
Home 37

Author: Glory to the creator and his amazing son.

Sung Yoon: Glory to them.

Hae Jin: Amen.

Tae Jin: Was that a prayer?

Hyun Seo: Sounded more like something else.

Author: Something like what?

Hyun Seo: I don't know, I just felt like saying that.

Nancy: Then don't talk at all.

Hyun Seo: What's up with the way you speak to me Miss Nancy? Do you hate me?

Nancy: Hmmm.

Hyun Seo: (She didn't deny) Then, what should I do for you to like me?

Nancy: Nothing. Just continue being you so I can hate you. Gives me a peace of mind.

Hyun Seo: That's not something a person who serves the heavens would say.

Nancy: And this is why I hate you!

Author: *Sigh, chapter 37 begins.


Night🌃 (Around 8)

It was time to see Nancy off and Tae Jin took the responsible of doing so.

Walking down the stairs (Almost out of the building), it was too quite and he did not know what to say.


Maybe a thank you will be nice. Yes, he should thank Nancy for not revealing his ability to his friends. 

"Thank you, for not saying anything back then" He said, starting a conversation.

"Oh, please, there's no need to thank me. You know, you don't have to send me off. I can go myself"

"Is nothing" Tae Jin replied and Nancy made a stop when they reached outside of the building. Tae Jin stopped at the same time and witnessed as Nancy turned to face him while he stood at the entrance of the building.

Smiling, Nancy said, "You know, you don't have to be afraid to be who you are. People who will leave you, will leave sooner or later. And people who will refuse to accept who you are, aren't the ones you should involve yourself with. People who truly love you and cares about you will accept who you and they will always stay by your side. Remember this"

Gosh! This,......was some sensible words. He will take her advice.


"But I don't want to be a psychic medium" He had to say something about this. Nancy will understand him right? She was somehow like him after all.

"Why not?"

"Because I have my dreams" And he wants to accomplish all his dreams before he dies. He doesn't want to die in regret.

"You can never have an ordinary life. I'm sure you already know this" Yes, he did.

"However, who says you can't make your dreams come true? You can become the doctor you want to be"

Oh, she knew about his dream as well.

What the heck was he even saying? The woman could see the future.

"You can have a balanced life. You can become both a doctor and a psychic medium. God isn't taking your dreams away. But keep in mind, you have the chance to help a lot of people find comfort, peace, joy, not just ghosts"


"You'll be doing good. And that's what life's is all about. Doing good and showing love"

*Sigh, he understood her, everything she was saying. 


"Don't you get tired when......." Tae Jin took a deep breath before continuing, "People treat you like trash? When they look at you as if you're some kind of a weirdo? When they don't believe what you see or say"

"I know people who can't see what we see sometimes treats us harshly. But, look at the bright side, some people still appreciate us and the work we do even though they don't see what we see" Tae Jin nooded, understanding "Think about what I just said. You're only 17, you have your whole life ahead of you and so much opportunities to choose what you want to be" Tae Jin nodded again.

"You choose to be a doctor and pretend not to see the other side of the world. But, keep in mind, you will be helping a lot of people find something that money can't buy. Peace, comfort, joy, healings from heartbreak. Depression.... You can also help ghosts find peace. Help them cross over"

Okay, why was she talking so much when she already knew what the future holds?

"Okay, I'll think about" Tae Jin said with a smile, drawing Nancy out if her thoughts.

She smiled back and they stood, sharing a moment with smiles on their faces as they stared at each other.

Whatever the case was, Tae Jin understood her. And he will become much more than he thinks.

He can handle all these because he won't be alone.

"By the way, don't worry, your wish will come true"

"Huh?" Tae Jin asked, surprised. What was she talking about?

Was it the wish he made........ Tae Jin didn't get to complete his thoughts when Nancy confirmed his suspicions.

"You will have more time to spend with him"

Oh, he was right.

And,...........she knew about his hyung as well.

Nothing escapes a fortune teller right?

Tae Jin smiled at his thoughts, humming happily in reply.



