
Birthday Again 29

Author: Thank you for reading.

Hae Jin: And for supporting. 

Sung Yoon: Please rate the book if you like it and also comment.

Author: And don't forget to like and subscribe.

Sung Yoon: What do you think this is? A YouTube channel.

Author: Right, is not. *Sigh, I think I need some rest. My brain isn't functioning well.

Sung Yoon: Is not just your brain but your whole body as well. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You have huge empty dark bags there.

Hae Jin: Hey, take it easy, you're not well.

Author: I'm fine!!

Sung Yoon: Okay, don't snap at us.

Author: *Sigh, chapter 29 begins.


Days Later, 


It's been a few days now and Hae Jin can't stop reading romantic stories. Well, he did stop to train once in a while but it only took about 10minutes then he's go back to reading.

The guy was so into it. Into it? No, he was addicted. Not a day went by that he did not ask Sung Yoon to get a new romance book and not to forget, a bl comic on her way back (When she went out)

And even though he hasn't finish reading the ones she got him, he always pleaded for another one.

That's why she never brought a new book. No matter how many times he pleaded, giving her his puppy eyes. "Finish the one you have then I'll get a new one' this was always her answer as she tried her very best to ignore that pleading look and those puppy eyes.

Heavens knew it was hard. Every time she saw those expressions, she felt like she was on a battlefield to decide which snacks tastes better. Potato snacks or Dried Fruit snacks? Gosh! They both tasted great!

She can't choose!

Author: You're off the topic Sung Yoon.


So, what she meant was, it was hard to ignore Hae Jin's pleading and puppy eyes because he looked so damn cute!!

In any case, 

Today as well, Sung Yoon went out. She left early in the morning and came back getting to noon. 

At the moment, both of them were in the living room. Hae Jin reading the romance comic he wasn't done yet (He was already done with the first romance book Sung Yoon gave him. Now, it was left with the second romance book, which he was reading now and the BL comic book she gave him) while Sung Yoon was once again, having potato snacks (Potato chips was all she got when she went out. Though disappointed, she can't ignore an amazing snacks like potato chips and that's why she brought them)

She has already eaten three packs since she came back and was now having the fourth pack.

She plans on eating ten packs today and we can see it won't be long until she finishes her mission.

"Gosh, this is so good. Who knew? BL stories always have a surprise for me. The storylines, the plots, they totally get me every time" What was he talking about? He's not reading a BL story!

Was he okay?

"Hey, by the way, I got this another new book. Is romance. Is about a girl who fell in love with a werewolf" She got this book together with the potato snacks which she went out today.

Hae Jin looked up at her, eyes sparking with interest, "Seriously? You know how much I love paranormal stories" And that's why she got it.

"But is a novel"

"So, what? I can picture everything perfectly. Give me" Hae Jin extended his hand for the book, a huge smile on his face.

Gosh, he looked so adorable.

"I'll give it to you later, when you're done with this book" Hae Jin rolled his eyes, annoyed. What was so bad about getting new books when you're not done with the old ones?

Smiling amusingly at the sight, Sung Yoon said, "I brought food"

"Oh, you can have the food. I'm full" Hae Jin exclaimed with a smile, his eyes now on the romance comic book he was reading.

"I still think you're weird. How can a ghost eat once a year and be full?" She has said this again and again and she'll continue to say it!

It was weird!

"Yeah, well, how come a dead person gets hungry?" 

"Don't ask me this kind of question?! I don't know. By the way, do you know what today is?"

"Today?" Hae Jin asked, an eyebrow arched in question as he looked up at Sung Yoon.

"Today is...." He said, turning to look on the calendar which was posted right beside the digital clock Sung Yoon brought.

Sung Yoon brought the calendar and the digital clock when she was finally fed up of not having none in the house. She thought it wasn't cool or good not knowing what time it was, year or day they were in.

She always brought a new calendar for each year when entered and always fixed the time when it was damaged as well.

What it means to have powers.

She never agreed with him to use his powers to fix the clock. 'Save your powers for important stuffs only' she said.

So, he has also decided to let Sung Yoon solve everything around the house when damaged. He will only use his powers for important stuffs and also when he becomes a hunter of evil ghosts. Yes, he was still on that.

Back to the story,

Hae Jin's eyes widened in realization when he realized the day it was.

April 5

Tae Jin's birthday. Today's Tae Jin's birthday.

"Sh***t, I forgot" Sung Yoon chuckled, amused, "How funny and weird, you have never forgotten his birthday for the past twelve years and now, that he's back, you're telling me this?"

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed, running his hand through his hair as he lay into the couch.

"I was so engrossed in the story that I forgot"

"Hmm" Sung Yoon replied with a smile, 'So, are you going to celebrate the kid's birthday?' Sung Yoon wanted to ask this question but she didn't because she knew Hae Jin's answer.

