
For your sake 33

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Hae Jin: Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Tae Jin: Or you love it 

Sung Yoon: Or you hate it. Because that's the only comments you'll be getting from me if I can leave this book.

Author: Dear Sung Yoon, the story is about you as well.

Sung Yoon: Who cares? Cause I don't.

Author: *Sigh, I really sigh a lot in this story. Anyway, chapter 33 begins.

Sung Yoon: Are you cursing me behind my back?!

Author: I said Chapter 33 begins. 

Sung Yoon: Good.

Author: Gosh! I hate this character!

Sung Yoon: I heard that!

Author: And I won't take it back!


"I must say, Tae Jin turned out to be even more good look than we thought" 

"Yeah, you're not lying. My kid really turned out to be even more good looking" Hae Jin said, looking proud.

Gosh, he looked annoying!

...........Wait a minute,

"Your kid? I thought you didn't like it when I referred to him as your kid" That's true. He never liked it. Why?

"That's because you sound like you mean it in a different way" That's why.

"Oh, please, when have I thought that way? You love Tae Jin as your own child, not differently" Oh, she did think differently but she will keep that to herself.

"Good, as long as you know" Hae Jin said, rolling his eyes in irritation while Sung Yoon was smiling at him.

But this irritation mood didn't last long because a question suddenly poped in mind and he decided to ask.

"By the way, why didn't you tell me Tae Jin can see you? And why did you call him back?" It would have been better if Tae Jin stayed right where he was.

In the human world. What good will come upon him if he involves himself in ghost stuffs?

Tae Jin should never involve himself with him or his situation. He no longer needed him in his life to feel alive or human again. Tae Jin's safety was more important.

"First of all, I did not bring him back. He told me himself. He had decided to come here even before I requested he do. And...... I didn't tell you about him seeing me because he begged me not to. And you know, that puppy face he gives when he's pleading, who can say no?"

"Well, you're not wrong there. He really has this puppy face, that's just so cute.......and....... You just can't say no to those puppy eyes" He has been there before not once but many times when Tae Jin used to come around as a kid. And not more than an hour ago, he was in the same situation.

Took a lot from him to ignore those eyes, that puppy face. Looking so pitiful yet so cute! How was that even possible?!

*Sigh, he sighed tiredly in mind,

Okay, okay! Enough about Tae Jin and his cuteness! Important question, why didn't Tae Jin want him to find out he could see Sung Yoon? Was there a good reason?

"I know what you mean"


"Yeah, I know I didn't do the right thing going out to find him without consulting you, however, I don't regret my actions" Great!

"That's so brave of you to say this" Hae Jin rolled his eyes.

"I know you want to keep him safe. Protect him but you can't. You see, you're not the only ghost he can see neither am I. And..... having the ability to see ghosts means he's already involve in ghost businesses"

She's right. Tae Jin was already involved in the ghost world by having the ability to see ghost world. What should he do? How can he protect him?


"But he can pretend he can't see them. Just like how he pretended not to see you"

"I know, he's a good pretender. But for how long can he pretend not to see ghosts? Is his destiny to see ghosts, help them"

Tae Jin was not only Hae Jin's special one. He was a special one to all ghosts just like some humans who can see ghosts.

Sure they can choose not to help ghosts but it was still their destiny to help ghosts.

"I think, the only way to keep him safe is to stay by his side. Keep him closer to you. Make sure he can only help good ghosts who request help. Well, that's if he wants to help other ghosts " Besides him (Hae Jin) because Tae Jin told her, Hae Jin was the only ghost he wanted to help.

Even she wasn't in his book.

Well, is not like she needed help anyways.

"Why are you saying is his destiny to help ghosts?" Yeah, why? 

"Don't you know? People who can see ghosts are called psychic mediums" That's what she heard "and they can choose whether to help ghosts or not. Tae Jin is a medium "

"What?" What the..... So then,......

"Yes, he can never have the normal life you want him to have because he's not normal or ordinary. Neither is he abnormal. He's....... special"

Mediums are special kind of people.

However, Tae Jin does not want to be a medium. Sung Yoon had a conversation with him about his ability.

He did not want to use his ability to help people or ghosts. He wants to be an ordinary boy who can see ghosts. An ordinary boy who wants to help his ghost friend.

An ordinary 17year old boy.

That's.........not possible but then again, everything is possible. With God, everything is and he just have to accept this gift given to him by God. And maybe, God might grant his wish to live an ordinary life even if it was just for a day. 

However,....... he does not want to accept himself as he was born.

Sung Yoon believe there's a reason why he was born this.

And this reason, can be related to Hae Jin (She believe)

It wasn't a coincidence that Hae Jin wants to be a hunter of evil ghosts.

Surely, with Hae Jin by his side, he will have to use his ability.

Both ghosts and humans will find out what he really was.

A human who has the special ability to see ghosts, talk to them, and with this ability, he will not only help Hae Jin or other ghosts but humans as well.

He can talk to their loved ones who are dead after all.

"Tae Jin can never be an ordinary boy. He can never have an ordinary life" Hae Jin said, sympathizing with Tae Jin.

"Sure he can. You can help him. He can be a medium and have an ordinary life" Sung Yoon tried to convince him but even she wasn't convinced herself. She had no idea how Tae Jin was going to have an ordinary life after becoming a medium.

But, there has to be a way right? There's always a way.

Tae Jin should be a medium. A lot of people and ghosts needed help. And he can also help decrease the increased rates of evil ghosts.

If he can help evil ghosts (Who will accept his help) then they will find peace (And finally decide to stop doing evil) and maybe, even choose to crossover.

"But ........" Hae Jin said, not sure if he should trust what Sung Yoon was saying.

"He......." Sung Yoon began, thinking about what to say next and when she finally got an answer, she continued, "Just need people who can understand him, help him and not criticize him for being a little different. For being special"

Yes! Tae Jin also needed these kinds of people to have an ordinary life while being a medium. After all, having an ordinary life also means having people who understand you, trust you and accept you just the way you are.

"Hmmm, I'll help him. Until I have to leave this world, I will help him have an ordinary life and good people who understand him, by his side"

"Great! Good decision!" She was sure that, as long as it was coming from (That he should become a medium) Hae Jin, Tae Jin surely will.

Great! Now they can help a lot of people! The one thing she can't do as a ghost.

........... Now, it was Hae Jin's turn. 

Sung Yoon looked at him, hoping once again, it won't be hard to convince him to accept his special one.

"So, will you accept him when you find out he's your special one?"

"Huh?" Hae Jin asked with widened eyes.

Here we go again!

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