Morning 🌤️(Time: 9:43)

Everything was set for today. All preparations had been made (Even thought the house wasn't decorated with birthday stuffs) and Hae Jin believe everything was perfect and he hope Tae Jin likes it.

The center table was occupied with snacks (Which Sung Yoon bought— I mean, stole, when she went out early this morning)

Now the only thing missing was the cake and the soft drinks Tae Jin brought yesterday.

Last night after his chat with Sung Yoon, she took the drinks and the cake and left the house without saying a word to him even though he repeatedly asked where she was heading, taking them (The soft drinks) along.

And when she came back, she came alone without the drinks. Not to forget, she also refused to say a word about where she went out, why and where she took the cake and the drinks.

Early this morning, she came back with snacks without the cake and drinks and left once again.

Going God knows where!

Hae Jin was seated on the double couch in the living room, waiting for Sung Yoon to bring back the cake and the drinks.

Actually, he wasn't only waiting for Sung Yoon but for Tae Jin, the birthday boy as well.

Yesterday was Tae Jin's real birthday but today was as well. 

After all, they decided to celebrate it again.

"I'm back!" That was Sung Yoon's voice.

Hae Jin hurriedly got up and watched as Sung Yoon came in view, holding the birthday cake which was inside it's package and holding a brown bag which he believed contained the drinks.

"Sorry, I'm late. Is the kid here" she said as she gently placed the cake on the table, the brown bag and began getting them out.

"No" Hae Jin answered, watching Sung Yoon do her magic.

Sung Yoon was able to unpack the cake, bring out the drinks using her powers and he could tell this much because he saw. Her powers which flew from her palm, surrounding everything she touched.

Heavens, it really was nice being able to use your powers.

"Hey, where did you take the cake and the drinks last night" Hae Jin asked as he took his seat once again.

"You've asked this question like 40times now" Well, he was curious to know and since Sung Yoon never answered, he had no choice but to ask continuously.

"If you answer me, I'll stop asking" Hae Jin said with a smirk, hands folded on his chest as he put his right leg on the other.

Burdening the left leg. Poor left leg, I feel sorry for it.

*Sigh, I sigh

*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed tiredly, already done unpacking the cake and bringing out the drinks. Throwing the packages on the ground, she took her seat, about to answer Hae Jin's question when she realized how shock he was, staring at the cake.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you staring at the cake? Just so you know, we're not having it now. If you want a bite, wait till the birthday boy comes"

"No..... that's not it" Is......he was still on shock. Tae Jin remembered.

He remembered his favorite.

"Is strawberry cake" Even though he tried to change this truth by saying he preferred strawberry bruits, he still.......he remembered. And he brought exactly what he liked. Tae Jin saw through his lie.

And he was only a kid back then!!

"And so?"

" favorite" That's right. Sung Yoon remember now. Hae Jin had said before that strawberry cake was his favorite.

After years of eating the same thing, he came to like it, love it. And it became his favorite.

Tae Jin brought his favorite. Well, she's not surprised.

The kid will do anything that makes him happy. 

"He remember"

"Of course he does, you're important to him remember" and Hae Jin blushed at her words, looking down so she wouldn't see but it was too late.

She was watching Hae Jin like a hwark who has its eyes on chicks when she said those words that made him blush.

"Say........." Sung Yoon began but didn't get to finish her words when a knock sounded.

"Must be the kid. I'll go see him" Sung Yoon said and got up, heading to the front door.

Hae Jin watched the entrance impatiently, waiting to see Tae Jin.

"What the f***k do you have with you?" Sung Yoon yelled out in shock. Making Hae Jin curious to know exactly what Sung Yoon was seeing.

Almost Immediately, he got up and head to the front door.

Making a stop few steps from the door where Hae Jin and Sung Yoon stood, his eyes widened in shock when he saw the bags beside Tae Jin.

What the..... What was Tae Jin doing here..... with his bags? Was he planning to live here?

And Tae Jin confirmed his thoughts by saying, "This is my new home from now onwards"

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