It was fine if he'll not celebrate the birthday this time, because a nice surprise was on the way.

"I.........I...... I'll go get something upstairs" Hae Jin said, getting up. He was just about to take a step when Sung Yoon asked,

"What? What do you have to take?" a playful smile playing on her lips. She had an idea on why he wanted to go upstairs.

She watched Hae Jin panicking inside as a confusion played on his face. He didn't know what excuse to give!



He said in realization when an excuse finally poped in mind.

Turning to face her, he said, "Book! I have to get a book" Yes, that was a perfect excuse!

"You haven't finished the one you're reading. Why do you need a new one?" Great! There goes his excuse! For once, will she just let him go without asking questions?!

"So nosey! Is none of your business! I can read any book I like" he said, annoyed.

Smiling amusedly, Sung Yoon replied, "Hmmm, keep......" but didn't get to finish her sentence when a knock sounded at the front door, interrupting her.

'Oh, must be the surprise' she thought with a smile while Hae Jin looked confused and surprised.

Who could it? No one has come here for the past twelve years.

Why now? Who could it be? And why did this person knock?

Did they think the house was occupied?

And......why was his heart beating so fast?

Hae Jin thought, his hand on his chest, a confused expression on his face as he stood, frozen in place.

"I'll get the door" Sung Yoon said, smiling as she got up, rushing to the front door.

Hae Jin stood, confused and frozen in place. Heart beating excitedly even though he didn't know what was so exciting about the moment.

That wasn't all. He was happy. His heart, soul was happy, excited as if they knew who was behind that front door.

But, that's crazy right? 

Oh, shit! This was bad! Very bad!

He was having trouble breathing and it got even more worst when he heard the front door open after Sung Yoon said, "Please come" to whoever it was.

And then footsteps followed.

The closer this person got, the faster his heart raced.

Oh, dear, what should he do? Hae Jin clenched a fist with his cloth, tightly holding onto it.

Poor guy, if he could, he could have hold onto his heart to stop it from beating so fast.

Which I personally believe is not possible.

"Please come in" Sung Yoon said, reaching the living room.

In view, Hae Jin saw his friend, hands full with two brown bags which seems to be full of something, food? Well, it could be anything but Hae Jin wasn't sure of what was in there because he couldn't see.

He then looked up at his friend who smiled happily at him.

"He's here" Sung Yoon said to the guest and Hae Jin followed her eyes, looking at the entrance of the living room.

He watched as this so-called guest came in view, shocking Hae Jin out of his thoughts.

His heartbeat racing faster and faster. He was going to die, he was seriously going to die.

And I repeated, 'You're already dead' but he pay me no heed.

Instead, he stared at the guest who was ever so familiar.

Tall, maybe 170cm.

No longer cuter, but the cuteness could still be seen. Just not that visible. Now very handsome!

Gosh! So damn handsome! And......he felt a little sick! No, it wasn't because of this handsomeness and he's very serious, he feels a little sick!

Then, again, is not important.

What's more important is this handsome face he's seeing.

And there's that. Pink hair, still deep pink hair. Maybe deeper than when he was a kid. Light pink eyes, those eyes. Those light pink eyes sparkling with happiness, gladness, relief.

"Hyung" that voice, his voice was deeper, he didn't sound like the five year old kid. And, gosh! His voice sounded so amazing to the ears! and.....and that beautiful smile (On his face as he called out to him), that beautiful smile which lights up his whole face.

Making him look so beautiful, so good looking! He longer looked cute with that smile or when he called out his name with that beautiful smile of his, no!


Gosh, his heart was racing faster, even more faster than before in excitement. And he understood.

Tae Jin.

The damn kid has turned into a very good looking boy and he was only 17!!

He was all grown up! No longer the five year old kid.

What........ Huh? His....his......

"Ahhh!!!!" Hae Jin suddenly yelled out in pain, holding his head. Sung Yoon and Tae Jin watched in horror as his face turned paler and paler, looking weaker and weaker at each passing second. The sight looked exactly like the one she saw on Tae Jin's sixth birthday.

Even worst now.

'Shit, it hurt so much, why was this happening now?..........' Hae Jin asked himself, shaking in pain as his feet felt too weak to hold him up.

'Just when Tae Jin........'

(And he began to feel dizzy, too weak to sit up)

'Finally came back' Hae Jin completed his thoughts before he fell on the ground, his eyes felt too heavy to open and he.....

He wanted to see Tae Jin's face again, but he couldn't.

He couldn't open his eyes.

"Hae Jin!"

"Hyung" and then the sound of their footsteps, getting closer to him.

This was the last horrified and panicking voices he heard before he completely lost conscious.

He was going to have another episode for sure.

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