Hate In An Arranged Marriage

Hate In An Arranged Marriage

By:  Mila  Ongoing
Language: English
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When Sierra and Zeke promptly find themselves in an arranged marriage to combine the two mafia families in a marriage alliance and both parties are in no way willing, it changes the life trajectory of both of them. To top it all, they have to live together from then on, what will both of them having to live with and accept each other?

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Hate In An Arranged Marriage by Mila is a contemporary love story about an arranged marriage. Being part of a Mafia family is equivalent to riches and power. Imagine the amount of influence if two Mafia families come together. It is the circumstance that pushes Sierra and Zeke together. The union will be an advantage to the business. However, they are unwilling to be a part of this farce. Their families force them to live with each other. Can this level of familiarity improve their relationship? Or will it make them hate each other more?

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12 Chapters
In the Steels mansion...Sierra Steel was a light skinned girl with a slim but perfect figure. She had a long, black hair which seemed to bloom and complemented her beautiful face. She was a good description of delicate beauty. She had a face that entranced men and eyes so beautiful when they landed on someone. Her lips looked so tempting and red like the Italian cultural wine.She was dressed like a princess. She wore a blue ball gown which made her blue eyes sparkle and her curly black hair was looking so radiant. She put on black heels to compliment her hair as she held her blue purse.She was looking so elegant. No one could resist her beauty..she couldn't go anywhere without everyone staring at her.However, she was a gentle and reserved girl unlike her father. Her father usually said she looked just like her mom. But Sierra didn't grow up to know her mom. According to what she was told, her mom died after giving birth to her.Ever since then she had been daddy's little prince
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Sierra left the bubbly atmosphere in the room where music was being played and everyone was enjoying the party. She stood outside in the patio, away from everyone.She was so pissed."What do they take me for? I already have to marry him against my wish." She complained, "Why do I need to live with him?"She was really angry that such a suggestion was made. Probably it was because she didn't want to lose control over her decisions. Having accepted her father's offer to marry Zeke, she already lost control over her marriage.She couldn't afford been led by the nose like that. So she thought of excuses why she couldn't move in with him..She leaned on the patio and contemplated. Her exams were in two weeks time. And she would have to travel to London to take them. She just had to lie to dad and prolong her stay.She stayed outside for some time, staring at the beautiful garden..After she had enough, she walked back into the hall. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.She looked ar
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There were no hitches during her bath. After she finished her bath, she walked to her closet, only to see him going through her stuff.Sierra immediately exploded with anger."What the heck. Don't you have any respect for privacy?" she stomped towards him, already extremely pissed. She was already being patient all these while. She was being tolerant since his father was friends with hers. Moreover, he wasn't a prick like his son. But, she couldn't endure it any longer. The man merely looked over her shoulder casually as he said, "Well, it's not. You're my wife."He picked up a black bra and placed it in front of his chest. Then, he whistled, muttering in a sing song voice, "I never knew your breasts were this big."Sierra saw red. She raised her hand up in fury, about to slap him. But he caught her hand and pulled her over, making her fall directly on him. Again.He looked at her and pursed his lips. "You know I've been trying to be nice. But you don't seem to be very accommodat
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Sierra and Nora went up to her room because that was the only place they could get the peace they wanted.Nora wasn't surprised at the beauty and largeness of Sierra's room. It had always been a custom for her to have all things extra.Sierra's room was designed by her father himself. She had her own veranda, a big bathroom, a queen sized bed. She also had a well stocked closet and lounge.It was as big as a house itself.Ever since Sierra's mom died, her dad had always made her happy. She got anything she wanted anytime she wanted it.Sierra had the latest shoes, the latest Gucci and Hermes bags. Her closet was like a boutique. Her father always went over board.Back to the present.Nora walked into Sierra's bedroom. Although she was already expecting it to be big and fancy, but she couldn't help but gasp at the beauty of the room."Wow. Sierra, this room is beautiful." She said sitting on the bed and proceeded to lie on it."Well, daddy designed it himself." Sierra replied as she br
