
Fortune Teller 36

Author: Thank you for reading.

Hee Young: Hello.

Author: Please comment and......

Hee Young: Hello?

Author: Rate the book if you like it.

Hee Young: Hello!!!

Author: Oh, hello Mrs—I mean, Miss Hee Young.

Hee Young: Is a good think you corrected that.

Author: How old are you by the way? You never mentioned it in the two chapters you were in.

Hee Young: I don't want to. I'll leave that to the readers to work it out. But I hope they don't.

Author: Why? Are you that old?

Hee Young: Yet am still beautiful.

Author: True, you look like you're in your late 20s.

Hee Young: I'm Asian.

Author: I hear that all the time. I wish I also look young and beautiful when am older.

Hee Young: Keep praying kiddo. That's the only way you'll earn it.

Author:.......... Chapter 36 begins.


There were three couches in the living room and it was all occupied.

Tae Jin had one couch with his girlfriend, Shin Hye, Hyun Seo and Se Jong had the other one.

And the last one, the single couch was occupied by the woman who'll be introduced very soon.

"Ah,... B......." Shin Hye was just about to call Tae Jin 'Babe' but she stopped herself before she could complete the words.

It will only spoil the surprise..

Shin Hye wanted to be surprised when the woman said what she sees about them without knowing their relationship.

"This is Cha......." Shin Hye began awkwardly but did not get to finish her words because the subject of the topic took over.

"You can call me Nancy" Nancy said with a smile, "I prefer my English name"

Shin Hye let out an awkward laughter, "Exactly, so....."

"Who is she?" Tae Jin said, irritated. How could they bring in a stranger to his house without telling him? Gosh! He really hated it when someone made a decision that involves him without notice!

He glared at Shin Hye, Hyun Seo and Se Jong who immediately looked away from his burning gaze.

If glares could kill, they would have died a long time ago.

"You can call me a fortune teller or a psychic medium" Nancy who can't read the awful atmosphere stated.

Right away, Tae Jin's face softened and he looked at the woman, interested in her.

"Psychic medium?" He asked. The woman was a psychic medium? Does it mean she can also see ghosts? Just like him?

"Exactly!" Shin Hye said excitedly, within, sighing in relief when she realized Tae Jin was interested.

And she wasn't the only who was relief. Se Jong and Hyun Seo were as well.

For a moment there, they thought Tae Jin was going to kill them with his angry stare.

They really were terrified out of their minds.

Tae Jin hasn't changed, Se Jong and Hyun Seo thought. His glare still terrified them just like when he was a kid.

"Right! For your birthday present, we didn't know what to give you" Se Jong said and Hyun Seo added,

"And so, Shin Hye decided we hire a fortune teller" Putting the blame on Shin Hye. Just in case Tae Jin was still angry about the fact that they brought in a stranger without his notice.

And by doing this, he earned himself a scary look from Shin Hye.

Hyun Seo shivered at the sight (Shin Hye looking at him with an annoyed look on her face)

Tae Jin and Shin Hye really suited each other.

"For my birthday gift you got me a fortune teller?" Well, he did not know what to think about this birthday present.

"Remember, Shin Hye brought her" Hyun Seo said, avoiding eye contact with Shin Hye.

He was certain, he would earn a look scarier than before for what he said 

"We brought her to tell you about your future. Isn't this great?" Se Jong said before letting out an awkward laughter when he noticed how quiet Tae Jin was.

"My future........." What he feared to know the most.

"Okay, let's start. Who's first"

"The birthday boy!" Shin Hye exclaimed excitedly and she shared a look with Tae Jin smiling while he (Tae Jin) looked nervous, scared to find out what his future holds.

He had his own dreams. To be a doctor just like his mother but with the ability he has, he didn't know if his dream will ever come true and that scared him a lot.

After all, he will get to know if his dreams will come true or not right this moment.

"Okay, birthday boy stretch out your hands towards me"

Nervous and scared, Tae Jin did exactly that and watched as Nancy studied his palm. Seeing God knows what about his future.

She would nod now and then, hummed, as if she understood whatever it was that she was seeing, inside his palm.

How does this even work? Does she see his future on his palm?

"I see"

"You see what?" Hyun Seo asked Nancy and she rolled her eyes annoyed, "I see you're annoying" Shin Hye and Se Jong burst out laughter, Hyun Seo looking irritated while Tae Jin nervously smiled.

"She shut you up"

"Piss off" Hyun Seo angrily said to Se Jong who smiled amusingly.

