
Tell Me About Yourself 39

๐Ÿ˜ŒAuthor: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

๐Ÿ˜†Hee Young: Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

๐Ÿ˜‘Se Jong: Thank you.

๐Ÿ˜ŠAuthor: I.....

๐Ÿ˜’Hee Young: We're done dear author. Chapter 39 begins.

๐Ÿ˜žAuthor: Yes mom.

๐Ÿ˜’Hee Young: I don't have a child like you.

๐Ÿ˜—Author:............I don't mean to be rude but, you wish.

๐Ÿ˜ Hee Young: What? 

๐Ÿ˜งAuthor: Nothing!


"Hyung, tell me, why did you faint yesterday when you saw me. You looked so pale. Does it happen often? And, did you a have dream? Cause you looked like you were having one"

"I.......I......" Gosh! What now? Should he just tell him everything? He decided to do so last night. But now, he's......having second thoughts.

"Please tell me. Don't let me in the dark. I want to know because I want to help you"

Help! Ahh!! That sounded tempting!


Looking at him with a sterned look, Tae Jin said, "I won't be taking a no for an answer today" no argument.

"You're presistent aren't you?"

Tae Jin smiled, "You should know me"

"But....." Maybe he has change. After all, he only knew the five or six year Tae Jin.

And knew nothing about the 17year old Tae Jin yet.

However,........... To him, it seems Tae Jin was still the same.

"When was the first you experienced something like this?" Tae Jin asked, drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Please talk to me hyung or I won't be able to help you" That's exactly what he wanted.

He didn't want his help. He didn't want Tae Jin involved in his problems.

Sure he knew Tae Jin was already involved in the ghost world the moment he could see ghosts.

But,..... He didn't want him involved in his problems. This was his answer when Sung Yoon asked him (In the ending of Chapter 33) if he will accept Tae Jin if it turns out he's his special one.

He wanted to help protect him, have a good life. Not the other way around.

He didn't need his (Tae Jin) help dealing with his problems.

"Please hyung" but he also couldn't say no when Tae Jin gave him that pleading look. That puppy look, those puppy eyes!

That look still suited his face very well and if anything else, he looked even more cute.

Hae Jin smiled, "Okay fine" he accepted defeat. The kid wasn't going to drop this subject. Even if he says nothing now, Tae Jin will probably ask other day.

Is better to come clean now.

There's no harm in telling him about it right? It doesn't mean Tae Jin will be involved in his problems right?

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed tiredly, coming clean.

"It doesn't happen frequently. And I believe I recall my past memories everytime I get that attack. Well, I call it an episode. My head hurts a lot....."

"You pale up as well"

"Yeah, and that" Hae Jin couldn't see his face or body when he's having an episode. He could only feel the intense pain (Which was, one can say, his only concern in a moment like that) but he has heard he looked pale. Not from one person but two so he guess that should be added as well.

"And then, I pass out. The next thing I know, am in a very dark place. And then, I see people whom I find familiar yet I can't remember them. I find their voices familiar, their smiles but then, their faces are always blurry"

Ah,......okay. So,.....

"Can you feel or see their gender?" Tae Jin asked and Hae Jin nodded, replying "Is a man and a woman. They called out my name"

Okay. Now what? What was he supposed to ask next?


"Do you..... really think what you see are memories of your past life?" What was he even asking?! Of course they were his memories! Those two were part of his past life

Hae Jin knew this.

He........ And he decided to answer Tae Jin's question.

"I don't think so Tae Jin, I believe so. I mean, I can feel it. I just can't remember the details"

"I see" Tae Jin nodded, thinking about what he just said. He really hope Tae Jin believes him because he was sure of this.

Hae Jin only needed someone to believe him! He wasn't going crazy!

*Sigh, he sighed tiredly, continuing,

"The first time I experienced an 'episode' was the first time, the day I met Sung Yoon. Afterwards, we met"

And that was because of him.

Tae Jin knew.

It was said, when a ghost who has lost their memories finds their special one, their special one triggers their memories and they experienced a headache and remember some memories.

Just so they'll know this person they met was their special one. Their special one doesn't trigger their memories because they were involved in their past life. Sure it can happen only when this special one was in their past life.

However, involved or not, a special one can trigger the memories of their chosen ghost just so they will know they're (Special one) their special one.

