
Tae Jin is Back 27

😊Author: Thank you for reading

😄Sung Yoon: And for supporting.

😄Hae Jin: Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

😑Chae Joon: Thank you.

😕Sung Yoon: Why are you here again? Is not your time to show up.

😑Chae Joon: Don't make me answer. You know insults will follow.

😳Sung Yoon: I agree, don't answer.

😦Hae Jin: Chae Joon, I want to meet you.

😎Chae Joon: Soon, cute boy, soon.

😠Hae Jin: I'm not cute!! How many times do I have to say this?!

😑Sung Yoon: Chae Joon, are you hitting on the cute boy?

😠Hae Jin: I'm not cute for heavens sake.

😒Chae Joon: Why do you have such a rotten mind?

😠Hae Jin: Listen to me! I'm not cute!!

😊Chae Joon and Sung Yoon: Okay, cutie.

😡Hae Jin: *Sigh, I'm going to kill you two.


"Yes, I heard he'll be enrolling in a high school not far from here"

"He's back?" Hae Jin said, still shocked but it was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, aren't you happy?"

"Why should I? It doesn't mean he will remember me. It's been twelve years! And he was only a kid back then! He's all grown up now" Yes, why should he be happy to know he's back? The kid probably forgot all about him!

"May I remind you, this is fictional, he will remember you"

Author: Please don't spoil the fun!

"Yeah, right, tell that to the six year old kid across the streets who's about Tae Jin's age now and doesn't remember her father who left her and her mother for another woman and was now back"

"That....... I have no words"

"I figured " Hae Jin rolled his eyes. "I guess, being fictional doesn't matter"


*Sigh, he sighed tiredly, "Let's just continue our day as usual and forget about his arrival"

"Says the guy who still keeps the farewell letter" 

"What? Is meant as a memento" Right, Hae Jin never show if he was waiting for the kid or not and for some reason, not once, was she able to read him and find out.

Turns out Hae Jin could be a good pretender if he wanted to.

During the years they spent together, Hae Jin always put a smile on his face and shown a depressed look only when he couldn't use his powers for a long period of time or when he couldn't use his powers to lift up the table.

Those times, were frustrating and sad to watch. A grown ass man whining and sulking. But it was okay because he was cute. Really cute.

Author: Exactly! Hae Jin hasn't mentioned this yet. Even though he can use his powers now, he still can't use it for a long period of time. That's to say, he can't use his powers continuously and he still refuse to accept this harsh reality. That's why he hasn't mentioned it yet. He also thinks you guys will make fun of him! Turns out he hasn't fully mastered his powers. Well, I actually think he should be more wary me.

Sung Yoon: Shut up! You talk too much just continue!

Author: Fine.

"So, are you telling me, you were not waiting for him? Don't you want to see him?"

"I can't lie that I don't. But I can't leave the house, remember?"

"I can use my powers to steal—I mean, borrow a phone to snap a picture of him"

"Phones don't have souls"

"Yeah, I don't know about that and I have never tried it before"

"Then don't suggest"

"Whatever, I was just being considerate"

"Yeah, well, it didn't work did it?"

"Why are you being so annoying?"

*Sigh, "I'm sorry, I don't want to fight. Is just that, I'm so tired if this life. I want to leave this place. I want to crossover"

"Well, it's been twelve years and I don't think that's happening anytime soon"

"It can happen tomorrow, today, right now"

"Okay, but is not happening is it? Just give up and make yourself happy. I brought some books, want to read them?"

"No, am sick and tired of books! I want something new! Something exciting! Something that doesn't include staying in the house the whole day" Books, Books, Books!

He was so tired of reading books! Staying in this forsaken house!

Oh, he forgot to mention this. Yes. He has another hobby now and that's reading. If he's not practicing using his powers then he's reading. But, he doesn't always do it. 

Only when he was very bored, practice wasn't going well or the book was getting more interesting.

"Okay, fine" Sung Yoon said, getting up and leaving the room for the bedroom next to the one Hae Jin loves to stay in which was actually now her room.

After some time, she came back, holding a comic book. Without minding the poor guy who was staring at her, she went back to her seat. Seated, she crossed her legs and opened the book before starting read.

What the...... Why was she ignoring him? Acting as if he wasn't in the room.