"You're a special kid" Nancy said with a smile, looking up at Hae Jin who looked like he knew exactly what she was saying.

"Your future is bright. Filled with happiness, peace and joy. However, before you can achieve this happiness, peace and joy, you will go through so much pain. I see complications in your love life as well" Shin Hye froze in place and she turned to look at Tae Jin, meeting eyes with him.

What did she mean by that? Complications in Tae Jin's love life? She was here, they were doing just fine. So, what did she mean?

Oh, no. Nancy stared at both Tae Jin and Shin Hye who were looking at each other.

So stupid of her! Why did she bring this up when she knew they were dating? Yes, she found this out while looking into Tae Jin's life.

And,.........the kids were only 17!

She did not want to break their hearts.

Especially the girl.


She should just shut up and say no more.

"What do you mean?" And the stupid Hyun Seo spoke up.

This kid, he should learn to read the mood more.

"Anyway, I see you have a special ability" Nancy changed the topic, ignoring Hyun Seo's question which he felt offended but didn't voice out and only chose to keep quiet and feel annoyed within.

"What?" Tae Jin looked up at Nancy in shock. She knew about his ability to see and talk to ghosts.

'Please don't mention it here' he pleaded in mind. Not wanting his friends to find out.

What if they thought of him as a creep or a weirdo? What if they didn't understand him? What if they choose to leave him when they found out?

What if Shin Hye leaves him?

No, he didn't want to lose his friends.

He didn't want to lose Shin Hye.

"Why aren't you using the ability?" Get the message Nancy! Learn how to read expressions and not just palms!

His desperate pleads for her to keep quiet about this topic was written all over his face!

"What ability?" Shin Hye asked curiously and she wasn't the only one who was curious to know this. Hyun Seo and Se Jong were as well.

And Tae Jin was panicking. He didn't want anyone to find out about his ability to see and talk to ghosts.

People who can't see what he sees will never understand or believe in him.

That's how it was and has always been.

"Why aren't you using the ability" and she ignored Shin Hye's question, his pleads as well.

The woman really was bent on knowing the answer.

"You can help a lot of people with this ability. You can help people find peace, healings from heartbreak. Comfort. So why aren't you helping?"

"I ......I......." Gosh! He was speechless! He didn't know what to say!

"Well, then again, you're only a kid. You're just 17"

"Yes!" Tae Jin hurriedly said, "I'm just a kid" he didn't want Nancy to know about her plans.

He did not want to be a psychic medium like Sung Yoon said.

He will never leave normally like other people. Tae Jin knew that.

But he wanted to at least follow his dream of becoming a doctor.

"What are you guys talking about? You're confusing us" Hyun Seo said and Se Jong added, "Making us curious as well"

"Well, that will be all for now. Who's next?" And Nancy ignored their questions and curiosity to know what she just said.

The birthday boy hasn't told the kids about his ability yet. Who's she to reveal it?

He will tell them himself.

Nancy believed this because he saw it.

"Me! Me! Me!" Hyun Seo yelled out excitedly, making Nancy roll her eyes.

"I don't have to read your palm to tell you your future"

"Huh, is it great? Is my future that great"

"Yes" Nancy said with a smile, "Filled with foolishness and stupidity"


"Good luck bro, you can do it" Se Jong said, smiling amusingly.

Annoyed, Hyun Seo said, "Shut up" 

"Huh......., Guys, excuse me" Tae Jin said as he got up, leaving for his mother's room.

Nancy, Shin Hye and Se Jong watched him as he left while Hyun Seo was busy, feeling annoyed and thinking about what the fortune teller just said about his future.

"Is my future that bad?" Hyun Seo said sadly, gaining their attentions.

Okay now she felt sorry for the boy, "Don't worry, you have a good future. Pray a lot cause you need it to have the brighter future or your foolishness and stupidity will get the better of it"

"Thanks for the information" Hyun Seo rolled his eyes as he said this.

Smiling, Nancy added, "Also, don't worry, you will meet someone nice. Though this person is....... different"

Hyun Seo's eyes sparkled in interest and excitement, "Different how? Is she very pretty? Cute?"

"So, who's next"

"Oh, answer me?!"

"Me" Shin Hye answered and Nancy smiled. Deciding to keep some information to herself.

