
Chapter 29

*Third Person's POV;*

Princess Ana Mae decided to walk around her mother's flower garden and appreciate the beauty of the different kinds of flowers that were planted in it. Every morning she loves feeling the sweet scent of flowers in the air. It makes her feel happy and amazed at the same time.

Her mom, the Queen is staring at her with teary eyes. She feels really nervous and she have no idea where to start on telling her the truth about her real identity. She wants her to know the truth but she's afraid of losing her. Ana Mae was their only daughter, she became the heart and joy of their kingdom. But she knows that they couldn't keep her forever.

While she's having these thoughts she felt someone hugged her from behind. It was her husband trying to comfort her.

"My queen, we both know that we have no choice but to deliver the truth to her. The Gods won't be pleased if we refused on their order. You know we have no power against them," her husband explained.

She heaved a deep sigh and turned around to face him. Her eyes were watery and when her husband noticed it, he used his bare hands to wipe her tears away.

"I don't want to lose her, she's my one and only princess," she sobbed. "But for the sake of the whole world I have to sacrifice," she continued as she lowered down her head.

Her husband held her chin up and gave her a warm smile. "My dear wife, no matter where she goes she will always be our daughter. We taught her well, I'm sure she will not forget about us," he said to comfort her.

The Queen smiled a bit and turned to have a gaze at their daughter who's happily watching the butterflies dance from flower to flower. "You're right! We taught her how to be a loving and responsible princess, I'm pretty sure that she's going to make us proud!" she said with a smile.

The King proudly held his Queen's hand and together they walked towards the Princess. They will tell her the truth today, not just because she has a mission to fulfill but because she deserves it.

When they finally approached her, the King cleared his throat. The Princess was a bit shock to see her parents all of a sudden but she managed to smile to them genuinely.

"Mother, father!" she said happily and kissed their cheeks. Both the queen and king gave her a warm smile.

"Princess, your mother and I have something to tell you," the king started. The princess curiously stared at her parents.

"It's about something important. So important that you have to know about it before it's too late," the queen added. The princess became even more curious with her mother's words.

"What is it about mom?" she asked curiously. The queen gave her a half smile while the king just stared at her.

"My beautiful daughter, our delicate and passionate princess," the queen said lovingly while gently caressing her daughter's face. "Come with us to our room and you'll find out everything." Despite being puzzled with her parents' words, the princess nodded and followed both of her parents to their room.

When they arrived their, the queen took a small red box out of her closet. She gave it to her puzzled daughter and motioned her to open it.

Out of curiosity, the princess nervously opened the box and was surprised to see a shining gold necklace with a golden heart pendant. She stared at her parents who's currently looking at her with teary eyes.

"Mom, dad why are you crying? Who's the owner of this necklace?" she asked curiously.

The queen stepped forward and took the necklace out of the box. She put it on her daughter's neck and as soon as the golden heart pendant touches the princess' bare skin, a red light suddenly sprang out of it. The three of them were shocked especially when the red lights formed into red strings floating around the princess. The princess was in a state of shock that she can't even utter a single word. Then, flashbacks of what happened the night she was born started to appear in her mind.


"Take this to Aphrodite and let her daughter wear this necklace. Then you have to bring the child to the mortal world so that we could protect her from Velion!" Zeus ordered.

Hestia took the necklace from her brother's hand and hurriedly went to Aphrodite's chamber. When she arrived their she saw her carrying her baby in her arms. Some palace maids were panicking due to the commotion outside.

"What's going on aunt Hestia?" Aphrodite asked her aunt worriedly. Hestia took three deep breathes to calm herself before she spoke.

"We are under attack. Velion wants your child dead and we can't let that happen. So we have to take your child to the mortal world to save her," she explained.

Aphrodite's tears began to fall. She could never imagine that after giving birth she have to bid farewell to her child. But she knows that her daughter's safety is much more important. She gently kisses her forehead and she felt a pang in her chest when her daughter cries. It's as if telling her that she wants to stay with her. But she has no choice.

"In the right time you will be back here to fulfill your destiny and be with me and your older brother Eros. But for now we have to keep you safe first. And sending you to the mortal world is the only thing we could do to save your life," she explained to her daughter with her tears falling like a river making it's way to the sea.

She carefully gave her daughter to her aunt, Hestia. Hestia then puts the necklace Zeus gave her in the baby's neck. After that she created a portal and with the use of her power she let the poor child flew inside it.

"See you soon my princess," Aphrodite whispered as she watch her daughter and the portal slowly fading away..

****end of flashbacks****

"Mom, your daughter will be back soon," Princess Ana Mae whispered as her electric blue orbs turned into sapphire red and the red strings went back to her necklace's pendant. "The ember of love will be back to destroy the darkness and pave a way for the light to shine again!"

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