
Special To Me 31

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

.............. Yes, the characters are busy right now. They're can't talk.


"Okay enough! I can't even breathe in peace! The atmosphere is all about love. What's up with that? Are you mocking me for being single?" Sung Yoon said irritatedly, breaking the weird atmosphere some time ago.

Clearing his throat, Hae Jin asked, "So, why were you allow to come here?"

Tae Jin smiled. Oh, that smile, was doing some things to his body. Some things, he couldn't explain, "Well, that's because I have the same ability as my mom and dad. They can both see ghosts"


Well,............. that explains a lot. Tae Jin was like those people who can ghosts. It wasn't just him.


And..... This also explains something else.

Explains why the five year old Tae Jin's caretaker (Soon) could leave the kid in a 'haunted house' just to spend time with her boyfriend.

Without even checking up on him once. Guess, she knew about his ability as well.

Speaking about Soon, was she still in Tae Jin's life?

"So, the true is, all that while I used to come here, I could see Sung Yoon"

"What?" Hae Jin exclaimed in shock. Wait, feels like he's missing something important. What is it?........... Oh well, 

"Then how come you used to ask who I was talking to when you could see who it was?"

"Well, that's because I didn't want to speak with Sung Yoon"

"What? You found me annoying or something?" Sung Yoon asked, annoyed.

"No, is not like that. My parents warn me to stay away from ghosts. They said nothing good comes from getting close to one"

"Why? Because we don't have money?" Sung Yoon rolled her eyes.

"No, because you could be pretty demanding sometimes "

"That's true, I won't lie"

*Sigh, Tae Jin sighed sadly, stating, "They said when a ghost finds out a human can see them, they kind of bring out a lot of requests. One after the other, and sometimes, some people can find it hard to grant those requests" Cause not everyone wants others to find out they can see and talk to ghosts.

"That's...... not a lie"

"They........said a lot. Some pretty scary reasons why I shouldn't let ghosts know I can see them"

"Wait, then, why did you choose to talk to me" Hae Jin asked curiously, totally forgetting his promise to himself (That he will never let Tae Jin find out he's a ghost) and the most important question (Do you know I'm a ghost?)

"I don't know. It felt right" Was Tae Jin's answer as he smiled.

Okay, then.......

"Then, all along you knew I'm a ghost?" And this important question finally came to him. They've talked about everything but him.

"No, from the beginning, I suspected,...... when you spoke with Sung Yoon and didn't tell me about her. I actually thought you were human and you could see Sung Yoon who's a ghost. I thought you were just like me " Someone who can see ghosts.

"Wait, how come I was pronounced as a ghost right from the start?" Sung Yoon asked, a frown on her beautiful face.

"You're one aren't you?" Hae Jin asked and he (Tae Jin) smiled, amused.

"Yeah, but it still hurt when it comes out like this"

"Well, when I asked Hae Jin and he refused to tell me who he was talking to, I guessed you were a ghost"

Sung Yoon rolled her eyes, saying, "The kind your sweet mommy and daddy warn about"

"Thank you"

"Then, how did you find out I'm a ghost?" Tae Jin hasn't said anything about that yet.

"Later, on the same day when Soon came to pick me up. Remember you stood at the window with Sung Yoon? I asked her if she can see you two and she said there was no one there"

Okay, that kind of explain why that day, they looked at their direction, saying something they couldn't hear and it turns out they were talking about them.

Gosh, why didn't he say anything? Why did he pretend he didn't know about him? And why did he come back again and again? (When Tae Jin was a kid)

Why did Tae Jin hide this from him? And he, he didn't want him to find he was a ghost, thinking he might lose him but it turns out he already knew the truth from the beginning.

Hae Jin understood now. Why Tae Jin said in his farewell letter that he will come back for him.

He knew he was not human and believed he will be in this house forever. Why's that? Does he know about his situation? About him being trapped in this house?


'Until We meet Again' he really did come back.

"I.....I remember everything about you hyung, because there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you or our memories together" Tae Jin suddenly said, getting Hae Jin's attention as he stared at him. Totally captured by his words that felt like magical in his ears.

The expression, that smile on his face as he said those words and

"You were and still is special to me" these words, totally blew his world for some reason. He completely loved what he just heard. So much that he didn't know what to do or say.

He (Hae Jin) was special to him, so was he (Tae Jin) to him.

"I want to help you" 

Heavens! What's with those puppy eyes? Tae Jin looked like he was begging, pleading with him to allow him to help him.

Gosh! He looked so cute!! What should he do?

*Cough, Hae Jin coughed, looking away from Tae Jin's cuteness, he met eyes with Sung Yoon who smiled, amused. Gosh, she saw everything! She could read him!

"What? Got a sore throat again?"

"Shut up!" Hae Jin said, glaring at her but Sung Yoon pay no heed to him, smiling.

Heavens, it was so nice teasing Hae Jin!

Finally! Her time has come.

"Hyung, tell me, what's a special one?" Hae Jin froze in place, eyes widened in shock.

No, no, he did not want to talk about it. Not now and not ever! 