Everything Hae Jin said was truth and he believed him. He only wanted to make sure he believed in what he saw.

Author: Okay, I don't know if I've said this before or not but I'll say it anyways.

Tae Jin is right. He is the reason why Hae Jin experienced his first 'episode'. That day, the very moment he entered the premises, Hae Jin experienced his first episode. Remember in Chapter 3 (I'm Scared) ending I said, Hae Jin had no idea, that what caused his first episode was because of the sudden appearance of a certain human around the house?

Well, yeah. This human was Tae Jin. The five year old Tae Jin.

He was the reason why Hae Jin had his first episode and he (Tae Jin) knew this.

How? Well, he came on the very day Hae Jin had his first episode and that's why he concluded it was because of him. 

And he wasn't wrong.

"And the second time was when I slept in the master bedroom with Sung Yoon" Okay, but he wasn't there that day.

"The third time was on your sixth birthday" Okay, wasn't there either. So, what triggered that state again!

And,....... Tae Jin didn't get to complete his thoughts when Hae Jin stole his attention once again.

"And the fourth time......was yesterday, on your 17th birthday" Okay! That time, he was there and he can say it was because of him. The other times, no.

So, what triggered it?! And, why did it happen so many times even when he wasn't around?! Why did he trigger Hae Jin's memories twice? 

No one told him special ones trigger the memories of their chosen ghosts twice just so they'll know they're their special ones.

Could it be, it was because Hae Jin still hasn't found out? Or could it be something else?

"What do you think triggers your memories?" He asked, hoping his hyung will fix everything together and get an answer.

"I don't know" Great! Here goes his efforts!

"and I want to know because I want my memories back. That's the only way I'll be able to cross over, right?"

Okay, he didn't like the sound of that. Yes, sooner or later his hyung will crossover to the other side.

But......... does it have to be this soon?

"Tae Jin......."



"Have you ever thought of finding your special one?"


"Have you ever thought that, I might be your special one?"

"I don't want to find my special one?" He really didn't. Now, he can use his powers! What does he need a special one for?

"Why are you asking about it anyway?"

Looking down with a sad look, Tae Jin asked, "Is that why you don't want to touch me?" And he looked up at him again, asking, "What are you so afraid of? Why don't you want t touch me? Why don't you want me to touch you?"

"Tae Jin....."

"What are you so afraid of hyung?!"

"I don't want to use my special one okay?!" Hae Jin yelled out, breathing heavily. Silence then took over, becoming the king or queen of the moment. However, it didn't sit on the throne for long because Hae Jin dethroned it.

*Sigh, he sighed, repeating his words in a low tone, "I don't want to use my special one"

"But hyung, who told you you'll be using your special one?" Tae Jin gently asked and he looked up at him.

"Because that's how it is! That's the real truth!"

"That's not so hyung, it all depends on what's on your mind and heart. If you want your special one just so you can use them to find sort out your businesses and cross over, that will be so. But if you want your special one as a company, a friend, a helper, that will be so"

Wow,......he....didn't know what to say.

"Change the way you think and you will feel good when you find your special one" Hae Jin looked down, and he could tell he was think about what he said.

Good. He will wait for Hae Jin to tell him about special ones (Even though he already knew). For now, he wanted to know something more important.

"Now, tell me more about you hyung. I want to know" Taking a minute or so, Hae Jin finally opened his mouth, telling him what he knew.

"I don't remember much about myself or my life" Tae Jin smiled. His hyung was opening up to him. He won.

For sure, he will finally get the answers to all of his questions.

"I'm a ghost trapped in this house with no memories of my life" Uh, so he was trapped here. That was the reason why he still found him here after so many year. His hyung couldn't leave the house.

"On the day we first met marked the 6years I've spent, trapped in this house. And yesterday marked the....

"18years" he has been trapped in this place. He understood now. And he knew only he can help his hyung.

"That's right. I woke up in this house on April 5. That's why I used April 5"

"As the day of your death" And that same day was his birthday. He had a lot in common with his hyung right?

"Yeah, so I can celebrate my anniversary" Tae Jin burst out laughter,

"You're so funny hyung"

"Yeah, well"

The laughter died down, he asked, "What about Sung Yoon? And did anyone come here?"