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Sierra was sad when Nora acted the way she did. The feeling you get after being rejected and betrayed. But she still had hopes.She felt she was just tired after a long journey. As she was deep in thought, Sierra suddenly remembered Zeke. She hissed, "That jerk. He was obviously trying to flirt with Nora. He is an asshole and I think I need to warn him."She was so tired after the party. She was living the life of a princess you have to smile even when you don't want to. Sierra decided to go look for Zeke outside. She wondered how they were going to live together."Oh God." She was distracted and collided into someone. When she looked up, the other party turned out to be Zeke.Sierra's expression soured. He had this devilish smirk on his face. How she wished she could rip it off his face.***Zeke looked at Sierra surprised to see her. He had been looking around for her and her friend. But, they had been no show.She looked cute but angry. He had no idea why she was angry. But,
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After having her breakfast, Sierra went looking for her father because it was unlike him to miss breakfast. She went to his room but he wasn't there. So she went to his favorite spot in the house; his study.He spent a lot of time there working and that was why she checked. He was there as expected. He was so busy with what he was doing that he didn't notice her entrance."Dad, is everything okay?" Sierra called out as she walked toward him."Yes," he said and kept on working. His head was lowered but she could see that he didn't have a very good expression on his face. If she didn't know better, she would think he was mad at her."I don't believe that," Sierra retorted as she raised an eyebrow. "Firstly, you didn't show up for breakfast and secondly you were so absent-minded that you didn't notice my presence."Her father finally lifted his head to look at her. He gave a frustrated sigh and reached out to rub his chin tiredly.He shook his head and gave her a small smile. "My princes
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Sierra's brows shot up slightly as she looked at Nora."What's she looking for?" She muttered and immediately followed her into the room.As she entered the study, she saw her standing behind her dad's desk. Her hand was on the desk near his computer. Sierra's gaze narrowed. "What are you doing there?" She asked startling Nora who jumped back immediately."I... I came to check something," she said stammering a little. Probably from the shock of seeing Sierra appear suddenly. Sierra looked at her with a hooded gaze. She could tell that Nora was lying. And she wasn't sure what to make of it. After all, Nora was also considered like a sister and she had access to all rooms in the house since they were children.So, it would seem farfetched to accuse her baselessly and without any solid proof.Sierra looked at her and said pointedly, "Dad must not find you here. Leave." "Alright," Nora replied with a tiny voice. She walked out of the study with a sincere and innocent-looking smile on h
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Dad was quiet for a moment as he seemed to be pondering. After a moment, he finally nodded and said, "Of course. No problem."Then, he narrowed his gaze at Zeke. "I'm entrusting her to you. Nothing must happen to her."Upon hearing this, Zeke flashed a vibrant smile toward Sierra. Then, he said, "Of course, I will. She's my wife. If I don't, who will?"His words got Sierra raising an eyebrow, seemingly disgusted. She seemed to be about to explode in anger but she calmed herself after seeing how happy her dad was."Let's go.." She said trying to end their conversation since it made her very uncomfortable."Okay then," Zeke said bowing slightly towards dad before stretching out his hands to hold her.She was hesitant at first but she just had to.They finally left the mansion and entered his car before she drove off. In the car, Sierra just couldn't help but yell at him."Spend the night with you in a hotel? I'd rather die than stay near you for thirty minutes" she spat."It's no big de
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It had only been a few minutes after he left that Sierra stood up from the sofa. She had tried to nap a little. But, she was unable to sleep.Her mind continued to reel over his words while he was in his drunken state. She wondered what he meant. And, Sierra was curious. Not only because how words were mysterious, but because she realized she didn't know Zeke that well.And, since she was going to get married to him, she had to know everything about him.She picked up her phone from the bed and dialed a number. It belonged to her father's private investigator named Natasha. She was very efficient and trustworthy."Good morning, ma'am" Natasha spoke from the other end, the moment the call was connected.Sierra sat on the sofa, her legs clamped together to reduce the tension at the realization that what she was about to do was wrong. It was disrespectful to poke into others' privacy. But, she had to know."Morning," she responded a little tensely. "I have a job for you. And I want the
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Sierra was confused as there were chances her mom could be related to that woman."What the hell is going on?" She grumbled, pacing around her room and trying to figure out answers to her unlimited questions.She had just arrived back home after the banquet. Zeke had taken her to meet his friends, Christian and Jackson. And they were quite interesting people. Christian was even more casual and relaxed than Zeke. At some point, she thought he was even low-key flirting with her. Until she realized he was just the jovial and playboy type.Jackson was quieter and more gentlemanly. He seemed to be calmer than the other two.But Sierra would not be a fool to believe that he was not a playboy too.Sierra sighed and slumped back on the bed, recalling the image of the woman she had seen in Zeke's wallet. She looked familiar and almost like her mom.She couldn't ask her dad for any information because he told her not to touch her mom's belongings and he usually hesitated to tell her about her m
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