
Enslaved for six months: Seducing a Mafia Boss
Enslaved for six months: Seducing a Mafia Boss
Author: Ice


Living a Rapunzel life wasn't easy, but thankfully, I've survived for 20 years. Years of Pain and Regrets. Years that made me reflect severally on the past, wishing my deceased parents were alive and wanting to avenge my parents planned demise.

For the past 23 years, I've known just four rules, and I've lived by them. Making sure not to break any as my survival and safety depended on them.

1. Keep your identity a secret.

2. Never step out of the house.

3. Never fall in love.

4. No friends.

These rules have become music to my ears to the extent that I dream about breaking them, and I did, unknowingly.

Love is unavoidable, just like death is inevitable. Anything can be planned but not love. We just have to accept the truth and live to satisfy not only ourselves but for those we cherish as well, whether it's wrong or right as long as we can pay the price?

And what if you can't pay the price? the Mafia world doesn't acknowledge shit!

Now, falling in love with my greatest foe, a glamorous drop dead Mafia boss, wasn't part of the plan, you can blame his sexy figure but what can I say? fate has its own way of twisting our plans.

It all started from that night, when I accompanied Emma to the club, My greatest mistake ever, or rather?

My love story is complicated, but trust me it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because he loved me to an extent that he could die for me.

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