
Blame 41

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Shin Hye: Leave a comment and rate the book if you like it.

Hae Jin: Or hate it. And please tell us why you hate so we'll know what to do.

Hyun Seo: Hey, author....

Author: Gosh I hate the tone he just used.

Hyun Seo: Is it true you have no friends?

Author: What about you?

Hyun Seo: Ahahaha, I have friends. I have Tae Jin, Se Jong and Shin Hye. I said Se Jong's name before Shin Hye because I hate the fact that, the girlfriend's name always comes next to the boyfriend's "

Author: Hmmm, I see. So then you'll sngle.

Hyun Seo: Are you making fun of me?

Author: I just want to confirm and say, welcome to the group. Being single is not that bad.

Hyun Seo: Are you getting back at me for the question I asked? 

Author: Ask that question one more time and you will not only lose your friends but you will also remain single through out this story.

Hyun See: I'm sorry.

Author: Better, chapter 41 begins.

Hyun Seo: What a maniac 

Author: I heard that!

Hyun Seo: Sorry.


So, at the end, he lost. For the first time, Hae Jin found out Tae Jin was more stubborn than him.

He had no choice but to agree to sleep in the same room with Tae Jin. No matter what he said or did, he still lost to the kid (About sleeping in the same room)

So, in the end, they ended up deciding to sleep in the room Hae Jin hated so much.

That's right, the master bedroom. He had no choice there (To decide which room they had to sleep in) as well.

Since Sung Yoon occupied his room and her room wasn't an option either, they ended up in this room.

You know, Sung Yoon is a lady and you can't just enter a lady's room without permission.

This was their reason. And I have nothing to say about that.


Both Hae Jin and Tae Jin lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. None of them could sleep.

The space between them (To keep them away from touching each other) was filled with three pillows.

Tae Jin though it was unnecessary but for his hyung, he accepted this.

If this was the only way he could share a bed with Hae Jin, then, that was okay.

"I can't sleep" Hae Jin said and he replied back.

"Me too" but their reasons were different. Hae Jin didn't know about Tae Jin, but he was too scared to fall asleep because of the last time he slept in this room.

He was scared to see those two. Scared to recalled memories about those two that will leave him in despair, anger and hatred.

Sure he didn't recall that kind of memories about them earlier but that didn't mean it won't happen this time right?

"Ah.....hyung, I've been thinking about it, do you think you experiencing this episode has something to be with the day that marks the very day you woke up here?"

What did he just ask? Even he was confused.

He heard when a ghost (Who have no memories of their past life) meets his special one, it only happens for the first time (So they will know they're their special one) however, with his hyung, it also happened on the days he wasn't around. Not to mention, the day that marked the years he has been here.

Did all these mean something?

"I don't think so, it never happened before I met you or after you left" Ah, okay.

So then, it only happens when he's close by him? His hyung didn't experience any episode while he was away. But when he came back to his life, he experienced it again.

12years ago he was in his life though he wasn't around when he experienced the episode for the second (When Hae Jin slept in the master bedroom for the first time with Sung Yoon) and third time (On Tae Jin's sixth birthday, which he celebrated with his family and not with Hae Jin)

Heavens! What did this mean?!

What kind of a dilemma was this? He was so confused!


Maybe he hould find Nancy. She might be able to help. If not her, then no one else.

Because he was never going to talk to another ghost that wasn't his hyung or Sung Yoon ever again.

"I.....I don't want to think about all these. I know, I'll get to understand everything when the right time comes"

"You're right" True, they should just stop talking about this because even he was getting confused.

"So, tell me about Shin Hye, your girlfriend. You must really love her a lot"

Love? He did. He loved Shin Hye a lot but........ *Sigh, what should he even say?

"Yes, I do" It was better to reply with this answer. He did love Shin Hye for sure, however,........

"So, how did you two end up together?" Hae Jin asked with a smile, looking at him.

Tae Jin stared at Hae Jin, studying the expression on his face.

Did he really want to know?

That fake smile on his face was saying something else. He knew Hae Jin well enough to know that smile on his handsome face was fake.

'Hyung, you suck at faking a smile' Tae Jin said in mind, smiling.


Night🌃 (Around 8)

Sung Yoon stood outside, at the entrance gate of her parents house which was her home when she was alive.

She snuck out, not wanting Hae Jin to know she was going out.

He'll fill himself with worries and fears (If he knew she was coming here) and might even suggest coming with her.

