
Years Later 26

😊Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

😊Sung Yoon: Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

😄Hae Jin: Thank you.

😙Author: Hey, old man.

😠Hae Jin: Shut up!


Including the year Tae Jin left, it's been 12years since he and Hae Jin parted ways.

During their time apart, a lot happened.

Hae Jin practiced using his powers and has now mastered them. However, he can't lift up heavy stuffs, example is the center table. Yeah, that bitch or bastard.

Apart from that, he can use his powers to touch and hold almost everything in the house.

Oh, almost forgot. There's also one more thing he can't use his powers to touch or hold and that's the doors (Entrance front door and back doors) and its doorknobs. Not to forget, the windows as well.

There's still that strong force, trapping him in and no matter how much he tried, he still can't get out. Sung Yoon was right, he really can't use his powers to escape this place.

And that's not all! Guess what? he hasn't seen a single memory or memories of his past ever since Tae Jin's sixth birthday. For the past years till now, he hasn't experienced any headache, passed out or seen any memories when asleep.

Well, might also be because (Why he hasn't seen any memories from his past life while he's asleep) he hasn't slept in the master bedroom since that one time.


And in a few days, it will be Tae Jin's birthday. His 17th birthday.


Even though they haven't met or seen each for the past 12years, Hae Jin still remembers and keeps track of his birthdays and ages, and he has stored the date into his head.

April 5, that's Tae Jin's birthday.

Even after all these years, Hae Jin still remembers Tae Jin and every second shared with him in perfect details as if the memories he had with him was only yesterday.

And he still wishes to see Tae Jin again even though he hates to admit this.

Is the kid doing alright? Was he back in Korea or was he still abroad?

He has been asking himself these questions for years now and has never gotten an answer.

And he believe he never will because the person who can answer all of his questions wasn't here and will never be here.

Tae Jin has forgotten all about him.

He was certain of this.

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed depressedly, turning to face the right side of the bed he lied on in his now favorite room, which was the bedroom opposite the master bedroom.

He had no idea why, but he loved this room more than the others. He was comfortable here and that was enough to make this room his favorite hideout.

Hae Jin was all alone in the house because Sung Yoon left the house to go on a walk which he didn't think was a good idea but she left anyways, saying it was boring staying in the house doing nothing.

In his case, he was fine staying in. He no longer felt lonely (Because he had Sung Yoon and knew she will come back no matter how long she's gone) neither was he depressed about the fact that he can't leave the house (Because he knew it was only a matter of time and patience)

Also, he wasn't depressed about the fact that he can't fully use his powers to touch all the stuffs in the house.

After all, he can now use his powers to touch doorknobs, turn and open doors. Of course, the bedroom doors. He can also touch cooking stuffs and so on.

Not like they even cook in house but it was all practice.

Besides all that, his only concern was about the fact that, he still can't use his powers to raise up the center table.

The other heavy stuffs in the house didn't concern him but the damn center table did. Still feels like its mocking him. Making fun of him because he still can't raise it up with his powers.

However, blaming it on Sung Yoon as the bad teacher did lower down his concern thoughts.

Poor Sung Yoon and she had no idea of this.

"Hey, Hae Jin, are you in there? I'm back" that was Sung Yoon and she was back from her walk.

Great! As if this news will end his miserable life and help him crossover to the other side.

Okay, so, he was depressed after all! What kind of life was he living?!

Now, Hae Jin wants nothing more but to cross over to heaven.

Even his wish and prayers to find out about his past, those two people (In his memories), who they were and how he died was no longer important to him.

He just wanted peace, to get away from this boring life he was living.

"I'm here, come in" Sung Yoon walked through the door even though she can open the door and enter.

Well, there was no need to avoid using her powers to open the door now because he can do the same. He no longer felt jealous when Sung Yoon did after all.

Inside, Sung Yoon made her way to the study table in the room. Drawing the chair to take a seat on it, she faced Hae Jin's direction with a smile on her face.

"Face me, I have some good news to share with you" Sung Yoon said in a cheer tone. Hae Jin sat up on the bed, looking at Sung Yoon with a tired expression.

*Sigh, he sighed, "What"

"Look a bit happy will you? This is not the end of the world"

"Whatever. So, did you find something about the old woman?" He asked even though he knew Sung Yoon only went out for a walk. For the past twelve years, the old woman who used to pay Hae Jin a visit never showed up.

Worried sick about her, he asked Sung Yoon to search for her..........

Truth be told, Sung Yoon was the one who suggested to finding out about the old woman.

And Hae Jin believe it was because she didn't like how worried he was.

He just hope there's good news this time because there hasn't been one since this search begun.

Attentive and waiting for her answer, Hae Jin watched Sung Yoon as she sighed exhaustedly.

"You know, the description you gave about her, is not helpful" Gray hair, brown eyes, short in height, a bit fat.

What the heck was up with this description? Thousands of people where exactly as he described the poor woman!

"But, I said exactly what I saw"

"Yeah, well, it wasn't helpful. Do you even know how to describe someone? You suck at it!"

"Shut up! Just tell me"

"Well, lucky, I found out about a ghost who knows her. I heard he lives nearby and has interest in her. Used to follow her around like a horny dog"

"Language Sung Yoon" Hae Jin said, rolling his eyes but Sung Yoon ignored him as she continued.

"Is some old weird dead dude. The old dude really made it his life mission to follow her around I tell"

None of that mattered to him! "So, what did you find?" 

"That's all, there's nothing else"

"And, this is your so-called good news?" Great! And here he actually thought this weird old dude had information about the nice old lady.

" The good news is, I found Tae Jin, he's back"

"What?" Hae Jin proclaimed in shock, eyes widened.

Was this really good news?!!

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