Tae Jin had his life to live and he did not want to involve him in ghost stuffs.

And like Tae Jin could read his thoughts, he stated, "I'm already involve in ghost lives. I can see ghosts what more is worst than this?"

"You think seeing ghosts is bad? Is something consider as worst? A problem?" Hae Jin asked with a frown. Did he not like this ability? Then, why does he want to help him? Is there something else he doesn't know?

"I didn't mean it like that hyung" Tae Jin panicked to say. Well, whatever the case was, he also doesn't want him involved in ghost stuffs.

"That's okay, you don't have to know about special ones and don't touch me either. Period" Tae Jin might be able to see ghosts but that didn't mean he can touch him now. He still didn't want to find out if Tae Jin was his special one or not.

Why? Maybe because he doesn't want Tae Jin involved in his life, the situation he's in or maybe because he doesn't want to get disappointed (When it turns out Tae Jin is not his special one after all)

Which one was it?

He knew.

"Case closed, huh?" Sung Yoon said.

"Hyung" Tae Jin was just about to argue back when his phone rung. Having no choice, he decided to answer the call.

His hyung wasn't going to listen to him anyways. He was just too stubborn for his own.

But what he didn't know was that he was even more stubborn than him.

He might not want to talk about it, but surely, he will bring this topic up again. 

Taking his phone out if his pocket, he looked on his phone and the caller ID stated, 'Babe' with a heart emoji beside the name.

He smiled and looked at Hae Jin who was looking away from his gaze. Right then, the smile disappeared and he picked up the call.


"Yeah, where are you? Me and the guys are waiting for you in at your mom's"

"Yeah, am coming"

"Hurry, auntie is not yet home"

He guess is a good thing his mom isn't around because he did not want to see her.

Not after the huge fight they had last night.

"Okay, fine, I'll see you later"

"I love you" Tae Jin looked at Hae Jin, he was still looking away and for some reason, for the first time, he did not want to say those three words to her.

"Me too Shin Hye" he said instead, looking at Hae Jin who then turned to look at him. He hung up the call and put the phone back into his pocket without even realizing.

His eyes was only on his Hyung and his Hyung alone.

Both stared at each other, curious to know what both were thinking as they eyes met.

Sung Yoon who couldn't take anymore of this sweet moment (As she call it) spoke out,

"Okay, stop staring at each other, you're making me sick" breaking their sweet moment into pieces with an annoyed look on her face.

These two.... It has only been an hour yet they were already rubbing their love on her face!

Give her a break!!

"Sorry, but I need to go, my friends are waiting"

"Sure" Hae Jin answered with a smile but Sung Yoon didn't understand why Hae Jin agreed. Today was his kid's birthday and even though Hae Jin never admit, he has been waiting for so long, waiting for the day he will celebrate Tae Jin's birthday with him, together.

"But you brought cake. I thought we will celebrate together?" For the sake of Hae Jin, please agree.

Tae Jin smiled, looking at Hae Jin's direction as he said, "I did. But we are not celebrating today. Just for this year, we will celebrate on April 6, the day we made plans to celebrate my birthday. Twelve years ago, we couldn't. But now we can"

"You......" Hae Jin began, the surprised look replaced by a smile  as he said, "Fine, we will celebrate tomorrow. Just for this year" 

"Next year will be different" Tae Jin said with a smile and he also replied with a smile.

"Next year will be different" Smiling at each other as they stared, Hae Jin lost himself in thought world. Heavens knew, how long he has been waiting for this.

Waiting for the day he will celebrate together with Tae Ji on his birthday. Though he never thought they will first celebrate it on April 6, the very day they had plans to celebrate his sixth birthday but never did.

"Oh please! Give me a break will you? Okay, now is time to leave. You!" Sung Yoon pointed a finger at Tae Jin, looking irritated.

"Let's go, I'll see you off. And you" she pointed a finger at Hae Jin next,

"Go to your room"

"I'm a grown man"

"Shut up and listen to me"

"Yes, mom" Hae Jin said with a smile before looking at Tae Jin who smiled back, saying, "Then..... I'm leaving hyung"

"Return home safely"


"Now, let's go" Sung Yoon held Tae Jin's hand and he felt cold.

Indicating Sung Yoon was dead, he believe.

He shivered, tensed and when Sung Yoon noticed this, she immediately let go of his hand.

"Sorry" she apologized and he smiled, an assured look on his face as he answered, "Is okay"

"Are you okay Tae Jin?" Hae Jin asked worriedly as he got up. Tae Jin looked at him, staring at him.

He was so lost in thought that he did not hear Hae Jin scolding Sung Yoon for her mistake.

"Be careful Sung Yoon"

"I said am sorry"

In Tae Jin's thoughts, he wondered, if Hae Jin's hands were just as cold as Sung Yoon's. And if he was right (About feeling cold when Sung Yoon touched him)


Author: Chapter is over! Well, if you're wondering who it was Tae Jin spoke on the phone with, I say you will find out soon. Then again, I'm sure you guys already have an idea on who it was.

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