She didn't want that. She wanted to do this alone.

And anyways,

Hae Jin should spend more time with the kid cause they don't know when he will cross over.

He might cross over without finding out about his past. This could be possible even though there hasn't been proof of this yet.

There was no need to take risks right?

*Sigh, she sighed and stared back at the house once again.

Her family wasn't rich but the small two bedroom house they used to live in together was enough for them.

She used to share a room with her brother but after he moved out to start his own life (He said when he announced he was moving out), she had the room all to herself.

It didn't feel the same as when she used to share the room with her brother but she came to terms with it.

The house was small and cute and it used to be filled with so much love, warmth and happiness.

It just,......felt like home.

But now, she can't say the same cause all she could feel was this, heavy feelings of sadness and grief emanating around the house.

What should she do now? Should she go in?

For some reason, she didn't want.

And she knew why.

It was because she felt sorry for all the trouble her family had to go through because of her. She felt ashamed to show her face (Even though she knew no one can see her).

............. She didn't want to remember those painful memories she and her family (Mother, Father and Brother) had to go through because of the stupid sickness she died from.

Sung Yoon can say, these were the main reasons why she never listened to Hae Jin about paying her family a visit.

Not wanting to leave Hae Jin alone was also one of the reasons, but sometimes, it felt more like an excuse.

And she pay a huge price for using this excuse and not listening to her good friend.

She never got to be with her parents before their deaths.

Suddenly, the front door opened, two men coming out. Right away, Sung Yoon recognized them.

It was his brother's friends.

Immediately, Sung Yoon gave her back to the house.

She knew those two very well. They were his brothers friends and they were so good to her when she was alive.

They were kind and friendly towards her. She even gave them nicknames.

Tom and Jerry.

Mainly because they behaved exactly like those two. Always fighting and yelling at each other and then the next thing you know, they've made up, playing, joking around and laughing together.

Somehow like the cartoons Tom and Jerry.


Those days were one of the best days in her life. They always made her laugh, smile and feel more alive even though she was going through so much pains.


Wait, why was she hiding from them when they can't even see her?

So stupid.

Sung Yoon thought, smiling. She was just about to turn around when the entrance gate opened and shut, footsteps sounding out (Indicating her brother's friends were out of the house, leaving to God knows where)

Before she heard 

"Gosh, I feel so sorry for Sung Hoon" and then she froze in place at the mention of her brother's name. Tom and Jerry heading back home as they passed by her (Sung Yoon who had her back to them), not noticing her.

That was Jerry's voice.

"Yeah but there's nothing we can do" Tom's voice came through. They were talking about her brother.

"I still can't believe it. His parents also lost their lives because of Sung Yoon"


Sung Yoon's eyes widened in shock. What did Jerry just say?

Sung Yoon spun around but they were no longer behind her.

She immediately looked at the right direction and found the two walking away.

In a hurry, Sung Yoon rushed behind them to hear more about what they were talking about.

"Yeah, I heard they died from broken heart. They couldn't handle or get over Sung Yoon's death" Tom said, shocking Sung Yoon even more.

What? She was to be blamed? Her parents died......because of her?

"Sung Hoon still can't get over her death and now his parents death as well?"

No, wait! His brother still hasn't gotten over her death? She......she.....

"He must be in a lot of pain now. Remember, he always go out to buy comic books and novels, the same ones he used to read with Sung Yoon. Now, he probably have three or more copies of each book"

So,.......that's why she met her brother there before, the same bookshop she used to go there with him. He was there to buy the same books they used to read.

He was there to refresh their memories there.

"Dude, we need to be there for him. He can't get over their (Sung Yoon and their parents) deaths alone" Jerry said, remembering something else related, he said,

"Yes, come to think of it, Sung Yoon's death anniversary was a week ago. I couldn't come" 

"I was with Sung Hoon" Tom replied. It really was a mess. He didn't know what to do and only watched his friend cry none stop about the death of her sister.

"it's been 13years since Sung Yoon died. Time does past quickly"

Her death anniversary was a week ago and she didn't even remember.

Damn her!

Sung Yoon fell on her knees, tears streaming down from her eyes. The poor girl looked so sorrowful. She was in a horrible mood and she had no idea Tom and Jerry already left and were now out of sight.

This was all her fault.

Of only she came by to stay by her family's side, then this wouldn't have happened.

It was all her fault. She was to be blamed for everything!

"Sung Yoon?" A familiar voice called her name from behind.

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