
BL 28

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Hae Jin: Please comment and rate the book if you like.

Author: Hey, cutie, did you read the comic book?

Hae Jin: First of all, I'm not cute. Secondly, that's nice of your business.

Author: Hmm, yeah, right.


Nightfall 🌌 

What the heck was wrong with Hae Jin? Suggesting she go stay with her family and friends? Leaving him behind!

Didn't he already know? She can't do that because she cares about him! If she leaves, who will be here to keep him company?

Hae Jin will be left alone again and everything will start from scratch!

He'll be back to being the lonely depressed ghost he was before?!

Didn't he think about that?

Yes, he wasn't wrong. She really had to visit her family and friends and be with them but what about him.

She did care about her family and friends but also Hae Jin as well! She can't just leave him.

Hasn't he thought about it?! She always dismissed his advise (To visit her family and friends) for this very particular reasons!

Trying to be the wise and thoughtful guy which he wasn't.

Hae Jin was a pretty selfish guy and she wonder what went wrong?!!

*Knock, knock, a knock sounded and right then, Sung Yoon knew it was Hae Jin.

Who else was it if it wasn't him? It was only the two of them in the house after all.

"Don't come in, I'm still pissed" she answered back, looking exactly what she said as she lay down on the bed, staring at the poor wooden ceiling.

Author: My dear God, I'm starting to feel sorry for the ceiling. Hey ceiling! Are you okay? They keep staring at you?


Author: Silence means 'Yes'. Its not okay, right?

"It's been 8 hours already" yet she still couldn't stop thinking about how stupid Hae Jin was.

"Please let me in" Playing the suffering card huh? She still wasn't going to let him in.

Hae Jin was definitely pretending. Pretending to be hurt, suffering about the fact that she won't let him in or talk to him properly. 

"Go away"

"I brought the snack you gave me last time"

"Come in" That kind of changes everything. Hey! That's rude! She heard that. She's not a foodie.

She just love to eat.

Author:.......... I won't say a word.

Sung Yoon: You better not cause I'm this close to killing you.

Author: That's horrifying.

"Hey" Hae Jin said with a smile as he entered, holding the comic book and the potato snack in hand.

Immediately, Sung Yoon sat up on the bed, a smile on her lips as she waited for Hae Jin to get close just so she can take the potato snack he brought.

And true enough, the foodie did. Right when Hae Jin got close, about to get on the bed, she took the snack from his hand, smiling happily as if she just won a free ticket to see Lisa (From Blackpink) in person.

Wasting no time (As is not in her book to waste time when it comes to eating), she opened the container of the potato chips before feeding on it.

"Oh, heavens, this is so good" she said, eating as she leaned on the bedframe. She then looked at Hae Jin who was staring at her with an amused smile on his face as he leaned against the bedframe beside her.

*Sigh, he sighed, stating,

"I'm sorry about what I said. I understand you. You care about me and you are thinking about me as well. You can't leave me alone and truth be told, I also don't want to be alone"

"Good, we understand each other" Sung Yoon said with a smile, nodding as she chew the potato chips in her mouth.

"However, I still think you should see them and stay by their side" Here we go again! Was he trying to make her lose her appetite?!

"Hae Jin"

"No, listen to me. How about this? Visit them, and when a time comes that I won't be alone anymore, you can go stay by their side"

That was a good idea, she agree.

"You're not taking a no for an answer right?"


"I agree" It wasn't a bad idea and so she agreed.

"Great!" Hae Jin exclaimed happily. Finally, he believe now that his considerate words got through Sung Yoon.

'I'm so happy' he said in mind, smiling.

Suddenly, a question poped in mind and he decided to ask. Starting another conversation.

"By the way, did you really, use to read a comic like that book with your brother?" He just had to ask.

That book.......

"Why? Never read a comic book before?" Why did she even ask? Hae Jin said before that, he has never read one before.

"I don't remember reading one" Right! He already said this as well.

He had no memories.

"Seriously, did you guys really read these kinds of comics?"

"Is called Boy's Love, BL for short. And yes, we use to read them together. My brother is straight by the way. I remember he had this toxic ungrateful, disrespectful girlfriend. I hope they've broken up now"

"Wait, your brother had a girlfriend? You said he's single. And, how come you want to help him get laid? You should have told me when I suggested you find him a girlfriend or a wife"

Well, he had a good reason for that.

"Well, I was hoping they've already broken up and even if they haven't, I will personally find a nice girl for him. I will use my powers to let them meet and then, I will make sure they fall for each other"

Hae Jin burst out laughter, "How funny"

"But seriously" and a serious expression was now on his face,

"I was startled when I saw the book cover"

"You read it didn't you?"

