
Chapter 11;


    *Third Person's Pov*


                  "Your highness! Thank God I finally found you!" Leana said after she finally saw Princess Ana Mae. After searching for almost an hour they are finally together. She's sitting on the bench while playing some pebbles in her hands. She just smiled when she saw her and did not even manage to utter even a single word. 


              "Leana, did you know how dangerous a pebble is?" the princess asked and that made Leana confused. She sat next to her and tried to scan the pebbles that she's holding.


              "Your highness, why are you asking me that kind of question? I think it's not as dangerous as big rocks. It's just a pebble!" she answered.


                 "Everyone thinks that only the big ones are the most dangerous. But have you ever thought about the danger small things have?" the princess spoke. Leana , still unable to figure out what she's trying to say, just stared at her with confusions written all over her face. 


                   "What do you mean your highness?" she asked. The princess smiled at her and tried to throw a pebble on her face. She automatically used her both hands to protect her face.


                  "Princess what are you doing?" she blurted out. The princess laughed at her reaction.


                 "See? You're afraid of a small pebble."


              "Why wouldn't I be afraid of that when you're about to throw it on my beautiful face!" The princess chuckled upon hearing her answer.


                  "These pebbles might be small but they are still dangerous. They could hurt your eyes and make you blind," she explained.


                   "Then, why are you telling me this Princess?" 


                    "Because my enemies may be as small as these pebbles, they may not have a position like mine but they are still harmful. I need to be careful, Zion's right I should not show any weakness because they might attack me on my weakest spot," she explained.


                    "You mean, you and Prince Zion met here?" Leana asked worriedly.


                    "Yes, he even gave me this," the princess answered while raising the handkerchief that Zion gave her earlier.


                   "Your highness, you have to be careful with the Prince of the Etheor. He's not as kind as you thought," she warned her. The princess suddenly felt curious with her statement.


                      "How can you say that Leana?"


                  "Your highness, did you know the reason why their kingdom vanished many years ago?" The princess just shook her head as an answer. 

                 "The Wensleys or the royal family of Etheor was punished by Zeus including the whole Etheor because of his father's greed for too much power. It is said that only him, Prince Zion Wensley managed to escape at that time," Leana continued.


                 "That was just a legend Leana," the princess answered half laughing.


                 "No your highness! It's not just a legend, it is true! You could personally ask Prince Zion about that. I'm sure he won't lie to you, because everyone knows the truth!" Leana insisted.


                  "Okay, let's just say that it's true. But Zion is not the same as his father. I could see through his actions that he's not a bad person."


                   Leana heaved a deep sigh before she speaks, "I'm not going to go against your words your highness, but please listen to me. He could be one of those pebbles you were talking about earlier. Just don't trust him and be more cautious when he's around."


                      "Okay Leana I will take your words to my heart. I will be more cautious with him."


                     "And with your cousin too. Look what she did earlier! She's literally a devil reincarnated as human," Leana said obviously irritated.


                    Princess Ana Mae laughed with her and gave her a thumbs up as an answer.


                   "I just don't wish to see you hurting because someone you trusted so much betrayed you. You know I always wanted you to be happy," Leana told her.


                 "Geez Leana you're making me cry!" princess gushed with a chuckle. "You know, I think we better hurry to attend to our next class since we already missed the first one," she continued.


                 "You're right princess. We have to hurry and wish that we will not bump in to Amira again," Leana mumbled that made the princess laugh.


                They started walking to their next class with smile on their faces. Leana was happy to see that Princess Ana Mae is smiling again and was no longer bothered by what her cousin did. She wanted to thank Zion, because whether she admits it or not Zion played a great role in making the princess forgot about being sad. She did not know what is it exactly that he did, but still she's grateful. 


                  "What are you thinking Leana? You're spacing out," Princess Ana Mae asked curiously. 


                "I'm sorry your highness, I just felt a sudden pain in my left chest," she lied. 


                 "Really? What happened? Did Amira hurt you there?" the princess asked worriedly. She was about to check her left chest when she objected.


                    "No your highness! It was not your cousin's fault. Maybe I'm just a little tired," she explained.


                   "Are you sure?"



                 "Yes your highness. I'm a hundred percent sure!" Leana assured her.


                  "Okay, just tell me if you need some medicine," the princess reminded her. Leana just nod as an answer.


                  When they finally reached their classroom, they noticed that the crowd were looking at them. Even their classmates were out of their classroom.


                "What's going on?" Leana whispered to princess Ana Mae. The princess just shrugged her shoulders because she also have no idea on what's going on.


                  "Princess Ana Mae Villashne." They both turn around when somebody called the princess.


                 "It's the rust haired guy," Leana whispered with disgust. 


                 "What do you need from me?" the princess asked him. She noticed that he's holding a bouquet of red tulips in his hands. He then stepped closer to them and handed her the flowers.


                 "A simple present from Prince Zion of Etheor," he said. Princess Ana Mae stared at the flowers and was about to ask him again about the reason Zion gave her flowers but he already left.


                 The crowd giggled and started teasing her because of the flowers she received. The princess stared at the flowers with a big smile. 


                "Is he courting you your highness?" Leana teased her.

                "Of course not! Maybe he's just trying to make me happy." Leana then laughed with her answer. She could see the princess blushing and the big smile on her face is telling how happy she is right now.


                They did not notice that Princess Amira is standing along with the crowd with jealousy and anger written in her face.

             "Wait till I have my revenge on you dear cousin," she said angrily.

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