"You have a bright future. You know, is a good thing you're not a spoiled brat when you're this rich" 

"Ah, okay" Shin Hye replied awkwardly, "Follow your dreams because you're on the right path. Don't just think your parents money is yours because is not. Your parents are this rich because of their hard work. Work hard and you will be even more rich than them"

"Okay" She answered with a smile. She will definitely take her advice. Now, time to know what's more important to her. "What about my love life"

Oh great! Here comes the exact topic she was avoiding.

Well, here comes nothing.

"The one for you will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. That's all I have to say"

Huh, Shin Hye's confused and she looked exactly that.

What did she mean by 'The one for you will be the best thing that has ever happened to you?' Tae Jin was the one for her. And he is the best thing that has ever happened to her.

So then........

"I need to pee" Hyun Seo said getting up, and Shin Hye followed, "And I need a glass of water to get over how confused I am"

And they left Nancy alone with Se Jong. Shin Hye going to the kitchen while Hyun Seo left for the bathroom.

With both Shin Hye and Hyun Seo gone, Nancy felt she can now say what she wanted to to Se Jong.

Finding out about someone's future doesn't necessary means she has to look into their palms. Meeting eyes does the magic as well.

At least for her.

She looked at the boy who was smiling while watching his friends "You're doing the right thing" and the smile fell off Se Jong's face as he looked at her in shock.

But the expression he gave only lasted for a few seconds before it was replaced by a sad smile.

"You think so?"

"Yes, and your friends will understand you. Tae Jin will understand"

"I don't think so"

"Believe me, he will"

"I'm........." Se Jong cleared his throat, "I'm getting a little tired"

"Keep helping him"

"My feelings are changing. You know what I mean?"

"Did you see the future?"

"Yes. was so wonderful. I want it"

Nancy smiled, "That's right. What you saw is not wrong. You saw right. And what you saw will surely come true"

"But.....he doesn't feel the same. He treats me like am his child or something"

"Just have faith and know everything will be alright. All you need now is help. Tell your friends, allow them to help you both" Nancy said with an assured smile and he really wanted to believe her.

However, he didn't think anyone will understand him.

His friends will never understand him neither will they accept him for who he was.


In Hee Young's room, Tae Jin sat on his mother's bed, holding a paper which he believe was the letter containing the address of the house his mother left for him and his friends.

He was sure, that her mother bought the house for them. And he still think it wasn't a good idea to leave his mother alone.

But then again, this wasn't a bad idea.

Living in the same house with his friends, spending more time together. This was a great way to learn more about his friends.

The people who still wanted to be his friend even after all these years.

He had great friends for sure and he wanted to have them around for a long time.

Tae Jin thought before unfolding the paper to read what was written on it.

"Son, there's no need to beat around the bush. Study well, be a good kid and make me proud. I'm not a perfect mother and I have never been a good one either. I mean, what kind of a mother sends her son away for twelve years with no good reason?"

But she had a good reason and he didn't blame her. He understood her.

"No mother does that, unless they hate their child. But I don't hate you son. I was..... I was not doing well, and that's why I made such a huge decision without even consulting your father"

Wait, his father never knew about it? He didn't know he was going to live abroad? was his fault. He was the reason why he was sent abroad?

Or....... could it be it was not so? 

No! Whether his father knew or not, it was still his fault!

After all, if he didn't leave, he wouldn't have been sent abroad.

He hated that man!

He thought angrily before continuing to read the letter.

"You can hate me for that. I won't blame you" Oh, he didn't blame her. He knew everything.

"And listen, while you're staying away, make sure to call me or text me. Let me know how you're doing. The fact that I've given you this freedom doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Get home early and safely. Study! Don't go out drinking and sleeping around, cheating on your cute girlfriend. I didn't teach you that" Tae Jin smiled, "Then again, I never thought you anything, yet, you've grown up to be such a good boy"

'I'm only 17 mom' Tae Jin said in mind and like his mom knew he would say something like this while reading the letter, she wrote, "I know "

Can his mother see the future? How come she answered like she always does?

"You said you're only 17, right? I knew you'll say something like that, that's why I wrote down my answer since I won't be here to tell you that"

That made sense.

"Anyway son, I love you. Take care of yourself and your friends. Make sure you always take care of each other and keep your friendship intact. Also, remember, don't let people or ghosts know of your ability. It can bring you harm. Take care, love, your mother. Oh, right, the keys to the house is in my wardrobe and this is the address"

Tae Jin's eyes widened in shock when he saw the address written on it.

It was the address of the house his hyung was staying in.

"What the......." Was all he could say. He was speechless, shock and most importantly, happy.

He gets to stay with his hyung!

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