"I did......." Oh, he did. Wonder how he found it.

"And it was so nice" And now she got an answer to her question. Boy was she glad to hear this. She thought Hae Jin will find it disgusting or weird but no, he actually liked it.

"The only problem is, I felt so alone, so single when I saw how much in love they were" He has never felt this alone or single when reading boys and girls love stories. This surprised him a lot.

"Tell me about, the two male leads can be flirty sometimes. When I first read it with my brother, I felt so single"

"Oh, come on, being single is not that bad. I mean, you won't get your heart broken right?"

"Yeah, but, you see, the loneness kicks in"

"I agree"

*Sigh, they both sighed. Feeling lonely. Who says it wasn't hard being single? It was just as hard as falling in love.

"By the way, did you buy another one, it was good. I want to read another one" Hae Jin said, you know, to get over that depressing mood (Thinking about how lonely and hard it was being single)

"Are you done with this one?"

"No, their love and their flirting scenes was too much for me to handle so I've given up" 

But you're still not done. Sung Yoon wanted to say but chose not to.

"That's the only one I bought"

"Fine, I'll finish what I have now"

"I suggest you read romance" Why read BL stories when you feel even more alone and single (When reading them)?

"They're worst as well. Why do you think I never finished the first book you gave me?" The other romance book which was about a girl and a boy were just as bad as the BL comic. Though the book was unlike the BL comic (Where you can see everything in perfect details) you can still picture it in mind. 

And.......he didn't like it. Not because it wasn't interesting but because he was jealous! He was single for goodness sake!

"Right. I only have new books which are romance" Sung Yoon said, feeding on the snacks as she watched Hae Jin think about it.

"Fine!" Hae Jin responded, "Give me the romance books you have. I can read them when am done" So what if he gets jealous?! He still couldn't stop reading romantic stories! They were just so damn good!

"Then, I'll get one for you" Sung Yoon said with a smile, putting down the snack.

She then sat up on the bed and turned to the left direction. Right beside the bed, in front of the drawer was where she packed all of her collections of books. Fantasies, Supernatural, Mysteries, Romance.

Author: And I ask myself, why didn't Sung Yoon suggest one of the other books which had nothing to do with love? Hae Jin won't feel lonely or single when reading them.

Sung Yoon: Well, that's because I want him to feel alone, single.

Author: Why?

Sung Yoon: I don't want to share that. I'll keep it to myself.

Author: Tsk! Then go away!

Back to the story,

Before, she thought of arranging her books in the drawer but Hae Jin rejected the idea, saying it wasn't appropriate since it wasn't their house.

Even though the house has been abandoned for years, the furnishings were still around, so were the books that occupied the bookshelves.

The bookshelf was located in the master bedroom and they having checked them yet (Thanks to Hae Jin. He still didn't want to be anywhere close to that room) They didn't know what kind of books they were.

To add, they haven't checked the drawers to see what's in there either. The drawers and wardrobes in this room and the other rooms as well.


It was as if, the owners of the house were saying the house wasn't abandoned but the years passed with none of them showing up said other wise.

In any case, she still wanted to arrange her collections inside the drawers. It looked messy leaving them beside the bed.

"Hae Jin, can't I arrange the books in the drawer? Is uncomfortable having them pack here" Sung Yoon said as she took one of the new romantic books she bought just yesterday.

Getting her legs back on the bed as she turned to Hae Jin's direction, she met a frown on Hae Jin's face and she believe she got her answer.

It was still no.

"We already talked about this" he said still with that disapproval frown on his cute face.

He looked cute but Sung Yoon wasn't going to say that out loud. Hae Jin might have her poor dead head.

"Fine, here" she extended the book in her hand towards her friend and he took it with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, why are you suddenly interested in boy's love" she asked, curious to know.

"Are you seriously asking? You got me into this"

"Yeah but I didn't tell you to show interest"

"You're right. I love the plots and the love between them. Is a beautiful love. It..... Its nice" Yeah, right.

"Hmm, I hope you're not reading to get some information for your love story with Tae Jin" Sung Yoon whispered the last part in a low tone which Hae Jin didn't hear.

"Excuse me what? Did you say something?" Hae Jin asked with a questioning.

"Oh, no, is nothing"

"Okay, then, I'll proceed to read my book"

"By all means please do" Sung Yoon replied with a smile before taking her snack once again, leaning against the bedframe and continuing her mission of finishing it.

She was not going to get him another BL story until he finished the one he was reading.

Sung Yoon smiled, happy with the decision she just took.

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