"Don't ignore me!"

"Oh, am not" Sung Yoon said, looking up at him, "You said you don't want to read a book and I want to. You know, to kill time. So am doing just that"

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry. I'm bored, give me a book to read" Sung Yoon smiled at Hae Jin's honest words. This was more like it.

Honesty, is the best choice but don't overdo do, then it won't be honesty but criticism.

Our wise Sung Yoon's words of advice, take it or leave it.

"So, what are you reading?"

"Comic. You want to try?"

"Yeah, sure. I have never read comics before. You always brought back novels" Exactly. And he still wasn't done with the first book she gave to him.

"What changed?" He asked and watched as a sad expression played on her face.

"Well,.......I saw my brother today, at our favorite bookstore" The same bookstore she always went to get new book whenever she was out. She chose that particular bookstore because she had good memories there with her brother, and also because she was hoping she's ran into him.

And when she did..........

"What?!" Hae Jin exclaimed in shock. Why didn't she tell him about this earlier? And why did she so sad? This was more of a good news than what she shared.

.........Okay, sure, Tae Jin coming back was good news but it was also bad, thinking about the fact that, the kid no longer remembers him.

But this, this was great news.

"This is great news!" He exclaimed excitedly but Sung Yoon wasn't feeling the same.

After all,

"Yeah but I couldn't bring myself to get close to him" Even though her wish came true and she finally met her brother again, she still couldn't bring herself to get close to him and just watched him from a distance until he left.


"Everything he went through for me, just came, rushing back to me. I remembered the comic we used to read and I decided to get them. This was our favourite" Sung Yoon said with a sad smile, showing him the book.

"You didn't get close to him?" Hae Jin asked as if he didn't understand Sung Yoon's reaction on seeing her brother and yes, he really didn't understand.

"What's the point? He can't see me and he seems to be doing alright. Though he's still single "

"That's not important "

*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed sadly, "My brother.....he went through a lot and I own him" Yeah, Sung Yoon did share about how his brother gave up on school and decided to work to provide for her needs. The hospital bills, the medical bills.

He really did a lot for her but that didn't mean she should not get close to him. Even though he couldn't see her, it would be fine to just be around right?

"That's why you should get close to him. You know how to use your powers and you can help him. Even if he can't see you, you can still help him in some way right?"

"I.....I just don't want to bring back the pain he went through" What? Why would her brother been in pain when he couldn't even see her?

"He gave up everything for me and I didn't even get well. I ended up dying. Causing him more pain and grief "

"You're just being selfish. You just don't want to remember the pain you went through" 


"Maybe you're right "

"You can help him. Help him get a good job"

"He's not jobless neither is he poor. He was dressed in a fancy way"

"Yeah, well, then help him get a girlfriend or a wife"

"Or help him get laid because I think he needs it"

"Are you joking?"

"I'm sorry" Sung Yoon apologized.

"Just, go be with him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble or end up doing something bad. You can use your powers "

"Yeah, but remember, if we use too much of our powers, we will end up invisible, disappearing from the lives of people and ghosts who can see us"

"Stop making excuses"

"But I can't leave you alone!" This was the very reason why she was still here and not with her family and friends.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. You haven't seen your families or friends in a long time. Is time to put away your selfishness and go visit them. Stay with them and help them live a good life" Hae Jin desperately tried to convince her, again but she got angry. Just like every time he told her to leave and go visit her family.

He has been advising her to do so for the past years. But she never took his advice and it always ended with her getting angry. Just like now.

"You know, this is one of the things I hate about you. Think about yourself! Is not bad to be selfish sometimes!" Sung Yoon stood up, pissed.

Deciding to leave the room, she threw the comic book she was reading at Hae Jin before exiting, slamming the door behind her.

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed, picking up the comic book (On the bed) which dropped before him after his good friend threw it at him.

Looking at the book cover, he finally saw it clearly, the cover was about two males kissing.

One had long blonde hair and he actually thought he was a woman when he first saw it.

But no, he was wrong!!

Almost immediately, Hae Jin threw the book away, startled.

He did not see this coming. What was his friend reading?

Did she seriously read this with her brother?

What were both of thinking?

He thought before silently eyeing the book on the floor.

Was it (the comic book) that good? 

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