"Yeah, an old woman used to visit once every year but since the year we met till now, she hasn't come by. I'm........ really worried about her"

"There's no need to. I'm sure she's alright" 

"I hope so as well" Hae Jin said sadly and he didn't like what he was seeing. That sad look and the sad tone he heard, Tae Jin didn't like it at all.

"Oh, right, Sung Yoon. I met her the same day I met you. She came before you actually. And, she has been more than a friend to me since I met her"


"You like her?"

"I love her, like a sister I don't remember having" 

*Sigh, Tae Jin sighed in mind, heart relaxing and in relief.

That was a close call.


Wait, why did he feel so relief on hearing Hae Jin thought of Sung Yoon as a sister and not something else?

Before Tae Jin could think more about it, Hae Jin spoke again, drawing his attention.

"But, she will have to leave soon now that you're back"

"Leave? To where?" He asked curiously.

"She has to be with her family" Uh, that's understandable.

"Well, that's too bad"

"I know, I don't want her leave"

"But I can take care of you now. I'll buy you all the food and clothes you need. I'll get you a phone since you can now use your powers" But he (Hae Jin) wasn't going to do that (Using his powers to touch the phone)

He will give Hae Jin premission to do so. And then, he will finally realize he is his special one.

He (Hae Jin) didn't have to touch him or let him (Tae Jin) touch him to find out he's his special one.

He will do this his own way.

"Do you have money?"

"My mom said she will send me some. I'll also get a part-time job"

"Hmmm, nice plan"

"Yeah, but first I have to switch on the power. My friends will come by tomorrow and we will take care of everything "

"The power will be on? Light, I will finally get to stay in light?" Hae Jin asked, eyes sparkling with excitement.

He looked so cute. Like a kid who has been promised by his parents to take him to a candy shop.

"Exactly" he answered with a smile.

"Wait" And a frown was on his face. That cute kid should come back!! Tae Jin yelled in mind.

"Do you think is a good idea to work and study at the same time? Will you be able to focus on your studies?"

Well,......about that.......

"I don't know, but I will try. I will do everything to become a doctor".

"You want to be a doctor?"

"Is my dream. I want to be a good doctor just like my mother"

"That's great. What about your dad?"

"Don't mention him, I don't want to talk about him"

Why? What happened between Tae Jin and his father?

Whatever happened, they had to sort it out. Is not a good thing for father and son to separate.

"Tae Jin, don't you think......."

"Ahah, Sung Yoon is late. When is she coming back? We still have to celebrate!"

"Tae Jin, don't change the topic"

"I'm here" Sung Yoon said, sounding lifelessly. Turning to the entrance of the door, they found her, looking lifeless.

What happened? Why was she so quiet? Why did she.....look so sad? This wasn't like her. She didn't look like this when she left the house.

"Sung Yoon, are you okay?" Silly question, of course she wasn't. She didn't look okay.

"I'm fine" Sung Yoon said as she took a seat on the single couch.

"Ah, if you say so" Tae Jin and Hae Jin shared a look, the same question 'What happened ' written on their faces.

Well, what was the point if asking each other when none of them had the answer?

*Sigh, they sighed together and Hae Jin looked at Sung Yoon, saying, "Sung Yoon, we talked about you just now and I think is a good idea you go stay with your family now. As you can see, Tae Jin is back. I won't be alone anymore so you can leave"

Okay, that......came out wrong!! those last words sounded like he was kicking her out.

He just hope Sung Yoon won't take it that way.

He....... Hae Jin didn't get to finish his thoughts when Sung Yoon spoke, gaining his attention.

"Leave? And go where? Everything, everything I have is gone! I have no where to go anymore!" Sung Yoon yelled angrily, sadly, devastated as she got up.

She was breathless, tears running down from her eyes.

The state she was in wasn't good but what surprised them even more was here Sung Yoon began to fade, slowly, it was getting hard to see her.

They can literally see through her!

"Sung Yoon!" Hae Jin yelled out her name in shock, in fear as both he and Tae Jin stood up. Both in shock and in fear of what's happening.

What happened? (That she was in such an awful state)

What was happening to her now?

Why was she fading?!

They (Hae Jin and Tae Jin) asked themselves, terrified, horrified out of their minds!

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