
Important To Me 30

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting us. I'm sorry but Hae Jin and Sung Yoon can't be with us today because they're.......busy. Yes. From the previous chapter, I'm pretty sure you know what's got them busy

Anyway, chapter 30 begins.


"Hae Jin, promise me you will come back" Hae Jin heard a familiar voice say but he couldn't see who it was. Even though it's been twelve years since he last heard this voice, he still remember who's voice it was.

It was the voice of the man in his memories.

"Hae Jin" and laughter followed. This was the voice of the woman in his memories and the laughter,........ It sounded really nice. He loved it.

Everywhere was dark and not a single light could be seen but he was not afraid.

Why? Because he could hear the voices of those two.

And for some reason, it felt like they were here, beside him. Keeping him company.

And that's why he was not afraid.

"I love you Hae Jin, I'm not lying, I really do" this was the voice of the woman. And these words, though he did not know for sure if it was true or not, he believed those words and he felt so happy to hear them.

Why? The last time he saw them, he was very angry, he hated them.

Yet now,

"Wake up Hae Jin!!!" Sung Yoon's worried tone and words echoed bringing him back.

Awake, Hae Jin was breathless, confuse as he scanned his surrounds and realized he was in the living room, laying on the couch.

Sung Yoon kneeled before him, a grateful smile on her face, definitely because he was awake.

Where was Tae Jin? He immediately sat up, looking beside him, he realized Tae Jin sat on the same couch. He looked relief and grateful, just as Sung Yoon was.

"Are you okay?" Tae Jin asked with a smile, the concern and relief in his tone couldn't be missed but Hae Jin couldn't answer.

He couldn't open his mouth or form the words and was just staring at the 17year old Tae Jin.

Gosh, the kid had really grown up, turned into a good looking, attractive young man.

And....Oh dear, his smile was to die for. 

'Wait....' what the heck was he thinking?! This was just so wrong! So stupid?!

Trying to cover up how embarrassed he felt, Hae Jin coughed, clearing his throat to find his lost voice.

And doing so, Sung Yoon found a chance to tease him.

"Well, look at that, ghost Hae Jin just had a sore throat. Right after looking at the gorgeous face before him" Sung Yoon teased, a playful smile on her face as she watched Hae Jin's cheeks flushed crimson in embarrassment.

Author: Someone is missing a very important point here!!

Snapping his head at her direction, Hae Jin glared at her, (His cheeks still red from what Sung Yoon said) and she looked away smiling while Tae Jin was laughing.

Gosh, she was loving this! Who knew Tae Jin's arrival would be the perfect time to tease Hae Jin.

Oh, she was going to do this all the time. Is really great to be patient.

Realizing he hasn't answered Tae Jin's question yet, he looked down, not wanting the kid to see how red his cheeks were as he answered, "I'm alright" however, it was too late. 

Tae Jin already saw his reddened cheeks.

His hyung was still the same. And for some reason, he found him cuter with that reddened cheeks.

Gosh! How relief he was to see this.

His Hyung was still the same.

Still short and slim. His hair (Light Short Blue Hair), Eyes (Crystal Blue eyes), Face, still the same.

His hyung looked the same. Still good looking and just as cute as he was twelve years ago.

Nothing has changed about him and he was happy to know this.

It wasn't hard to recognized him after all. None of this was a dream or his imagination. His hyung was real.

"Would you like a glass of water?" Hae Jin asked, no longer feeling embarrassed, cheeks no longer reddened and Tae Jin felt a little bit disappointed. 

What a shame. He wanted to see his hyung dying with embarrassment because he looked so cute.

"Yeah, would you like a glass of water?" Sung Yoon asked as she took a seat on the couch on the right side of the one both Hae Jin and Tae Jin sat on.

"No, thanks, I'm okay" Tae Jin answered with a smile before looking back at his hyung with a worried expression.

"Hyung, are you sure you're okay? You seemed to be in a lot of pain earlier and you were out for a hour or so"

Oh, no, he saw where this was going. Wait, he's been out for an hour? Wow?

In any case, he did not want to talk about it now. Now wasn't the time.

And so, Hae Jin decided to change the topic.

"You, why are you here? Don't you have school?"

Right at that moment, Tae Jin realized he (Hae Jin) was trying to change the topic. This was not what they had to talk about about.

A frown on his handsome face, Tae Jin said, "Don't change the topic"

Oh no, he was found out too soon. The 17year old Tae Jin was just so smart.

Well, then again, he has always been this smart. The five year old him was also smart.

Hae Jin smiled at thought.

"Yeah, don't change the topic Hae Jin" Sung Yoon said with a smirk, irritating the hell out of Hae Jin.

'This girl......' Hae Jin though, glaring at her but Sung Yoon didn't seemed to mind. She was even making fun of him.

Sticking out her tongue in a childish way.

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed tiredly, he give up. He was not going to win.

*Sigh, and, why? Why was Sung Yoon on Tae Jin's side now? She never liked him before.

Author: And this is the question you should be asking.

Wait a moment,............. Hae Jin's eyes widened in shock as he looked at Tae Jin, then Sung Yoon.

'Tae Jin can see Sung Yoon now?!'

Author: Oh, you realized that now?

How was this possible? How come he can see Sung Yoon now? Tae Jin....can see a ghost. Does he even know she's a ghost?

"You can see her?" Hae Jin asked Tae Jin in disbelieving shock, staring at him.

While Sung Yoon and Tae Jin were smiling as they shared a look before looking back at the shock Hae Jin.

"Yes" Tae Jin confirmed the obvious before continuing, "You know, when I used to hang out with you, I wondered why you never asked the reason why I was allowed to come here. Everyone knows no one lives here, this house has been abandoned for years. Some people even think is haunted. So I wondered why you never asked why I was permitted to come here"

And from all that Tae Jin said, Hae Jin could only ask himself one question, he remembered his memories with him?

"You remember everything about me?" He asked in shock, waiting for Tae Jin's answer.

Smiling, Tae Jin stretched out his hand, about to touch Hae Jin's own but he scooted back to avoid contact with him.

Looking away with guilt on his face, Hae Jin stated, "You can't touch me" And Tae Jin looked down in disappointment.

He guess some things can never change. He will never be allowed to touch his hyung.

Tae Jin looked up at Hae Jin again, a smile on his face as he said, "I remember everything"

Hae Jin snapped his head at his direction, surprised at his words, "But you were a kid. I mean, you were only five. Surely, you can't remember all your childhood days right?'

"No, I don't remember all my childhood but I never forgot about you. You are important to me, how can I forget you?"

Hae Jin's eyes widened in shock as he stared at Hae Jin. His heart racing once again.

Gosh, he couldn't breathe. He has forgotten how to breathe!!!

Stupid old heart!!

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