
Gone 40

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

.............. The characters are busy, they can't talk now.

Hyun Seo: I'm not busy.

Author: The characters are busy, they can't talk now.

Hyun Seo: But am not busy.

Author: Chapter 40 begins.

Hyun Seo: Don't ignore me!!


Hae Jin and Sung Yoon were in Hae Jin's favorite room, his hideout. Both sat on the bed, leaning against the bedframe.

Hae Jin was waiting.

Waiting for Sung Yoon to calm down, stop crying and share what happened.

Hae Jin decided to bring Sung Yoon here so he can comfort her and talk alone.

But whatever he did or said, Sung Yoon was not calming down and she wouldn't stop crying either.

Right now, he has given up and was just waiting for her to come around.

What happened to her? Why was she suddenly fading? Was it because of the state she was in or was it because something else?

Hae Jin wanted to know so badly but decided not to say a word until Sung Yoon speaks.

*Sniff, Sung Yoon sniffed, wiping the tears from her cheeks, eyes and trying to get her breathing back to normal.

"I....I....I can't go back anymore" she struggled to speak. 

"W...." Hae Jin nervously licked his lower lips before continuing, "what happened"

"I....." Sung Yoon sniffed again, continuing "I was on my way to get Tae Jin's gift. I didn't even get anywhere near the house I left the kid's gift"

"A....a few blocks from here, I....I saw my parents. They were waiting for me"

Oh, shit. It wasn't what he was thinking right?


"I know what you're trying to say but my parents aren't one of the people who can see and talk to ghosts"

Okay, his comfort words just got fired. Way to go words comfort!

It was exactly what he was thinking. Sung Yoon's parents were no more.

"I'm sorry"

Gosh, he felt so sorry for Sung Yoon. What was she going to do now?

"They told me they've been looking for me and finally found me today. They were waiting outside for me Hae Jin. Why did they do that? They should have come in. If only they came in, I would have more time with them! But no, they didn't have much time Hae Jin"

Sung Yoon looked up at Hae Jin with sad eyes, tears in her beautiful brown eyes.

"They were about to crossover. Do you get it Hae Jin? They're dead! My parents are dead! I have no one else on my side now! I have no one else to go to anymore! They're gone. I have no home! No one to go to!"

No, that wasn't so. There was still one person.

"You have your brother and you have to go to him now! He needs you. More than anyone else! More than me. Do you get it"

That's was right. Her brother was still alive and he needed her. Even though he couldn't see her. She could still use her powers to let him feel her touch.

That will be comforting.

And......her parents did say she should take care of him. Gosh! How could she have forgotten this? Their last words! How dare Se say there was no one else to go to?


She will do that. Tomorrow, she will got out to find her hyung or brother.

Sung Yoon decided, wiping the tears with her hand.


Some time later, Hae Jin came out of the room and found Tae Jin seated on the stairs, waiting for him.

"How is she?" Tae Jin asked and he walked towards him, taking a seat beside him.

However, he made sure there was some distance between them.

So they wouldn't touch.

"She's fine. She's resting now"

"I see"

"Sorry we couldn't celebrate your birthday. It seems like one after the other, something always happens on your birthday" And they end up not celebrating it.

"Is okay. I already cleaned up the table. I put the cake and drinks in the refrigerator. The snacks are in the kitchen as well"


"Yes, I turned on the power. However, it will only last us for two days. The........" Tae Jin didn't get to finish his sentence when Hae Jin spoke.

"You turned on the power? The lights are back on?"

"Yes" Tae Jin said and got up, pressing the switch, right the, the living room and the hallway lighted up.

Hae Jin stared up at the bulbs, looking around him, how lghted the whole place was. He was literally fascinated. Excited.

18years, for 18years, this was the first time he was seeing a lighted room (When it was dark out) without the help of the moonlight or the sun or the neighbor's lights.

The first time this house was lighted and he was so happy to see this.

"Hyung, you should see your face. You look like you're seeing wonderland for the first time" Tae Jin said with a smile as he took his seat once again.

"Stop joking" Hae Jin rolled his eyes.

"So, what happened with Sung Yoon?" They still haven't talked about it and he was curious to know. 

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed sadly,

"Turns out her parents are dead and they came to see her before they crossed over"

"I see" Now that was bad news. Sung Yoon much be going through hell right now.

"I wonder, do my parents also think about me? Do I even have a family? Do they still think about me?" Hae Jin asked sadly, looking down. 

Oh, he hated that sad look on his face.

"Don't worried too much hyung, I'm sure you do. And they think about you all the time. Who can firget about you?"

"I sure hope so, Tae Jin" He really hope sure.

*Sigh, okay, this depressing mood should come to an end.

And so, Hae Jin took the step to change the atmosphere by saying,

"Oh, by the way, why didn't your friends come with you today?"

Well, there's a good reason for that "They drunk too much last night and passed out. I didn't have the heart to wake them up while I was coming so I made sure they were comfortable before I left"

"Tae Jin"


"Is night out"

"Is 6 getting to 7pm" Yep! That's right. 

"And they haven't called to check up on you" what kind of friends were they anyways? Their friend left with them without saying a word and they haven't even called to find out where he was.

If he's even okay.

"Oh, don't worry about that" Tae Jin said with a smile, continuing, "They can sleep for a whole day if they're not woken up after they pass out from drinking too much" And they did drunk too much last night.

He only had one bottle of soju while his friends were celebrating his birthday, drinking their ass out.

"You know, Shin Hye is kind of different. Special. If she isn't woken up, she can sleep for two days straight after she pass out from drinking" Yep! Shin Hye was that kind of person. That's why he decided she will never drink too much. 

However, last night was an exception. It will never happen again.

"I see. But, don't drink ever again. You're only 17, a kid and I don't want you becoming a hopeless foolish drunkard"

Ouch, now that (Hae Jin's words) hurt for some reason.

"But......I only drink on special occasions"

"I don't care. You live in my house now and you follow my rules" Actually, it was his house now.

But he can't say that. Not when Hae Jin looked this serious and scary.

He looked like a dad scolding his son for doing something bad and he didn't know what to think about that.

However, he was happy to know Hae Jin cared about his future.

"No drinking while you live under my roof and make sure your friends don't either or else"

"Or else " Oh, he wanted to know.

"You will face one hell of a punishment"

"That scares me"

"I'm serious, stop joking with stuffs"

"Ok fine, I will do exactly that"

"Great, now where will you sleep tonight? We have to get your bag in a room and you also need to rest"

"You're right "

"So, where do you want to sleep? There are three bedrooms in the house. The master bedroom, my room and Sung Yoon's room"

"Well,......" Tae Jin said, thinking.

"I'll sleep with you" he said when he got his answer.

"What?" Shocking Hae Jin out of his poor mind.

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