not done with care the lower realms will face despair.”

Evrah fell on her back, her palm over her face, and took a deep breath. Why her? She was just a hunter's daughter. They have it wrong. She was not the one they were looking for.

She sat up, her voice low, “Then we're all doomed. I am not this powerful force you seem to think I am. I'm just a hunter's daughter.”

Albian finally spoke, “As I have told you, Evrah. You are not just a simple hunter's daughter.”

She slid her gaze his way, “Then why can't you tell me who you think I am? Besides The Key, whatever that is supposed to be.”

Sylvrmane stood, “Evrah, I know this is frustrating but we cannot tell you what you ask. This is your journey to take to find out on your own. Unfortunately, you do not have the luxury of time to figure that out. There is much to be done and you must be on your way soon to do it. You must find who you are while you work to stop the dark one. Each day he grows in power.”

She stood, “I don't understand any of this. How am I going to stop anyone? I don't even know where to start or what to do when I find him.”

“That I can assist you with, as can Albian. That is why he was chosen for this. His task is to aid you in becoming who you are and helping you stop the darkness that is coming. Foxfire's role is to aid you both and offer protection. A power she was given shortly after your birth.”

“My birth?” she glanced to Albian and Foxfire, “You have known about this since my birth...and you waited until two days ago to find me?”

Albian stood, crossed his hands over his stomach and told what he could.

“Yes. We were sought out and told a great many things about you and what was to come. I was given a choice in the matter. I chose to help you. He found us hidden away in a cave, we were on the run...”

The ground beneath them began to shake and the drumming of hooves echoed closer. Evrah looked around and saw a small group of unicorns, running full speed toward them. The atmosphere had changed. Fear had now taken hold in the expanse of space they occupied. It was the first time since she arrived, she felt herself. It was both comforting and terrifying.

Proof this was not a dream.

As the herd got close, they began to slow before finally stopping before Sylvrmane. The largest of the herd stepped forward, a baritone voice bellowed out.

“Sylvrmane, Mirah was ambushed, her fleet has been scattered. They fought as best as they could but, in the end, they knew they were outnumbered and outpowered. So, they split. We do not know how many have survived. We do know that Mirah has requested a safehaven with The White.”

Sylvrmane glanced her way once before taking charge and giving orders.

“The White is unavailable; however, she may seek refuge here. Take her to the place we keep hidden. How many of her fleet accompany her, and what of her second in command? They must be kept separately.”

The baritone sounded again, this time his voice a little lower, “Her second in command was captured. As I have said, her fleet is scattered. She arrived with only a few in tow, none of which are high ranking.”

“That is both a good and bad sign. It is customary for the high-ranking to seek safe haven away from the top. The order of succession must be kept intact as much as possible. The capture of the second in command, is grave news and could spell disaster for Mirah's clan.”

Evrah watched and listened with intensity. She didn't understand half of what was being said, but she didn't need spiritual intelligence to understand the gravity of the situation.

Sylvrmane, looked at each of them, then settled her gaze on Albian, “This is where I leave you. Albian. The White must be put into play, or we will all perish. And by the news I just received, we have no time to waste.”

Before Evrah could question anything or say goodbye, she was blinded by a flash of light. She heard Sylvrmane’s voice one last time before she faded into the black void.

Remember Albian, now that her power is awakened, he will be closer than ever.

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